FATAL: Difference between revisions

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* [[Brawn Hilda]]: Any lady with physical strength.
* [[Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick]]: The entire rulebook reads like this. For example, while listing wrestling moves and explaining how each works, it [[Big Lipped Alligator Moment|inexplicably describes how to rape one's opponent in the process]], then continues on with regular wrestling. Even the [[squick]] has its own sub-squick: Modifiers when calculating a character's Vaginal Circumference Potential include *1d20 if slut, *5 if old aged, and -95 if infant.
* [[But itIt Really Happened!]]: The authors cited a book on prostitution in Medieval France as evidence that all of their sexual content is historically based.
* [[Character Alignment]]: Two axes, "ethical" and "moral", which are exactly the same as D&D's [[Chaotic Neutral|chaotic]] and [[Neutral Evil|evil]] respectively, just with different names.
** [[Call a Hit Point a Smeerp]]
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* [[Class and Level System]]: The Professions system, essentially. There's well over 100 professions with possibilities for multi-classing, but the multi-class system is broken. Each level taken doubles the experience point cost of the next level, but only for that one class. At level ten, you can level up a new class to level 5 in less time it takes you to level up your current class to level 11.
* [[Conservation of Detail]]: Averted. There's a lot of unnecessary detail here, cluttering up the game.
* [[Conveniently -Common Kink]]: Sexual deviancy is a sliding scale, so anyone who does X is guaranteed to do A-W.
* [[Critical Existence Failure]]: Averted. If you get wounded, you will feel it.
* [[Cursed Withwith Awesome]] / [[Blessed Withwith Suck]]: The Anakim have the chance to gain many useful powers randomly at character creation (such as the ability to cast certain spells once per day at will), but the chart these are rolled on also contains disadvantages (mainly physical alterations that lower the physical or facial charisma stats), things that prevent the character from interacting with society (such as emitting odors), or things which make the character downright unplayable (such as traits which force the character to make Drive checks to resist the urge to [[Fantastic Racism|kill members of a certain race on sight]].)
* [[Dead Baby Comedy]]: A lot of it was intended. In one grisly example, if a certain artifact is destroyed it "showers the surrounding area in baby parts".
* [[Death by Childbirth]]: Possibly because you were ''raped by a sword and gave birth to a spear''. This is an actual magical weapon quality. Plus the obvious, that the rules state that anything passing through the vagina that exceeds its circumference (like, say, a baby's head) has a chance of causing fatal rupture.
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* [[Doorstopper]]: The official rulebook is 900+ pages long.
* [[Empty Levels]]: The only benefit to advancing in most professions is additional skill points to spend on class skills, which means (due to the fact that experience required for each successive level ''doubles'' every level), one is best off advancing in several closely-related classes, rather than focusing on one and trying to max it out.
* [[Evil isIs Sexy]]: Averted [[in-universe]]; dark elves are repulsively ugly and rely on illusion spells to seduce other races.
* [[Experience Points]]: You gain very small amounts of experience for jobs associated with that profession. They're all mostly mundane activities, so gaining experience can be very tedious.
** Warriors gain 10-20 EXP ''per swing'' of their sword, while basket-weavers gain maybe 1 EXP per ''basket''.
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** The constant euphemisms for reproductive organs, most notably "fuckstick", "cuntpipe", and "Manhood".
** They insist that the [[Game Master|GM]] be referred to as the Aodile, the Aedile, or the MM (Maim Master).
** That isn't the character sheet, it's the character ''sheets''. [[Loads Andand Loads Ofof Rules|Which it is.]]
* [[Jackass Genie]]: The "Wish" spell allows the player to wish for anything, which the GM then provides. The manual encourages the GM to interpret the wish in the worst possible way.
* [[Jesus Taboo]]: The alleged setting is "like medieval Europe <ref>("Neveria", the official setting, is described in a supplemental PDF)</ref>, only with no Christianity" ...which is the cultural equivalent of "the Atlantic Ocean, only without water".
* [[Kill 'emEm All]]: The [[Title Drop|"Fatal"]] spell, when cast, kills everything on whatever horrid world the game takes place on, including the user. All things considered, it's probably [[Mercy Kill|the most merciful action you can perform in this game]].
* [[Lamarck Was Right]]: The stats of a child are determined by applying a percentage modification to the average of their parents' stats.
* [[Loads and Loads of Rules]]: A character "sheet" consists of ''11'' (single-sided) sheets of paper. Oh, and did we mention how the rulebook is 900 pages?
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* [[Mind Rape]]: Some of the racist magic armor does this to the wearer.
* [[Mood Whiplash]]: What claims [[Blatant Lies|(falsely)]] to be historically accurate scholarship is stuck next to things like the aforementioned racist armor and a spell failure table that among other things summons randy gay ogres, which Byron Hall admitted were only included [[For The Lulz]].
* [[No WomansWoman's Land]]: The setting.
* [[O-Ring Orifice]]: Averted by the various orifice [[depth]] stats.
* [[Our Dwarves Are All the Same]]: Surprisingly, averted. White Dwarves are pretty much the same, but Black Dwarves have a strong influence of [[The Fair Folk]] in them and Brown Dwarves resemble the tamer, post-Fair Folk fairy tales.
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* [[Random Number God]]
* [[Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil]]: Averted most gruesomely. It's barely a crime (less punishable than a wife keeping an untidy house) and mildly punished but usually ignored... and instead the woman is punished. To boot, ''half the males in the world'' are rapists in the game's universe.
* [[Sophisticated asAs Hell]]: This is what happens when dark, edgy, [[Serious Business]] meets fart jokes. "Experience an accumulation of gas in their rectum", indeed.
* [[STD Immunity]]: You'd think STDs would be pretty major in a game which places such heavy focus on sexual activity, but they're never so much as mentioned.
* [[Title Drop]]: The spell "FATAL". It destroys all life, everywhere.
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* [[The Unfair Sex]]: Inverted with the "Chastity Belt of Cursed Impregnation". Cursed or not, this item impregnates anyone who puts it on.<ref>(Given the awfulness of FATAL, it's safe to assume that the [[Mister Seahorse]] trope is in effect).</ref> If it's a cursed belt, then the unborn child will always be a girl. [[Unfortunate Implications|Yes, apparently being forced to have a daughter instead of a son is considered a curse.]]
* [[Unusual Dysphemism]]: "Fuckstick", "Cuntpipe", and "Mouth-cunt".
* [[Viewers Areare Morons]]: The book contains ''paragraphs'' describing to the reader what things like salt and cheese are.
* [[What Could Have Been]]: Even the extremely negative MacLennan/Sartin review acknowledged that there were some good ideas to be found in this morass and some of the math systems, while labyrinthine, do actually work well.
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not Symbolic]]: While Christianity itself is absent from the game, there are many spells such as "[[Walk On Water]]", "waves be still", and "multiplication of loaves and fish".