Evil Is Cool: Difference between revisions

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** [[Robotic Psychopath|Brainiac]] was also very popular, and, unlike [[Even Evil Has Standards|Lionel]], had absolutely no redeeming qualities. Being played by [[James Marsters]] explains a part of his appeal, but a lot of it seems to be rooted in the fact that, well, he had [[Complete Monster|no redeeming qualities]]. When a show is as full of [[Designated Villain]]s, [[Idiot Ball|imbeciles]], and [[Wangst]] as ''Smallville'', it was rather nice to have a [[The Chessmaster|smart]] [[Pure Evil]] villain who we could [[Love to Hate]]. Being a [[Shape Shifter|shapeshifting]] [[Badass Bookworm]] and [[Evil Teacher]] also added to his cool factor.
* Just in general, on many reality TV shows, the villains are much more memorable and recognizable than the heroes are.
* A series of ads for Jaguar automobiles, beginning around 2015, portrayed Jaguar as '''the''' car of [[Evil Brit|movie villains played by Britishers]], with the [[Catch Phrase]] "It's good to be bad."
== Music ==