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[[Wild Mass Guess]]es about ''[[Final Destination]]'' include:
== Every single event is a mental projection by Clear Rivers, who is in a psychiatric hospital the entire time after being unable to cope with the death of her boyfriend, being shown in order of her own imagined system of death that does not actually exist, and her own "death" ironically being in a hospital is a result of her own psychotic depression and delusional disorder combined with the death of her boyfriend. Everything shown, including the events leading up to the freak occurrence of her boyfriend's death, is nothing more than her way of making sense of things with an imaginary system, always with new details to fill in the gaps, so she can cope with her own despair. ==
Look at all the less-than-subtle odd references to her in every film. They're all over the place, most notably the "Clear Rivers" signs, and how so many places are, coincidentally, named "Clear Rivers". The constant occurrences could potentially mean everything is made up by Clear after she fails to cope with the death of her boyfriend--aboyfriend—a chance happening--includinghappening—including her own death, which is what happens in Final Destination 2 as a result of leaving the institution while trying to save others, but is only her depression manifesting as a metaphor of her own death in even trying to accept the reality of it, which she is not mentally willing to do. In her attempt to "save" herself, she only causes the deaths of others, all of which die along with her. The ultimate [[Downer Ending]] and her own death in Final Destination 2 is her own conclusion that everything is completely hopeless regardless of her actions, so she chooses to hide inside herself, the only place where things can make any sense. The Final Destination prominently displays a place called "Clear Rivers", right by the site of where another death occurs. At the beginning of the second film, we see her in a psychiatric hospital, who is said to have voluntarily checked in to protect herself from Death, but is killed as a result of leaving the psychiatric hospital--ironicallyhospital—ironically, in a futile attempt to prevent the deaths of others, along with herself and everything she's ever cared for. In other words, Death is just her own way of assigning blame for an accident that caused the death of her boyfriend. Clearly in a [[Despair Event Horizon]] after her boyfriend dies in Final Destination (and explained later in Final Destination 2), she makes sense of her own inner world and circumstances by inventing the system of Death and how it works, which is only a way for her to make sense of the death of her boyfriend by giving Death a sensible and logical "system" to which she consistently makes up new details with every story--astory—a way to explain things which is only a single coincidence of her boyfriend's completely random and senseless death. She creates an entire imaginary timeline, with their own characters and added details and systems from film to film, filling in all the gaps in her own mind, with Final Destination 5 adding context she, herself, needs, in order for everything she has already created in the previous films to make sense. That's why it's a prequel: Clear needs the previous films, or stories in her mind, to make rational sense, at least to her.
Unable to cope with her boyfriend's death being nothing more than an accident, Death becomes her way of coping with the randomness of it and rationalizing it, with which she can't come to terms.
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== [[The Grim Reaper]] is a sadistic bastard who is purposely giving the heroes visions of their upcoming deaths to ensure they and whoever they can save will die in more creative ways for his amusement. ==
How else are you going to explain why the protagonists get the visions in the first place? Then again...
* Pretty much confirmed in <s>Final Destination 4</s> [[Spell My Name Withwith a "The"|THE]] [[Blatant Lies|Final Destination]].
** And then retconned in Final Destination 5.
** Final Destination 5 is a prequel, so probably not.
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== The Grim Reaper and the source of the visions are the two warring entities from [[Tru Calling]]. ==
[[Final Destination]] shows a later stage of the conflict, when they've stopped using Jason Priestly and Eliza Dushku as proxies and are fighting more directly.
== In the ''Final Destination'' series, Death's place has been usurped by the Anti-Christ. ==
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== The events of the film are the direct result of someone in America who has found [[Death Note (Manga)|a little black book]]. ==
Furthermore, he's a fan of gory movies, so he clearly wants to see how much he can get away with. Those visions were clearly ''[[Gambit Roulette|exactly as planned]]''.
