Evil Is Sexy/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''In the night, come to me''<br />
''You know I want your Touch of Evil''<br />
''In the night, please set me free''<br />
''I can't resist a Touch of Evil''|'''[[Judas Priest]]''', ''[[Intercourse with You|A Touch of Evil]]''}}
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{{quote|''She's wearing red leather. I mean, '''red leather'''?? Of '''course''' she's evil!''|'''Haley''', ''[[The Order of the Stick]]''.}}
{{quote|''Hitler had Eva Braun<br />
Manson had Squeaky Fromme<br />
Ted Bundy got lots of dates<br />
I wonder what I'm doing wrong...''|'''Bill Hicks''', "Chicks Dig Jerks"}}
{{quote|''"Sweet, Sly and Sexy, that's me!"''|'''Purge''', ''Space Channel 5 Part 2''}}
{{quote|...the devil hath power<br />
T'assume a pleasing shape...|''Hamlet'', [[William Shakespeare]]}}
{{quote|'''Zeus''': "Are the wickedest queens always the comeliest?"<br />
'''Hercules''': "Usually."|''[[Incredible Hercules]]''}}
{{quote|"What a woman she must be! I long to see her, ... that I may form some idea of those bewitching powers which can do so much — engaging at the same time, and in the same house, the affections of two men, who were neither of them at liberty to bestow them — and all this without the charm of youth! ... [B]y all that I can gather Lady Susan possesses a degree of captivating deceit which it must be pleasing to witness and detect."|'''Reginald de Courcy,''' ''[[Lady Susan]]'' by [[Jane Austen]]}}
{{quote|''Some say the world will end in fire,<br />
Some say in ice.<br />
From what I've tasted of desire<br />
I hold with those who favor fire.''|'''[[Robert Frost]]'''}}
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{{quote|"Have you ever watched a [[Slasher Film]] and, when the murderous fiend is unmasked, thought, "I'm strangely attracted to that person?"|'''Vegan Voorhees''', [http://www.hudsonlee.com/?p=3412 November Knockdown: Sexy Psychos]}}
{{quote|''And I confess that what we do is not so nice<br />
And I confess that all this evil has its price<br />
And I confess our characters are full of vice<br />
And I confess our power-hunger isn’t wise<br />
<br />
But admit this velvet cloak looks good on me<br />
But admit Ithis turnvelvet youcloak onlooks togood a high degree<bron />me
But admit myI longturn blondyou hairon isto nice toa see<brhigh />degree
But admit my long blond hair is nice to see
Just admit I’m irresistibly sexy''|'''Voldemort Wizard Metal''', ''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRx4JXuWczg "Evil Is Sexy"]'' }}
{{quote|'''Trooper''': Is that even anatomically possible?<br />
'''Cain''': ...[[Little No|no]]. And even if it were, it would be against regulations.|about a decoration in a Slaaneshi Cult's lair, ''[[Ciaphas Cain|The Traitor's Hand]]''}}