Fanfic/Nightmare Fuel: Difference between revisions

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* [[Stars Above/Nightmare Fuel|Stars Above]]
* [[Tamers Forever Series/Nightmare Fuel|Tamers Forever Series]]
* [[Nightmare Fuel/Yu Yu Gi Digi Moon/Nightmare Fuel|Yu Yu Gi Digi Moon]]
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* [ All Grown Up!], touted as a "theory" of Rugrats.
* [ This] ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia]]'' fic tells about five times in history that France died. Four of them (the Black Plague, the Battle of Hastings, the American Revolution, and the German invasion of France in World War II) were frightening enough, but the worst was {{spoiler|the French Revolution, which tells how France was beheaded in front of his own people, was still conscious [[And I Must Scream|some time after]], and finally awoke to represent France as a republic.}}
* ''[ For You, I Will]''is a ''[[Twilight (novel)|Twilight]]'' [[Hate Fic]] that took the series' concept of werewolf imprinting and bring it to the logical extreme. {{spoiler|One minor werewolf character imprints in a woman that turns out to be a complete sociopath, who then uses her new "lover" as her weapon for raping and killing other women. The poor guy eventually ends liking it, as he is supernaturally compelled to do everything that she wants to be happy, even if it's immoral or wrong. When his tribe begins to ask too much about their activities, the woman makes him to murder them all, which he complies without protest.]] The worst part? The author didn't even have to twist things to bring us these horrific conclusions; they followed the canon rules exactly as they were exposed by Meyer herself.
** One of the most chilling scenes, both on its coldness and on its canon compliance: {{spoiler|before being genocided, Jacob tried to convince the murderous couple to limit their killings to the criminal and the homeless. Not out of care about the lives of humans, but because the werewolves think that the sake of an imprinting bond is above all things, and if the couple were discovered and caught that bound could suffer.}}