* The reason that all the victims previously escaped fatal accidents: The first time was either a case of psychic ability or a fluke. They then get mentioned on the news; the book wielder, who also possesses an extremely warped sense of humour, decides to use them as his next victims. He has so much fun doing so that the subsequent accidents are engineered by the note wielder ''via'' the simple method of writing things along the lines of 'X dies from Y, having previously escaped Z'. Whoever has the black book in question is a very sick puppy and might be someone who knows the victims, which would explain why he's so fond of this particular routine - that is, he finds the panicking entertaining in some way. (While one [[Death Note (Manga)|little black notebook]] ended up in the hands of someone who possesses some standards, twisted though they may be, this one ended-up in the possession of a total headcase.)
* Alternatively, the visions were unrelated to the notebook in question. But its owner has been using it for so long that they've developed a death god-complex and have taken the idea of a group of people escaping death as a personal challenge or affront, which they respond to by trying to inflict maximum terror on their victims before killing them.
== Most of the events of the films are caused by [[Death Note (Manga)|a Kira]] who went to the high school in the first movie. ==
He targeted his bullies on the plane. The survivors are all people whose names he didn't write down; he took the idea that that incident was survivable as a personal affront, and so went sadistic on the survivors. Each subsequent movie's initial "accidents" originally targeted, and killed, specific people whom he hated; he only went after the survivors afterwards.
== [[The Grim Reaper]] is the [[Super Smash Bros.|Master Hand.]] ==
Think about it.
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** Off topic, but this is usually the other way around, believe it or not.
** Nah, Death uses way too many items in his kills to be a Smash elitist.
* Death was playing with some fellow human opponents, and one of them had the nerve to turn items on and pick Hyrule Temple. He came to the conclusion that [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|Humans Are]] <s>Bastards</s> [[Scrub|Scrubs]]s and has set out to kill [[Scrub|Scrubs]]s as a warning to those who dare to have [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys|fun]] in video games.
== [[The Grim Reaper]] is deliberately giving out the visions of death so that he can set up the Ultimate Kill. ==
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== Coroner Bludworth is Death personified. ==
Think about it. He knows exactly how death works, and he gives the kids hints to figure out where to go next; but he is never specific enough to help them directly without their having to decipher his comments. This is because, as Death, he toys with his victims, making them think they have a chance to survive. Also, his name can be looked at as a corruption of "worthy of blood." Rather ominous name...Plus, he's played by Tony Todd. That helps a lot.
* You mean this isn't [[Canon|canonicallycanon]]ically true? Bludworth is CREEPY.
* Also, his line "I'll see you soon" is a hint. Sure, since he's a coroner and knows the score thus far, it could be excused as a case of morbid humor; but it makes you wonder.
* This troper has always thought this.
Line 103 ⟶ 105:
If you were a reaper, wouldn't precognition and sign seeing be a useful tool for your trade?
== Death is a [[Mage: The Ascension (Tabletop Game)|Mage]]. ==
Hey, even [[Evil Sorcerer|Nephandi]] need a vacation sometime, and that [[Chaos And Entropy Magic|Qlippothic Entropy]] Sphere is just sitting there...
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== The cast is already ''at'' their Final Destination. ==
In other words, they're all dead and being tortured for various sins. The ones '[[Blessed Withwith Suck|blessed]]' with visions are the worst of the lot, but they [[Laser-Guided Amnesia|don't remember]] their past lives any more than anyone else. They ''think'' they can escape their fate and help others in the process, [[You Can't Fight Fate|but]]...
== Death isn't a malevolent entity; the people having visions are causing everything. ==
In the [[Crapsack World]] of ''[[Final Destination]]'', discovering you're 'special' [[Blessed Withwith Suck|is a]] ''[[Blessed Withwith Suck|very]]'' [[Blessed Withwith Suck|bad thing]]. Their society exposes them to so much [[Bloodier and Gorier|death, destruction, and tragedy]] that any potential [[Reality Warper|Reality Warpers]]s/espers have developed a ''potent'' [[Primal Fear|fear of death]]. When their powers awaken, they envision a worst-case scenario of how something as simple as riding a plane or a roller coaster could [[Go Horribly Wrong]] -- and—and [[Your Mind Makes It Real|cause it to happen]].
