Fantastic Caste System: Difference between revisions

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== Anime and Manga ==
* Though barely explored, the aliens in ''[[NieA 7]]'' has a caste system. The underbar in the title actually contains the words "under", which refers to eponymous character's caste level: "Under Seven", a very low caste. The highest is called Plus Five; a minor character is a Plus Five and is a TV presenter. At the end, he regresses to Under Five and is drinking in a roadside stall.
* The caste system of Tanagura in ''[[Ai no Kusabi]]'' where the elite are genetically engineered humanoids called Blondies. The humans born naturally with dark hair are "mongrels" treated as the lowest of the low that can't even attain citizenship.
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== Comics ==
* The Kalen in ''[[Atavar]]'' have at least a combat and science caste. The combat caste is bigger, broader, and have more square faces than those of the science caste.
* The current{{when}} version of [[Superman|Krypton]] has society divided into Guilds. While it's possible to choose a Guild, most people are expected to enter the same Guild as their parents, especially the Workers' Guild, who seem to have less opportunities to qualify for the others. (The others are Religious, Artist, Military, and Science. Science is, of course, [[Proud Scholar Race|the most important]].)
* In the [[Furry Comic]], ''Xanadu'', the society is divided into three castes in descending order, "Noble" (Fantasy Animals), "Freeborn" (Wild Animals) and the Domestique (Domestic animals). Dealing with this system is the feline [[Gentleman Thief]], Tabbe Le Fauve, who is determined to find his own way against this system and finds that the seemingly flighty Empress Alicia agrees with him, and is determined to reform the system in a politically astute way that will have a real impact.
== Film ==
* The ''[[Mystery Science Theater 3000]]'' featured film, ''The Mole People'', featured a race of evil albino Sumerians ruling over the titular mole people (who looked nothing like moles) and "Marked Ones" (people with normal complexions) in an underground kingdom.