Fantastic Four (Comic Book)/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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** The same reason other nations with nuclear weapons aren't invaded: deterrence. Only in Doom's case, the potential threat level includes things next to which the contemporary nuclear arsenal of the United States looks like popguns. Reed Richards & SHIELD both ran simulations/projections once of the maximum amount of firepower Doom could unleash if he stopped fighting like a supervillain and instead devoted his resources to an actual full-on war: it ''began'' with light-speed anti-matter city-killers fired from orbit and only got worse from there. It's entirely comprehensible why the US government takes no official objection to Doom's ongoing vendetta vs. the Fantastic Four; that is, quite literally, one of the least dangerous things Doom could be doing with his time.
** The above post sums it up quite nicely, but there are additional reasons as well: many countries in the world are highly reliant on Latveria economically and technologically. It's like the USSR, only functional.
*** At least one Marvel tie-in novel, and possibly the comics, also posited that Latveria keeps the Balkans political situation from turning into the real-life Yugoslavian conflict -- which makes sense as Latveria is smack dab in the middle of the Balkans and thus has a vested interest in keeping such tensions away from its borders, and of course has enough power to easily cow the rest of the regional powers into keeping things from becoming loud enough to disturb Doom's nap time.
** When Doom was recently sent to Hell the FF swooped in to take over the country. IIRC, it didn't end well for them.
** The FF did aid the Latverian resistance once, and they overthrew Doom (I think that was FF #200.) Unfortunately, his replacement was a nutcase and the FF eventually let Doom take over again during John Byrne's run on the series. The message was rather clear: Latveria is better off under Doom. Byrne's interpretation seemed to be "Doom is megalomaniacal supervillain to the outside world, but he really does love Latveria.