Fanon Discontinuity/Comic Books: Difference between revisions

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Note 2: Do not add examples personal examples. Examples should only be of groups of fandom.
== Canon Discontinuity ==
== Fanon Discontinuity ==
== Negative Continuity ==
[[Category:Examples Need Sorting]]
== DC Comics ==
* Many fans rejected the [[Character Derailment]] of Dr. Leslie Thompkins, ultra-pacifist doctor and well-loved member of [[Batman]]'s supporting cast, and decided that she absolutely did not allow a teenage girl to die an agonizing death in order to teach Bruce some sort of lesson about the dangers of vigilantism. It was later [[Canon Discontinuity|retconned out of existence]] with the [[Author's Saving Throw|revelation that Stephanie Brown didn't actually die. Leslie just lied about it and smuggled her out of the country.]]