Fallout 4: Difference between revisions

pothole texts
(Tried to add some more details and examples I found worthy of mention.)
(pothole texts)
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** Generally speaking, NPCs don't handle the verticality of the world very well. Settlers will often determine that the only way to get down from a roof isn't to take the stairs carefully placed to let them up there, but to just walk off a nearby ledge. Raiders, and especially Gunners due to their raised highway forts, will sometimes [[Too Dumb to Live|just walk right off the edge of their vantage points]] and die instantly on contact with the ground.
* [[Artistic License Nuclear Physics]]: As in every other game in the series, the laws of physics have more in common with 1950s pulp ''Science!'' than reality.
* [[Awesome but Impractical|Awesome But Impractical]]:
* [[Awesome Yet Practical]]:
* [[Best Served Cold]]:
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** Considering their [[The Spartan Way|impressive training]], superior armaments compared to most other factions, and usage of [[Powered Armor|Power Armor]], Brotherhood Paladins & Knights ''also'' count as this.
* [[Take That]]: One can sometimes find tiny hairbrushes on dead Deathclaws, which might be a jab at [[Fallout Tactics Brotherhood of Steel|Fallout Tactics']] infamous "hairy Deathclaws" redesign.
* [[Take That, Audience!|Take That, Audience]]: [[Crystal Spires and Togas|The Institute]] can be seen as a subtle middle finger by Bethesda towards the residents of Western nations (who make up the majority of their audience), in how they implicitly accept the abuse of developing nations by their own countries in return for pampered lives and (relative) comfort.
* [[Tech Demo Game]]: Has become one for Bethesda, who have recursively used the improvements made in the engine for a backport to Skyrim, as well as serving as a test bed for their own built-in mod support and delivery platform. Nvidia even used the game with Bethesda's approval as a platform to show off their graphical capabilities with the ''Vault 1080'' mod.
* [[Town with a Dark Secret]]: Vault 81 is a rather benevolent example. On the one hand, it's a rather upbeat time capsule of Pre-War America that's a control vault in all but name, though it's (rationally) wary of outsiders. {{spoiler|But its original purpose, as a testing ground for diseases and bioweapons, was never implemented in the first place. The first Overseer sealing away the few scientists meant to conduct the experiments, while said scientists developed a conscience and willingly accepted their fate}}.