Extreme Dinosaurs: Difference between revisions

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* [[Action Prologue]]: First episode, "Out of Time"
* [[Adult Child]]: Haxx and Spittor. Well, mostly Haxx. Haxx believes in Santa Claus and tried to behave himself so he could get presents for Christmas. He was actually the only one on his team with a Christmas spirit.
* [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]]: Raptors (as a species, not only Bad Rap, Spittor, and Haxx).
* [[Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever]]: The Raptors, in Episode "Tiptoe through the Tulips".
* [[Badass Normal]]: Bad Rap, given that his [[Wave Motion Gun]] was broken in the first episode, relies mostly on his teeth and the [[Villain Ball]].
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* [[Doomsday Device]]: Various machines, chemicals, and other methods used by the Raptors to bring about global warming.
* [[Everything's Better with Dinosaurs]]: The entire premise of the show.
* [[Evil Laugh]]: Bad Rap does these on occasion, usually [[Near Villain VictoryEucatastrophe|when he has good reason]].
* [[Fatal Flaw]]: Titanium: Despite being able to smash through concrete walls and break secure bonds, tianium alloys are unable to be bent or dented by the main characters unless it's a plot requirement
* [[Fantastic Racism]] : The Raptors refer to the humans as "hairless mammals".
* [[Forced Prize Fight]]
* [[Fish Out of Water]]: Despite being given sapience and knowledge, they start off very unaccustomed to living from 65 million years ago into the present day. Bullzeye tries to adapt by ordering things of shopping channels and the internet. [[Idiot Ball|He repeatedly forgets the things he buys were intended for humans]]:
{{quote|'''T-Bone:''' Bullzeye, we're dinosaurs. You don't ''need'' hair products if you don't have hair.}}
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* [[Incredible Shrinking Man]]: Two episodes invoke this trope, however one was a Freak Accident on the protagonists and the other from a [[Transformation Ray]]
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: Haxx. has proven himself the nicest one out of the trio of Raptors in the episode "''Holiday on Ice''".
* [[Joker Immunity]]: The Raptors have survived falls, been covered in snow, and even were ''entirely frozen in ice'', and yet are always reunited and perfectly healthy in the next episode.
* [[Kill All Humans]]: The Raptors' plots all involve heating up the Earth, making it pleasant for reptiles, but not so good for us humans.
* [[Large and In Charge]]: All of the Extreme Dinosaurs and Raptors, T-bone and Bad-Rap respectively as leaders.