Thanks to their awakening power, they sense that it's about to happen and, understandably, panic. But everybody dies someday; that's unavoidable. Aware of this, they subconsciously influence their environment and ''cause'' things to 'correct' themselves.
Thus, they become [[Tragic Hero|Tragic Heroes]]es of the worst sort -- completelysort—completely unaware that ''they're'' the cause of all the carnage until they wind up taking themselves out with their own powers. They're fighting a losing battle, but not the one they ''think'' they are. And since everyone with these abilities winds up killing themselves before realizing the truth and learning to rein in their powers, the [[Vicious Cycle]] continues unabated.
* Or, the visions of the future are exactly what they look like and instead of being [[Reality Warper|Reality Warpers]]s, the people who get the visions are just subconsciously able to see the future and are subtly influencing events to cause the deaths that they prevented. If you intuitively know the consequences of every action before you take it, you can cause anything that could happen to happen. If you delay someone from crossing the street for just exactly the right amount of time, you can cause that person to get hit by a bus, and that's just the least subtle of ways to cause death. The sudden brush with death in the beginning of each movie just causes enough shock and morbid thinking to get the character with the visions to start subconsciously killing people.
== Death is Rube Goldberg. ==
No evidence necessary. Watch ten minutes of any of the films.
== [[Death Note (Manga)|Kira]] got REALLY bored. ==
This is what he does on a rainy day to screw with people.
== The Death in this series is the replacement Death from the climax of ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Reaper Man|Reaper Man]]''. ==
[[Discworld]] fans may recall that one of Death's [[Berserk Button|berserk buttons]]s regarding the Auditor-nominated replacement was that Death 2.0 wanted to rule over humanity.
{{quote| '''Death:''' {{smallcaps|A ''crown''? I never wore a ''crown''!}} <br />
'''Death 2.0:''' ''You never wanted to rule.'' }}
This may have been more than professional pride - Death could perceive something Very Wrong with his replacement, and knew he needed to act quickly to prevent disaster on a cosmic scale. So, after Death throws down and gets his replacement oustered, the Auditors get a the scolding of an eternity from Azrael and vanish. Where did they and their kingly nominee go? To the Destination-verse. But, after entering a world that was less dependent on magic and narrativium, their Death slipped his leash. In reality, the replacement Death was badly made and therefore insane, and the Auditors only discovered this too late - and imagine their horror upon seeing the chaos he sowed. The events of the movies are the result of the rogue Death messing up The Plan and the Auditors trying to clean things up.
== Death is actually [[The Hero]] of the story ==
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== The Grim Reaper changes every movie ==
Or to elaborate, The Grim Reaper is really a person who has premonotions during the course of the Reaper's Game. (No, not [[The World Ends With You (Video Game)|THAT]] one) When said person dies, he/she replaces the previous reaper and begins to start his/her own Reaper's Game by giving another person premonotions, killing people in complicated ways, and so forth.
In other words: Who ever has the premontion powers in a Final Destination movie will become the Grim Reaper in the next. Alex Browning was the Reaper for [[FD 2]], Kimberly was the Reaper for [[FD 3]], Wendy was the Reaper for [[FD 4]]/TFD, and Nick will be the next Reaper for (Hopfully) [[FD 5]]. Although, it might be weird explaining how {{spoiler|Alex and Kimberly become reapers in the first place do to them living.}} But someone might add to this thoery and make it make more sense.
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== Ryuk is Death. ==
During his time with Light Ryuk not only picked up Light's [[The Plan|knack for gambits]], but also Light's [[Pride|hatred of losing.]] After Light died Ryuk got ''really'' bored until one day he discovered a loophole in the shinigami rules that would allow him to indirectly kill humans without the [[Death Note (Manga)|Death Note]] free of consequence. The rest is history.
== ''[[Final Destination]]'' 's Death caused the ''Titanic'' disaster. ==
If you really study the whys and wherefores of the ''Titanic'' disaster, it becomes clear that there were dozens of minor things eversoslightly not quite ideal with the design and the voyage:
* The rivets on the bow of the ship were made of iron rather than the much stronger steel due to the inability of the riveting machine to deal with curves.
