Fallout: New Vegas/Characters/Dead Money: Difference between revisions

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=== Dog/God ===
{{quote| '''Voiced by:''' Dave B. Mitchell<br />
''"Master, where is master? Did he go away? Dog will be good this time..."'' }}
{{quote| ''"You think I'm afraid of your collar exploding, killing us? No, I'll leave you breathing, then keep walking until my collar goes cold. I'll prop your broken body in view of the Sierra Madre so you can see what you came to steal…forever out of reach as you die."''}}
Dog/God is a new companion in the Dead Money DLC. He's a Nightkin with Split Personality Disorder, who was the one who kidnapped you and put [[Your Head Asplode|that slave collar on you.]] He switches between personalities when you play certain holotapes for him.
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=== Christine Royce ===
{{quote| '''Voiced by:''' Veronica Belmont and [[Laura Bailey]]<br />
''"Love makes people do strange things. Won't argue that. It can drive you crazy sometimes if you can't... connect." '' }}
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=== Dean Domino ===
{{quote| '''Voiced by:''' Barry Dennen<br />
''"Get up without my permission, I'll blast your ass so far through your head, it'll turn the moon cherry pie red."'' }}
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* [[Jerkass]]: And arguably {{spoiler|breaks through to [[Complete Monster]] territory when he [[Motive Rant|rants]] about how he planned everything just because Sinclair seemed happier than him. Oh, and he's the one who rigged Christine's autodoc to tear out her vocal chords. Even if you save him, his ending strongly suggests he has no remorse for what he's done.}}
** [[Heel Realization]]: He goes through a momentary one in the ending where he survives, when he finds out what happened to Sinclair and Keyes. A very momentary one, but seemingly enough for him to let go of the Sierra Madre.
{{quote| '''Dean''': ''(endgame narration)'': ''That night, Dean finally figured out what had happened to Sinclair and Vera Keyes. [[My God, What Have I Done?|He felt strangely sad for a moment]], but he has no idea why.''}}
* [[Karmic Death]]: {{spoiler|Sinclair planned to do this to him. When Dean showed up at the Sierra Madre to rob everything Sinclair owns and leave him a broke wreck, the vault would trigger a trap and lock him there forever, without any food or water. Dean never made it down there though, so it never happened.}}
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Through and through. {{spoiler|The first time you meet him, he dupes you into sitting on a pressure mine. Later, he reveals that he machinated the Sierra Madre's construction, which means that a lot of the unpleasantness in the region can be traced back to him.}}
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=== Father Elijah ===
{{quote| '''Voiced by:''' Richard Herd<br />
''"Play stupid, play clever, make the mistake of saying 'no'? That collar on your neck'll go off and take your head with it."'' }}
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** Goes on at length about how ''baffled'' he is over the hysterical greed that eventually consumes his "volunteers," leading them to slaughter each other over the treasure of the Sierra Madre. After all, it means he has to enslave a new crowd of people so ''he'' can claim the treasure of the Sierra Madre. He's probably drawing a distinction between monetary greed and his own, more ambitious ends, but still.
** He talks down to the player for using a Pip-Boy, despite the fact that you can clearly see him using one to activate the vault's security systems.
{{quote| '''Elijah''': "That thing on your wrist - it's a convenience. It tells you where to go, what to do, dulls the brain."}}
** He dismisses the Holorifle ''he gave you'' as an obsolete version, only to complain that he didn't bring it with him over the radio.
* [[Karmic Death]]: {{spoiler|You can kill him in normal combat, or trick him into locking himself inside the vault.}}
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** Not to mention the way he insisted the Brotherhood keep fighting the NCR, despite the fact that it was pretty obvious they ''didn't'' have reserves, whereas the NCR did. This resulted in the NCR slaughtering about half of the Mojave wasteland Brotherhood of Steel at Helios.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: Has a very impressive one if {{spoiler|you opt to seal him inside the Vault forever.}}
{{quote| '''Elijah''': "What... alarms? What's goin- '''You. Think you can run? Think you can TRICK ME!?''' This entire structure is mine to command! Security, weapons, all this technology, '''mine'''! Now, you will die. You think you've outsmarted me? You're the one on a leash, you always were! ''(sprays Gauss rifle fire everywhere then activates your collar)''. Escape? No. That cold hand on your throat is mine. It always was." ''(later)'' "You can't outrun me! You were always under my control! Do you hear me? '''DO YOU HEAR ME?'''"}}
** He also has a similar breakdown if you just destroy all his turrets, he'll completely lose it and come charging out of his forcefield with a gauss rifle.
* [[Visionary Villain]]: He plans to use the invincible hologram enemies found in the DLC to take over the Mojave.
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=== Vera Keyes ===
{{quote| '''Voiced by:''' Laura Bailey<br />
''"Love. Life. Family. Those to care for and those who will care for you. To those who know these joys, the Sierra Madre holds little they don't already have."'' }}
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=== Frederick Sinclair ===
{{quote| ''The door has sealed, the elevator has left. Even {{spoiler|Vera's voice}} will not unlock it. Know that on the night of the Gala Event I shall raise my glass and whisper, "Fortunato".''}}
The owner of Sierra Madre. He was introduced to Vera Keyes by Dean Domino and [[Love At First Sight|fell in love with her at first sight]], building the Sierra Madre as a shrine to her. He used his immense wealth to commission new technologies, such as Holograms and Dispensers, to ensure that Sierra Madre would survive the apocalypse. {{spoiler|He later realised that Dean and Vera had been conning him, and consumed with vengeance he transformed the Sierra Madre from a shelter into a deathtrap. However, when Vera confessed her role to him and revealed that she was being blackmailed by Dean, he realised that he truly ''did'' love her and rushed to disarm the Sierra Madre's traps. Unfortunately, he was too late to act before the bombs fell}}.