Evil All Along: Difference between revisions

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** Subverted: it appears that {{spoiler|Snape}} was evil all along after {{spoiler|he kills Dumbledore}}. But then it turns out that {{spoiler|it was all part of Dumbledore's [[Gambit Roulette]] and Snape really was good}}.
** A more straight example: Peter Pettigrew, a.k.a. Ron's pet rat Scabbers, who turns out to be the one who betrayed Harry's parents to Voldemort and concealed himself as a rat for 12 years, leaving his friend Sirus Black to receive the blame.
** There's also the matter of Mad-Eye Moody in ''[[Harry Potter/Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (novel)|Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire]]''. Even though it's not really Mad-Eye, but [[Ax Crazy]] Barty Crouch Jr. impersonating him, it's still an Evil All Along situation.
* Nicolae Carpathia in the ''[[Left Behind]]'' books, though nobody but the Tribulation Force and those who have once been in Nicolae's close circle of friends really know just how evil Nicolae is under the public persona he projected up to the midpoint of the Tribulation. After he is indwelt by Satan, Nicolae's façade slowly cracks and the public gets to see the true person underneath. Strangely, though, Jesus berated Nicolae in his [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]], saying to him that [[You Could Have Used Your Powers for Good]], which became a point of contention for some readers.
* In [[Jack Vance]]'s ''The Gray Prince'', the titular Prince was a childhood friend to heroine Schaine; and for most of the book she firmly keeps in mind that, whatever his [[Big Bad Friend|present political views]], he once [[I Owe You My Life|saved her brother's life.]] And then it turns out he in fact hated their family to the point of deliberately allowing her brother to be horribly injured and only claimed credit for the deed later.
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* In ''[[Mortal Kombat 9]]'' and onward, Sindel was a hard character to like, given her part in the slaughter of the Earthrealm Warriors; not helped by her attitude in ''X'' where she tries to convince Cassie she is loving mother to Kitana (who is now a reverent due to what happened) and "offers" the same "upbringing" to Cassie. Despite this, fans still considered her more victim than villain, given her seemingly tragic backstory: forced to marry Shao Kahn after he invaded Edienia, murdered Sindel’s husband Jerrod, and eventually committing suicide from grief, then later resurrected as a [[Brainwashed and Crazy]] slave, forced to become a living weapon. How can you condemn a woman who has been through that? Well, in the DLC story mode Aftermath, all that is proven to be a lie. Shang Tsung convinces the good guys to resurrect her precisely because her heroic, non-brainwashed personality will help ensure their success against Kronika. What she does instead is join with Shao Kahn and, between them, help Shang Tsung basically wreck everything the good guys have been trying to accomplish for their own ambitions while proclaiming genuine love for one another. As this happens it's revealed that her death was ''not'' a suicide, but murder by sorcerer Quan Chi; she was not forced to marry Shao Kahn but did so of her own will, much preferring how he would flaunt his power and privilege in true [[Evil Overlord]] fashion to Jerrod's being a ruler for and of the people. Worst of all, Jerrod was killed not by Shao Kahn, but by Sindel herself. Having revealed her true self as a beast even darker than she was as a reverent, Sindel lost ''almost''<ref>Some fans blame the developers for a bad storyline, and still hope future installments in the series might change the continuity to a more benign Sindel</ref> all the support she had.
* Wesker, from ''[[Resident Evil (video game)|Resident Evil]]''. Even if you're going into the first game "blind" and know nothing about the franchise's overall lore, the leader of the STARS team (which the heroes are members of) is pretty suspicious. He [[Sunglasses at Night|looks evil]], [[Evil Sounds Deep| sounds evil]], tends to disappear just when he'd be useful and [[Bad Liar|never gives straight answers as to why]]; frankly, it comes as no surprise to most players when they find out he ''is'' evil, although he gets far ''more'' evil in subsequent games.
* In ''[[Shantae|Shantae and the Seven Sirens]]'', the heroine meets Armor Baron, a brother of her old foe Ammo Baron. Armor Baron insists he's more benevolent than his greedy industrialist brother, even offering to make "genie armor" for Shantae and Sky, so long as [[Fetch Quest|Shantae brings him the materials]]. However, it turns out Armor Baron is, if anything, even worse than his brother, as the "genie armor" turns out to be restraints that he uses to sell the pair to Squid Baron as "life-size" collectible action figures. He's also a [[Dirty Coward]], and if Shantae confronts him later, he pays her off to avoid getting his clock cleaned.
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