Evil Is Cool: Difference between revisions

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** Also [[Omnicidal Maniac|Davros]].
** Brother Lassar. He's played by Anthony Head. Nothing more needs to be said.
* While many villains in [[Game of Thrones]] clearly do ''not'' fit, many other morally degenerate ones do. Daenerys Targaryen has always been cool, but degenerating into a merciless [[Knight Templar]], has only made her ten times more awesome.
* Captain John Hart of ''[[Torchwood]]''. Kills someone and then says, totally bored, "Thirsty now". Casually admits he killed someone, apologises for the mess, clears a bar of all he considers ugly, and orders one shot of every drink in the bar. Then drinks what appears to be an entire bottle of Vodka. In one go. With no noticeable side effects. Comes out with regular quips. The only person who really gets the better of him is Gwen Cooper. It helps the same actor played Spike in Buffy, and there is a definite similarity between the two.
* Malcolm Tucker from ''[[The Thick of It]]'', possibly the only political satire character ever to have been likened to [[Star Wars|Darth Vader]].
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** [[Robotic Psychopath|Brainiac]] was also very popular, and, unlike [[Even Evil Has Standards|Lionel]], had absolutely no redeeming qualities. Being played by [[James Marsters]] explains a part of his appeal, but a lot of it seems to be rooted in the fact that, well, he had [[Complete Monster|no redeeming qualities]]. When a show is as full of [[Designated Villain]]s, [[Idiot Ball|imbeciles]], and [[Wangst]] as ''Smallville'', it was rather nice to have a [[The Chessmaster|smart]] [[Pure Evil]] villain who we could [[Love to Hate]]. Being a [[Shape Shifter|shapeshifting]] [[Badass Bookworm]] and [[Evil Teacher]] also added to his cool factor.
* Just in general, on many reality TV shows, the villains are much more memorable and recognizable than the heroes are.
== Music ==