Extinctioners: Difference between revisions

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* [[Animal Superheroes]]
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Vague (due to [[Grand Theft Me|outside interference]])
* [[Barefoot Cartoon AnimalsAnimal]]s
* [[Biological Mashup]]
* [[Captain Ersatz]] and the Uncanny [[Expy]]-Men: it's not hard to figure out which eXtinctioners are [[X-Men]] Turned Furry.
* [[Complete Monster]]: Several villains are particularly vicious, but special genocidal mention needs to be made for the [[Big Bad]]s of the first two story arcs, [[Meaningful Name|Noah Mahn]] and [[Sdrawkcab Name|Xenif]]
* [[Differently-Powered Individual]]: The term for powered individuals is "hybrid"
* {{spoiler|[[Earth All Along]]}}
* [[Furry Confusion]]: Averted in that, on Alden at least, only mammals are anthro while reptiles and birds fill the "non-intelligent animal" roles (with the notable exception of Phenix)
* [[Petting Zoo People]]