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{{quote|''"The faultless and immaculate castes form the lower tiers of elvish society, with the exquisite caste above them. At the pinnacle is the perfect, a consummate blend of aristocrat and predator."''|'''Elvish Promenade''' flavor text, ''[[Magic the Gathering|Magic: The Gathering]]''.}}
{{quote|''"The faultless and immaculate castes form the lower tiers of elvish society, with the exquisite caste above them. At the pinnacle is the perfect, a consummate blend of aristocrat and predator."''|'''Elvish Promenade''' flavor text, ''[[Magic the Gathering|Magic: The Gathering]]''.}}

{{quote|''"They build. You pray. We fight."''|'''Neroon''', ''[[Babylon 5 (TV)|Babylon 5]]''}}
{{quote|''"They build. You pray. We fight."''|'''Neroon''', ''[[Babylon 5]]''}}

In real life, social inequality and social stratification can be problems. However, in science fiction, things are often a lot worse. Fantastic Social Inequality is what happens. This type of fictionalized society generally consists of some measure of central planning by elites, with all of the "dirty work" being done by workers. Expect for the latter to be thought of as a different culture, and in some cases may even be a different species. Rest assured that if this system is particularly oppressive, the heroes are not about to let this lie without trying to reform the system by convincing the rulers to change things or if necessary, instigating or at least supporting a lower caste revolution.
In real life, social inequality and social stratification can be problems. However, in science fiction, things are often a lot worse. Fantastic Social Inequality is what happens. This type of fictionalized society generally consists of some measure of central planning by elites, with all of the "dirty work" being done by workers. Expect for the latter to be thought of as a different culture, and in some cases may even be a different species. Rest assured that if this system is particularly oppressive, the heroes are not about to let this lie without trying to reform the system by convincing the rulers to change things or if necessary, instigating or at least supporting a lower caste revolution.
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== Live Action TV ==
== Live Action TV ==
* ''[[Star Trek the Original Series (TV)|Star Trek the Original Series]]'' episode "The Cloud Minders". The Stratos cloud city dwellers believed the "troglyte" (troglodyte) miners had race-based inferior intellects and used them as slaves, but the miners were actually suffering from zenite gas poisoning.
* ''[[Star Trek the Original Series (TV)|Star Trek the Original Series]]'' episode "The Cloud Minders". The Stratos cloud city dwellers believed the "troglyte" (troglodyte) miners had race-based inferior intellects and used them as slaves, but the miners were actually suffering from zenite gas poisoning.
* The Minbari caste system in ''[[Babylon 5 (TV)|Babylon 5]]''. The Minbari have three castes: Religious, Soldier and Worker (as per the page quote), which each have three representatives on the Minbari ruling council. The Religious and Soldier castes constantly fight each other for dominance while the workers [[Hufflepuff House|are ignored or even forgotten, including by the story]]. The Minbari system was consciously modeled on the Medieval European idea that society was divided between those who work (peasants, serfs, and craftsmen), those who fight (knights and other members of the aristocracy), and those who pray (priests, nuns, and monks).
* The Minbari caste system in ''[[Babylon 5]]''. The Minbari have three castes: Religious, Soldier and Worker (as per the page quote), which each have three representatives on the Minbari ruling council. The Religious and Soldier castes constantly fight each other for dominance while the workers [[Hufflepuff House|are ignored or even forgotten, including by the story]]. The Minbari system was consciously modeled on the Medieval European idea that society was divided between those who work (peasants, serfs, and craftsmen), those who fight (knights and other members of the aristocracy), and those who pray (priests, nuns, and monks).
** Though amusingly enough, {{spoiler|the working class ends up the dominant caste.}}
** Though amusingly enough, {{spoiler|the working class ends up the dominant caste.}}
** [[Word of God]] says that most of the Minbari warships are owned by the worker and religious castes and chartered to the warriors. This explains why the Minbari were able to keep their end up against the Shadows without the help of the Warrior Caste. It also hints that the system is probably complex involving turf wars and assignments of jurisdiction to castes that have little relation to their nominal purpose. Delenn is more a stateswoman then a priestess though she was one of the Sisters of Valeria in her youth.
** [[Word of God]] says that most of the Minbari warships are owned by the worker and religious castes and chartered to the warriors. This explains why the Minbari were able to keep their end up against the Shadows without the help of the Warrior Caste. It also hints that the system is probably complex involving turf wars and assignments of jurisdiction to castes that have little relation to their nominal purpose. Delenn is more a stateswoman then a priestess though she was one of the Sisters of Valeria in her youth.
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