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== We can't let those Shinra jerks save the world! ==
== We can't let those Shinra jerks save the world! ==
* They're facing [[The End of the World As We Know It]]. Shinra develops a plan to destroy Meteor that involves the use of the Huge Materia. What do our valiant heroes do? ''They sabotage Shinra's plan to save the entire world!'' And for what reason, except vague reasons amounting to "precious knowledge within the Huge Materia" or whatever? I mean, seriously, what the hell are these guys thinking, by ''actively opposing the only working plan to '''save the world!?''' '' [[What the Hell Hero|What. The. Hell. Heroes.]]
* They're facing [[The End of the World As We Know It]]. Shinra develops a plan to destroy Meteor that involves the use of the Huge Materia. What do our valiant heroes do? ''They sabotage Shinra's plan to save the entire world!'' And for what reason, except vague reasons amounting to "precious knowledge within the Huge Materia" or whatever? I mean, seriously, what the hell are these guys thinking, by ''actively opposing the only working plan to '''save the world!?''' '' [[What the Hell, Hero?|What. The. Hell. Heroes.]]
** If you fail to save the Huge Materia, it still doesn't actually work. So, technically, you just go and rescue the Huge Materia from being pointlessly destroyed, rather than sabotaging the only "working" plan to save the world...
** If you fail to save the Huge Materia, it still doesn't actually work. So, technically, you just go and rescue the Huge Materia from being pointlessly destroyed, rather than sabotaging the only "working" plan to save the world...
*** Yes, but the heroes ''did not know that at the time.'' No one had any idea if Shinra's plan was going to work or not, but the heroes just decide to sabotage it ''anyway''.
*** Yes, but the heroes ''did not know that at the time.'' No one had any idea if Shinra's plan was going to work or not, but the heroes just decide to sabotage it ''anyway''.
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* Vincent. Buddy. I know you were in love with Lucrecia, but seriously, ''what the hell did you ever see in her''? Choosing to experiment on her own child pushed her across the [[Moral Event Horizon]] right there. But even before that, she strung you along in some sort of close relationship until you found out she knew your dad, ditched you and broke your heart, and went for the rebound with ''Hojo'', which should count as a ''second'' [[Moral Event Horizon]]. Oh, and then when you got shot defending her, she used you to prove her thesis (and save you, but pretty much by turning you into an undead monster/Planet avatar). And when you finally saw her again decades later, she did nothing but feel sorry for herself. Seriously dude, you're being an emotionally-stunted emo goth over ''her''? C'mon, man.
* Vincent. Buddy. I know you were in love with Lucrecia, but seriously, ''what the hell did you ever see in her''? Choosing to experiment on her own child pushed her across the [[Moral Event Horizon]] right there. But even before that, she strung you along in some sort of close relationship until you found out she knew your dad, ditched you and broke your heart, and went for the rebound with ''Hojo'', which should count as a ''second'' [[Moral Event Horizon]]. Oh, and then when you got shot defending her, she used you to prove her thesis (and save you, but pretty much by turning you into an undead monster/Planet avatar). And when you finally saw her again decades later, she did nothing but feel sorry for herself. Seriously dude, you're being an emotionally-stunted emo goth over ''her''? C'mon, man.
** Actually the experiment was on herself, they had planned to see what a child born to parents who already had J-cells would be like. And the experiment on Vincent saved his life. Going for Hojo is still unforgivable though.
** Actually the experiment was on herself, they had planned to see what a child born to parents who already had J-cells would be like. And the experiment on Vincent saved his life. Going for Hojo is still unforgivable though.
*** That, and the entire situation was ''her'' fault. Seriously, being a bitch to Vincent when he was only concerned about her well-being? [[What the Hell Hero|What the hell, doctor?]] Then, he decides to man up for her and gets killed for it.
*** That, and the entire situation was ''her'' fault. Seriously, being a bitch to Vincent when he was only concerned about her well-being? [[What the Hell, Hero?|What the hell, doctor?]] Then, he decides to man up for her and gets killed for it.
*** No, they definately injected cells straight into Sephiroth himself ''and'' Lucrecia. And I'm kinda dubious on how kind it is to save someone's life by turning them into a [[Body Horror]] monster that needs a chunk of materia in their chest to remain sane, but that's just me.
*** No, they definately injected cells straight into Sephiroth himself ''and'' Lucrecia. And I'm kinda dubious on how kind it is to save someone's life by turning them into a [[Body Horror]] monster that needs a chunk of materia in their chest to remain sane, but that's just me.
