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''[ Attack of the 100 Foot Meg Griffin]'' by Grey-X
* It has [[Attack of the 100 Foot Meg Griffin|its own article now]].
* Recommended by [[Tropers/Burstkiller|Burstkiller]] and [[Tropers/Happy Man|Happy Man]]
* ''Synopsis'': Meg Griffin has always been treated like a reject and an outcast, even by her own family. But when exposure to a strange meteorite transforms her into a towering giantess and she finally snaps, everyone in Quahog had better watch out.
* ''Comments'': For those who been wanting a Meg revenge fic, this one will finally feed your hunger. Great characterizations, a plot that is solid from top to bottom and anime-flavored manatee gags that will leave you in tears. Fic has a very good pre-revival vibe to it and after reading, you might join the other reviewers in telling the author to send it in to Seth himself.
''[ Payback From A Pipe]'' by Meowth's Toon Dragon
* Recommended by [[Tropers/Gordon Schumway|Gordon Schumway]]
* ''Synopsis'': After beating Brian half to death for sleeping with his transgendered father, Quagmire learns that payback and karma can be both extremely vicious and extremely fast when Stewie finds out what happened...
* ''Comments'': If you're one of those people who's disgusted with Quagmire's hypocrisy in hating Brian when he's just about the last person who has any right to look down on anyone, and for beating a completely ignorant Brian at the end of ''Quagmire's Dad'' for something he had absolutely no idea about, then this is the fic for you. Stewie throws all of Quagmire's hypocritical bullshit back in his face, wonderfully deconstructing his original [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]] to Brian by turning all of Quagmire's accusations back towards him, and giving Quagmire the fate he so richly deserves.
** Second opinion by DARTHYAN: That sort of misses the point. Quagmire flat out admits that he does bad things as well. The only difference is that he doesn't try to act like he's a paragon of knowledge and virtue (Brian's claim to be into smart women yet always dating bimbos with good bodies, accusing christians of being ignorant and cruel when he not only failed college twice but failed as a father as well, and preaching on his soapbox about the plight of the poor while not doing jack shit about it). Some of Quagmire's points are legit.
** Yeah, DARTHYAN, YMMV on all of that. While it's true Brian usually doesn't fess up to some of his problems (probably one of this biggest character flaws), it just doesn't change the fact Quagmire is inherently a ''much'' worse person at heart when compared to Brian. He has no problem sexually harassing teenagers, or apparently having his way with a teenage gagged and tied up ("Dear diary- Jackpot."). At least Brian tries to be a good person, even if his own faults tend to sometimes get in the way of that, compared to Quagmire who tends to do whatever he feels can get him laid in a situation most of the time. Oh, and the father thing is complete bullshit. Brian managed to ''completely'' turn that kids life around, from a delinquent to an honestly good person. The reason he went back with his mother was because Peter, Joe, Cleveland, ''and Quagmire'' thought he was being 'too much of a buzzkill' while raising him. So basically, Quagmire is part of the reason he's not raising his kid anymore, yet he still called him out on it during his speech. Quagmire did a good job finding a good home for his daughter until he mentioned he had no problems having sex with her once she turned 18, and during the episode when Peter had to repeat 3rd Grade, saw he had at ''least'' three kids in the school. His response was to promptly run away, so no- Brian isn't the failure as a father, Quagmire is. Brian may not be a saint, but he is when you compare what he's done to what Quagmire has done throughout the years.
*** Rebuttal: Personally, I think the speech definitely should have come from someone other than Quagmire (ideally Joe, considering that he's another of the show's [[Butt Monkey|Butt Monkies]]), but the points ''are'' legit. Also, just because Brian isn't ''raising'' his kid anymore doesn't mean he can't ''see'' him, and the point wasn't that Brian wasn't raising his son, but rather that he never saw his son. Although, again, considering Quagmire has a daughter (and, if the almost-a-cutaway gag is to be believe, multiple illegitimate sons), it would have actually made sense coming from someone other than Quagmire. But, let me make it clear: I'm defending the points themselves, not who they were made by.