* The compartments in the belly of the ship were ''not quite'' up to the ceiling as they should have been.
* The planned route would have taken them much further south, allowing them to completely avoid any risk of icebergery.
* Had the ship been travelling at a more sensible speed, they would have been able to avoid icebergery even on the new route.
Line 173 ⟶ 175:
== It is true that only "new life" can stop Death. The people in the films just didn't understand what "new life" meant. ==
C'mon. You know what I mean. They had a choice to [[Mate or Die]]. They chose the wrong answer.
* Original Troper returning from FD wiki: seems it was in an alternate ending. Does it mean this WMG is [[Canon|canonicalcanon]]ical?
== It is true that only "new life" can stop Death. But what they meant was a life added to death's list ==
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== Pigeons work for death ==
Because they've managed to involve themselves in a good three deaths so far: Tim's in 2, Erin's in 3 and Janet's almost-death in 4.
== Death just wants attention. ==
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== The [[Scary Black Man]] Is death ==
He appears in every movie!
* Almost. His voice is heard at the end of Final Destination 3, and he is not in The Final Destination.
== Final Destination 5 is a prequel ==
This is a bit of a stretch here, as this is being concocted after watching the available trailers. There are no mentions of the previous disasters, at all. This can also explain how Bludworth knows just so damn much about how Death works in later movies, due to him experiencing it firsthand previously.
Also, the ending has been rumored to tie in with Final Destination {{spoiler|The last two survivors are supposed to die on Flight 180, the disaster from Final Destination}}. Also, if this happens to correct, The Final Destination would be canonically the last movie of the series.
* Confirmed. At the end of the movie, the two remaining survivors (Sam and Molly) board Flight 180, and witness Alex Browning and Carter Horton fighting before being thrown off the plane with the survivors of the [[FD 1]] cast. When the plane blows up, Molly {{spoiler|gets sucked out of the plane and bisected by the plane's wing}} while Sam {{spoiler|burns to death}}.
Line 215 ⟶ 217:
Because, hey, why else would they be able to cheat death in the first place?
== [[Death Note (Manga)|Kira]] got really ''really'' drunk one night and the events of the film were the result of him writing their names while on a bender. ==
Well, it all started that night L got Light really drunk at the karaoke bar in the hope of getting him to confess to being Kira. Gorn and [[Hilarity Ensues|hilarity ensued]].
== Death perceives humanity as being disrespectful of the idea of living. ==
Death was once a normal god, doing its duty of collecting souls ready to pass on. But, as centuries pass, it sees how humanity treats themselves through war. Bit by bit, this irks on his nerves, that people want to shorten their already short (by an immortal god's standards, anyway) lifespans. So, Death begins giving humanity what it believes humanity wants - short lives and brutal demises. Things began small, simple accidents here and there. But, a dark, cruel streak is born in the god, and the deaths slowly grow more and more brutal and sadistic as time goes on. But, despite all well-intentioned efforts, man's reverence for their own lives becomes less and less apparent. Feeling as though the world spurns the idea of Death and what it does, the maddened god goes to further lengths, setting up the figurative chess board for mass accidents. For a time, this worked. Then, somehow, people got these mysterious visions, and a few manage to escape - like Flight 180 and the other movies. This pisses Death off immensely, how dare these humans stand up to him! So, he goes after the survivors, to ensure those that meet him know he exists, and will always be there waiting.
** In that logic, other gods involved in this Universe would be the ones giving the humans visions. Think about it, this figurative Chess Board, needs two players. The second player would be another god equal too, but the opposite of death. Whom believes no matter what humans deserve a chance at life. These two are probably buddies, they can't kill each other because of their duties and their immortality. The Life God proposes that the humans deserve a chance at life. Though Death disagrees he is intrigued, and makes the game. The rules are simple. No direct contact on both sides. (Hence why death is never seen in the movie. As well as the deaths being domino style.) They would also have a referee (Bludworth) who is allowed to help but only in riddles. The Ref agrees and to insure that nothing happens to him he is granted eternal life. Natural life and death (babies being born and old people on death beds) still apply do to their duties. However each game has to begin with a major disaster. Death has it set up in order to make the disaster. The Life God draws a random name to pick as its visionary and the game begins.
