Evil Is Cool: Difference between revisions

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* The homely Sligs from [[Oddworld]]. Perhaps it’s the combination of [[Artificial Limbs|slick cybernetics]], glowing [[Electronic Eyes|red visors]] and [[Kinetic Weapons Are Just Better|standard issue rifles]]. If [[Evil Is Sexy|Evil Makes Them Sexy]] (and each to their own), the fact that they shoot at you on sight is [[The Masochism Tango|just gravy]].
* Through not exactly a villain at the moment(but perhaps will be a antagonist an X-Pack), the [[Knight Templar]] Angel Imperius from [[Diablo III]] seems to be heading in this direction given his badass armor design and {{spoiler|the short but badass fight between him and Diablo at the beginning of Act IV}}.
* [[Laughably Evil]] [[Wicked Witch]] Gruntilda Winkybunion from ''[[Banjo-Kazooie]]''; even her name [[Awesome McCoolname| is outrageously funny]], and she steals the show in ''every'' scene she appears in.
== Web Comics ==