** This is coming from Meowth's Toon Dragon himself: When I wrote this story, I was mainly writing it as a way of catharsis after seeing the ending to Quagmire's Dad, an episode I STILL haven't rewatched since then. I am genuinely shocked how well-received its been and the thought of showing it to Seth HAS crossed my mind a few times. Finding it on [[TV Tropes]] is another shock and a huge delight, since I'm a big fan of the site. Since then, even with "Tiegs for Two", my opinion on Quagmire has not changed one bit and Brian is still my favorite character. But it seems maybe the writers HAVE come across my story based on what happened at the end of "Quagmire and Meg". Either way..... it's a big honor to know my work is liked and I couldn't be happier to know its made people entertained!
''[ Faith Toleration]'' by Peach Wookie
* Recommended by [[Tropers/Happy Man|Happy Man]]
* ''Synopsis'': A alternative ending for the infamous episode "Not All Dogs Go To Heaven".
* ''Comments'': If you read this fanfic, you'd wish this was the actual ending of the aforementioned episode. It's wonderfully written, and it's not too long, and offers a much better resolution .
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== [[Shipping|Shipping Fics]] ==
''Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.''
''[ Coming Out]'' by Howling1
* Recommended by Jane Poirot
* ''Pairings'': Brian/Stewie
* ''Synopsis'': After the so-called "gay gene" is discovered, Stewie injects Brian with said gay gene in hopes of making Brian fall in love with him. It succeeds in turning Brian gay, but does not make him necessarily ''love'' Stewie. Needless to say, it creates [[Hilarity Ensues|complications.]]
* ''Comments'': Absolutely brilliant. Done in the exact same style as a ''Family Guy'' episode (only, in this troper's opinion, somewhat more smartly written), this fanfic could easily become an actual episode or special movie. Everyone behaves in-character, and it has some of the classic trademarks of ''Family Guy'' (random flashbacks with celebrities and an over-the-top subplot), and contains shout-outs to previous characters (for example, Brian's gay cousin Jasper, and even the infamous chicken fight). The overall message of the story, if put into the wrong hands, would have come across as a horribly [[Broken Aesop|broken aesop,]] but the author manages to avoid that and create a well-thought out aesop. Without a doubt, one of ''the'' absolute best Family Guy fanfics out there.
** Second opinion by pimpdaddy . I have to disagree on this one. The chapters are very short, and the fact that they need to fill up a good chunk of each chapter with cut-away gags is pretty obnoxious. More than half of the second chapter was just line for line quotes from various episodes as "flashbacks". It doesn't really seem to stand out as a particularly memorable fan fiction, let alone an example of a great one.
''[ Meg's Boyfriend]'' and its sequel ''[ Meg's Family]'', by Malcolm Fox
* It has [[Meg's Family Series|its own article]]
* Recommended by [[Tropers/Happy Man|Happy Man]]
* Pairings: Meg/Original Character, Chris/Jillian
* Synopsis: After being abanonedabandoned by Peter, Meg meets a 7 11 Clerk named Zack, they fall in love and a bunch of crazy stuff happens.
* ''Comments'': One of the best and funniest stories I've ever read, written in episodic format. If you like Meg, and are [[Butt Monkey|tired of the treat she gets on the show (and many Family Guy fanfics)]], you'll like these two great stories. But the author doesn't limit to use just Meg, but practically [[Loads and Loads of Characters|every Family Guy character, as well as a good bunch of OCs]]. None of the characters are [[Out of Character]], the Original Characters are far away from being [[Mary Sue|Mary Sues]] nor [[Spotlight-Stealing Squad|spotlight stealers]]. The author also includes some of Family Guy's most famous gimmicks, like the flashbacks, pop culture references and irreverent humor. Lots of laughs are guaranteed.
''[ The Spellbook]'' by Ander-Arias
* It has [[The Spellbook|its own article]]
* Recommended by [[Tropers/Largo Quagmire|Largo Quagmire]]
* Pairings: Meg/Original Character, Brian/Jillian
* Synopsis: For her eighteenth birthday, Peter, on a last-minute gift-buying trip, buys Meg a spellbook. This spellbook gives Meg magical powers... and things get really crazy really fast, especially after Meg's new boyfriend gets involved.
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''[ Her Pain]'' by ileana.banana
* Recommended by [[Tropers/Underlord Z|Underlord Z]]
* Pairings: Meg/Kevin
* Synopsis: A short one-shot about how Meg has found out that Kevin has died and she feels like her world has fallen apart. Can she accept Kevins death and move on with her life?
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