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* In ''[[Guild Wars]]'', the [[Far East]] is actually far south, combining elements of several Asian nations and some original ones, with the entire continent of Cantha. Would be a [[Wutai]], expect the Canthan campaign is a large as the original generic fantasy one.
* The ''Tengai Makyo'' games operate on this trope: Japan through the eyes of a 19th century American.
* ''[[Final Fantasy Tactics a 2A2]]'' has the ''Eastwatch'', whose party members' names were Japanese.
* Occurs to a limited degree in ''[[Uncharted]] 2'', in which there are a few statues of Buddhist gods in Hindu temples where they don't belong. (There is at least one variant of Hinduism that claims Buddha (as in, Siddharta Gautama) was an avatar of Vishnu, but that's probably not it.) Other than that, though, strikingly averted, going so far as to have [[Bilingual Bonus|dialogue]] in the correct Tibetan dialect and accent for the region.
* ''[[MadWorld]]'': Asian Town, the second area, is brutally [[Lampshaded]] as being [[The Theme Park Version]] of Asia in general. It has ninjas, geishas, sumo wrestlers and various ways to [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|horribly murder people with fireworks]]. Lampshaded where the [[Voice with an Internet Connection]] Amala points out that the people who designed "Great Wall Street" probably haven't even seen a real Chinatown, let alone Asia.