*** Seconded. She only saved him because {{spoiler|she felt bad about accidentally getting Vicent's dad killed.}} It also bothers me that Vincent blames himself. Dude, she chose to be an idiot, marry your archenemy, who then chose to shoot you. These are all choices others made, and Vincent was the only one trying to do the right thing. He has the moral high ground here. They would've gone ahead with or without him.
*** Seconded. She only saved him because {{spoiler|she felt bad about accidentally getting Vicent's dad killed.}} It also bothers me that Vincent blames himself. Dude, she chose to be an idiot, marry your archenemy, who then chose to shoot you. These are all choices others made, and Vincent was the only one trying to do the right thing. He has the moral high ground here. They would've gone ahead with or without him.
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****** The "innocent persona" has a lot to do with the fact that in her appearances outside of the original, she is [[Crisis Core|only fifteen or sixteen]]. Other than that, there's Advent Children (in which she's dead), and [[Kingdom Hearts]]. And the [ dress] isn't that racy. It looks like a classy coctail dress, and [ Ti][ fa] and Yuffie show more skin on a daily basis. As for talking Cloud into dressing in drag (she didn't force him), I just attribute that to game humor. Regardless, that doesn't make her a mean person; she clearly never did anything to them out of spite. She sells flowers to make a living, so why not try to sell them at the Honeybee Inn if she's already there?
****** The "innocent persona" has a lot to do with the fact that in her appearances outside of the original, she is [[Crisis Core|only fifteen or sixteen]]. Other than that, there's Advent Children (in which she's dead), and [[Kingdom Hearts]]. And the [ dress] isn't that racy. It looks like a classy coctail dress, and [ Ti][ fa] and Yuffie show more skin on a daily basis. As for talking Cloud into dressing in drag (she didn't force him), I just attribute that to game humor. Regardless, that doesn't make her a mean person; she clearly never did anything to them out of spite. She sells flowers to make a living, so why not try to sell them at the Honeybee Inn if she's already there?
**** These rumours might have been also fueled by [[Final Fantasy Tactics]]. The Flower Girl Aerith in that game (who is not the same Aerith) is rescued by Cloud (who ''is'' the same Cloud) from someone who is evidently not a common thug, but a bona-fide criminal leader, to whom she owes money, and who suggests to her to "sell her body" instead of flowers.
**** These rumours might have been also fueled by [[Final Fantasy Tactics]]. The Flower Girl Aerith in that game (who is not the same Aerith) is rescued by Cloud (who ''is'' the same Cloud) from someone who is evidently not a common thug, but a bona-fide criminal leader, to whom she owes money, and who suggests to her to "sell her body" instead of flowers.
** [[Rule Thirty Four]]. Enough said.
** [[Rule 34]]. Enough said.
** It's not that far-fetched. When you met her she tried to sell you flowers, then act surprised when you actually bought it. Now think about it. Her flowers are just one friggin gil a piece and she barely sell them at all, how could she make a living selling them then? The obvious answer is that the flowers are just a cover, she sells something else. With that conclusion she's either a prostitute or a drug dealer.
** It's not that far-fetched. When you met her she tried to sell you flowers, then act surprised when you actually bought it. Now think about it. Her flowers are just one friggin gil a piece and she barely sell them at all, how could she make a living selling them then? The obvious answer is that the flowers are just a cover, she sells something else. With that conclusion she's either a prostitute or a drug dealer.

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* At first I thought that this should go to WMG, until it ''really'' started to bug me. In On the Way to a Smile: [ Case of Tifa], we can read about Cloud and Tifa's relationship, also we can see how Cloud gradually becomes cold with them and starts to show his depression. At one point he [[Drowning My Sorrows|starts drinking]], Tifa is serving him and asks if she can drink with him, and he replies "I want to drink alone", Tifa pisses off and tells him that he then go to drink in his room. Now, call me paranoic, but one of the habits that can end in alcoholism (and also a sign of a secretly alcoholic person) is drinking alone, and doing it while you're depressed only makes it worse, raising the chances of it becomes a problem.<br />Call me crazy, but if Cloud is bad in the movie, who knows what would happened if he had this problem. Add to that that all his problems, in the [[Real Life]], leads people to drinking their problems, like he seems started to do. Someone in another folder talked about Cloud's emotional and mental fragility (a pretty darn good argument), and, if we asume Cloud would have another relapse and gets depressed again, he could resort to booze and maybe things would [[It Got Worse|get nastier than before Advent Children]], in the subject of Cloud's problems. For me, this almost crosses the [[Fridge Horror]] territory, if we take in count that the children and Tifa would have to see Cloud in such state, slowly deteriorating, specially Denzel, looking at his hero state. Tifa would be like this too, but as far as I read, she was angry with him when he refuses her company while drinking, and most likely wouldn't call him of that until it was too late, maybe resulting in Tifa kicking him out, and/or Cloud leaving them ''for real'' if he represented a menace to the children (we don't know if he's an aggresive drunk or something). Add to that Tifa being seriously hurted emotionally, something like this could break her too.<br />So, Yeah. Cloud's acoholic tendencies steps in [[Fridge Horror]] territory for me.
