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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Heartwarming.Fallout3 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Heartwarming.Fallout3, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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** In an earlier example, right after meeting James' child, he ends his radio message with a plea to James to let his son/daughter know how they are doing, because their child misses them.
* Finishing the violin quest for Fallout 3 and listening to it on the radio, while looking over the wasteland.
** Agatha is a sweet old lady who's managed to use her musical talent and find joy in a [[Crapsack World]]. There's nothing about her that ''isn't'' heartwarming, and it's a colder bastard than this troper who can [[VideogameVideo Game Caring Potential|give the last violin in the world]] to anyone but her.
** And it was from a Vault that turned the dwellers into mindless killing machines, you were giving hope back to the wasteland, another chance to listen to that sweet music again.
* After completing the Reilly's Rangers quest and turning in some map locations, at some point you'll run across Donovan in a fight with some supermutants. He tells you that he tracked you on the Geomapper so he could give you some items. If you ask why, he just smiles and says "Rangers take care of their own."
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Two weeks later, you wake up and realize wake up and look around, seeing Elder Lyons has been keeping tabs on your status, as well as any followers you may or may not have had. You just found that you hadn't died and can't find peace in the afterlife as you thought you were going to. You ask Elder Lyons what happened and he explains everything that's been happening. You realize that you didn't die because it wasn't your time to die just yet. Some unearthly, all-knowing entity decided you needed to live because the Wasteland still needs you. So you get up and decide to continue to fight the Enclave until every last one of those bastards is dead. }}
* A minor example: Have good karma and have Fawkes, a Super Mutant, follow you. He'll remark that people are very trusting to let you take him with you. He's right. Because of your good karma, they know you will not hurt them and trust that you'll protect them if Fawkes suddenly snaps.
* One that's also [[Crowning Moment of Funny|pretty funny]] as well as heartwarming: immediately after the Ant-Agonizor/Mechanist Quest in Caterbury Commons ([[VideogameVideo Game Caring Potential|if you convince one or both of them to give up peacefully)]], put on their costume before leaving town. A kid, apparently a fan of the Ant-Agonizor or Mechanist, will pop out of nowhere and ask for your autograph. The kid's [[Squee|sheer excitement]] is hilarious, and it's really sweet that even in [[Crapsack World|the Wasteland]], at least ''one'' of its young residents can still have an idol, and just ''be a kid.'' You can even give the kid the costume!
** What's even more special? You really ''are'' a hero like the kid thinks you are; you just fight different battles.