== William Bludworth knows so much about Death because he's the only survivor of a Flight 180 styled accident. Period. ==
Bludworth, the Coroner, knows the secret to actually living through one of these tragedies. He's seen these things before. He sticks around for the first few shown accidents before eventually disappearing entirely. When bringing up the fact he has experienced this he gets a look in his face of almost pure fear, or at least as much as Tony Todd can do. It just seems to be that he's the only person to have survived as long as he has. Obsessed with Death, he works in a job allowing him to be that close to it, so he can keep an eye on it and help others. Now, having the ability and funds to cover up certain situations to lead to this kind of lifestyle would be hard to do on a county labor salary, so he gets second and third jobs as a barker for a carnival and as a conductor for the metro. All in all, he's always there when these things happen, because he can see them coming before anyone else; he's dealt with Death for so long he's beginning to know more about the entity than it knows itself. Now the tables have turned. Sadly, he can't seem to even get his point across to anyone no matter how many times he explains it to them, and finally gives up after the deaths of Amber, Wendy, and Kevin. Moving on with his life, he lets death take him, hence why he has no involvement with the [[Mc Kinley]]McKinley Speedway tragedy. With no one to help the survivors, the secret to immortality is lost forever, and Death wins ultimately having killed everyone ever involved, possibly once and for all ending the chain.
== Some other events that were likely a Final Destination style disaster, or caused by one: ==
* [[World War I]] resulted in massive casualties all across the globe, and directly lead to even more gore and death in [[World War II]], and was all started by a [[Disaster Dominoes|suspiciously narrowly]] successful assassination attempt in which every single thing that could have gone wrong did, yet the attempt succeeded.
* The Silver Bridge collapse in [[The Film of the Book]] of [[The Mothman Prophecies]]. Possibly in reality as well.
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== Death is... ==
Here are the candidates:
* [[Death Note (Manga)|Light Yagami]].
* [[The Omen|Damien Thorn]].
* [[My Little Pony Freindship Is Magic|Discord]]
Line 251 ⟶ 253:
Death is doing his job. He has nothing against any of the people involved, and as [[Humans Through Alien Eyes|an outside observer]], he finds is fascinating how creative people can get about their own survival if you give them little hints about what's going to happen. Fate thinks this is cheating and has a tantrum, but he can't exactly take his toys and go home, so he's teaching Death a lesson about not getting too close to the mortals.
Meanwhile, Death [[Chess Withwith Death|plays poker with William Bludworth]] on Fridays.
== The Final Destination Franchise takes place in a form of hell based on Vancouver and some other bits of the world ==
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== This is all leading to the Apocalypse ==
Notice how in almost every single movie, there are loose ends that need tied up? The visions are being planted by some kind of Anti-Christ in order to bring about the End of Days. Death, furious that it seems these mere mortals have thwarted its plan, begins killing them all. Unfortunately, their very existence is bringing the world down around their ears. Just by existing, they change the outcome of things, by way of the Butterfly Effect. Death is trying his very best to keep the natural order of things. People have to die when they have to, otherwise things just get screwy. Death is just doing its job. But, like dominoes, things are starting to spiral out of control. Death, obviously not all powerful-
(Or everyone would just drop dead when they failed to die appropriately ((So what if a ton of people drop dead of heart attacks after narrowly averting death in a terrible car accident, or plane crash? The people died, and there is nothing that can say it was anything but a heart attack. What are they gonna do, arrest Death?)))
-, cannot just rewrite an entire plan that has spanned billions of years on a whim. Rather shortsightedly, Death is just killing people who are effected by the premonitions. Remember the butterfly effect? Everyone will eventually be effected by the premonitions. It's all just a matter of wiether or not it happens prior to 2012.
[[Category:Wild Mass Guessing/Film]]
[[Category:Final Destination]]