* At first I thought that this should go to WMG, until it ''really'' started to bug me. In On the Way to a Smile: [ Case of Tifa], we can read about Cloud and Tifa's relationship, also we can see how Cloud gradually becomes cold with them and starts to show his depression. At one point he [[Drowning My Sorrows|starts drinking]], Tifa is serving him and asks if she can drink with him, and he replies "I want to drink alone", Tifa pisses off and tells him that he then go to drink in his room. Now, call me paranoic, but one of the habits that can end in alcoholism (and also a sign of a secretly alcoholic person) is drinking alone, and doing it while you're depressed only makes it worse, raising the chances of it becomes a problem.<br />Call me crazy, but if Cloud is bad in the movie, who knows what would happened if he had this problem. Add to that that all his problems, in the [[Real Life]], leads people to drinking their problems, like he seems started to do. Someone in another folder talked about Cloud's emotional and mental fragility (a pretty darn good argument), and, if we asume Cloud would have another relapse and gets depressed again, he could resort to booze and maybe things would [[It Got Worse|get nastier than before Advent Children]], in the subject of Cloud's problems. For me, this almost crosses the [[Fridge Horror]] territory, if we take in count that the children and Tifa would have to see Cloud in such state, slowly deteriorating, specially Denzel, looking at his hero state. Tifa would be like this too, but as far as I read, she was angry with him when he refuses her company while drinking, and most likely wouldn't call him of that until it was too late, maybe resulting in Tifa kicking him out, and/or Cloud leaving them ''for real'' if he represented a menace to the children (we don't know if he's an aggresive drunk or something). Add to that Tifa being seriously hurted emotionally, something like this could break her too.<br />So, Yeah. Cloud's acoholic tendencies steps in [[Fridge Horror]] territory for me.
** So... you're upset because Cloud has emotional problems, and deals with them in a bad way. This was not apparent to you at first glance?
** So... you're upset because Cloud has emotional problems, and deals with them in a bad way. This was not apparent to you at first glance?
*** Not when I saw the original movie, and I didn't read the novellas at that time; I realized when I read them and it were more apparent to me once I watched Complete (I admit that I tend to ignore things or not realize until much latter... [[Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny|Ooh, shiny!]]). And it doesn't upset me, it just... That I didn't realize about it earlier, and damn it's depressing seeing him like that (it looks like his status is contagious). The fridge horror part kicks me from the possible scenarios that could came from Cloud's problem ([[Cloudcuckoolander|I tend to let my mind fly]] with possible scenarios, and the ones I have with this in particular are [[Nightmare Fuel|not]] [[Nightmare Fuel Stationattendant|pretty]]). On the other side, my sadistic and masochistic side, I sorta like this as it shows us how bad he's at the moment, letting up grasp how much his survivor's guilt and PTSD is hitting him, also showing more of his deep, complex character and personality, and many other reasons that I'm not going to list because I'm too tired, forget about it.
*** Not when I saw the original movie, and I didn't read the novellas at that time; I realized when I read them and it were more apparent to me once I watched Complete (I admit that I tend to ignore things or not realize until much latter... [[Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny|Ooh, shiny!]]). And it doesn't upset me, it just... That I didn't realize about it earlier, and damn it's depressing seeing him like that (it looks like his status is contagious). The fridge horror part kicks me from the possible scenarios that could came from Cloud's problem ([[Cloudcuckoolander|I tend to let my mind fly]] with possible scenarios, and the ones I have with this in particular are [[Nightmare Fuel|not]] [[Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant|pretty]]). On the other side, my sadistic and masochistic side, I sorta like this as it shows us how bad he's at the moment, letting up grasp how much his survivor's guilt and PTSD is hitting him, also showing more of his deep, complex character and personality, and many other reasons that I'm not going to list because I'm too tired, forget about it.

== Looks like it's just you and me, Barret. ==
== Looks like it's just you and me, Barret. ==
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