Fantasy Pantheon: Difference between revisions

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[[File:endless7.jpg|link=Sandman|rightframe|The Endless, going clockwise starting left: Death, Destiny, Dream, Destruction, Desire, Delirium, and Despair.]]
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* It can [[Religion Is Magic|provide a base]] for a world's [[Functional Magic]], particularly clerics, monks and paladins.
* It promotes conflict, especially if you have [[Character Alignment|good vs. evil gods]] or just [[Jerkass Gods]].
* It may be that [[Gods Hands Are Tied|God's Hands Are Tied]] and they need the hero to carry out their mission.
* It provides unique euphemisms for characters to swear [[Oh My Gods]] by.
* What better way to mess with with the character's lives?
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Roughly 9 times out of 10 [[hottip:*:[[Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics|and remember, 68% of all statistics are made up on the spot]], the [[Fantasy Pantheon]] will be polytheistic and each god and goddess will have an [[Anthropomorphic Personification]]. Being a [[Flat Earth Atheist]] is a potentially dangerous prospect. Non-godly spirits, demons and ordinary magical beings don't count, but various lesser gods, demigods and [[Odd Job Gods]] do. Note that while the title says "pantheon", single Gods count too, but they are rarer.
Interestingly, and possibly because of the non-polytheistic background of most sci-fi and fantasy writers, fantasy religions tend to be far more inclined to [http://en.[ |Henotheism]] than most real-world polytheisms. Expect fantasy characters to pick one deity and stick to them rather than worship whichever holds the portfolio most appropriate to the business of the moment.
Compare [[Crossover Cosmology]], [[All Myths Are True]], [[Crystal Dragon Jesus]]. May overlap with [[Original Generation]], if they co-exist with pantheon from actual mythology.
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** The Skaven only have a single god as well: the Horned Rat. Although the jury's still out on whether he's simply a minor Chaos god or not...
* The pantheons of the world of Glorantha in Chaosium's ''[[Rune Quest]]''.
* The deities of Tekumel in Professor M.A.R. Barker's ''[http://en.[ of the Petal Throne|Empire of the Petal Throne]]''
* The Passions in FASA's ''[[Earthdawn]]''
* The Invisible Clergy in Atlas Games' ''[[Unknown Armies (Tabletop Game)|Unknown Armies]]''
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