Final Fantasy X: Difference between revisions

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* Cid, Rikku's father, and leader of the Al Bhed. The game's obligatory curmudgeonly airship lieutenant.
The enemies faced by Tidus and our heroes include a [[Corrupt Church]], a [[Nietzsche Wannabe]], and a not-so-[[Sealed Evil in a Can]] with an insidious way of perpetuating itself. Along with ''[[Final Fantasy VI]]'', and ''[[Final Fantasy VIII|FFVIII]]'', it's thought to have one of the best plots in the entire game series, if somewhat more linear gameplay than its predecessors and having some questionable voice acting. (And is a worthy introduction of the franchise onto the PS2 console.) It was successful enough to go against form and inspire a true sequel, ''[[Final Fantasy X -2]]'', which takes place two years after ''FFX'' and stars two of the three main female characters from that game.
Notable for having ''roughly'' the same plot as an earlier Squaresoft title, ''[[Bahamut Lagoon]]'', which was lampshaded with FFX-2's airship, named Celsius - the airship in Bahamut Lagoon is called Fahrenheit.<ref>The airship of FFX ''is'' named Fahrenheit, though this is never explicitly stated in either game.</ref> Also notable for being the first game in the ''Final Fantasy'' series to include voice acting.
Music was composed by [[Masashi Hamauzu]], Hitoshi Sakimoto, and Junya Nakano, with arrangements from [[Nobuo Uematsu]]'s compositions.
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* [[All Just a Dream]]: [[Inverted Trope|Inverted]], bizarrely enough. {{spoiler|The ''main character'' is all just a dream.}}
* [[Always a Bigger Fish]]
* [[And Man Grew Proud]]: Tidus thinks this is in effect when hears about the ruins, but its more....complicated than that.
* [[And Now You Must Marry Me]]: Part of Seymour's agenda is to get Yuna to marry him.
* [[Anticlimax Boss]]: {{spoiler|So you've finally defeated Jecht in a boss battle that was both emotionally cathartic for Tidus and extremely epic for the player. Now you turn your attention to Yu Yevon, [[The Man Behind the Man]] and true [[Big Bad]], who turned Jecht into Sin in the first place and dragged Spira into an endless death cycle for centuries. You confront him for the final showdown, and he's...a giant tick. And completely harmless, thanks to perma-Auto Life.}} Not quite what you were expecting, eh?
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* [[Anti-Villain]]: {{spoiler|Played straight with Jecht and Yu Yevon - both are type IV.}}
* [[Apathetic Citizens]]: [[Subverted Trope|Subverted]].
* [[Arbitrary Headcount Limit]]: Played straight - only three characters can fight at a time - but simultaneously averted by letting you trade an active member for anyone in the [[Lazy Backup]] section at any time.
* [[Arc Words]]: "This is my story," and variations thereof.
* [[Arranged Marriage]]: Auron turned one down sometime before Braska's pilgrimage.
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* [[Awful Truth]]: In order to defeat Sin, {{spoiler|summoners must sacrifice their lives, but their sacrifices are ultimately futile because Sin will keep being reborn as long as Yu Yevon exists}}.
* [[Badass Longcoat]]: Auron
* [[Bad Bad Acting]]: In universe in [[Cowboy Bebop at His Computer|the infamous laughing scene]], done by Tidus and Yuna. That scene was a game made by Tidus as a way to relieve stress for the road ahead, and at first both force themselves to laugh, before really laughing about how ridiculous it sounded. However, this was ''before'' {{spoiler|Tidus realized that Yuna had to sacrifice herself in order to defeat Yu Yevon}}, so this makes the scene [[Harsher in Hindsight]]. Many people take this as [[Bad Bad Acting]] out of universe.
* [[Bag of Spilling]]: In X-2 in the traditional sense for Yuna and Rikku. In the first game, before "[[This Is My Story|Tidus' Story]]" starts, Auron had completed the pilgrimage once, and Lulu has made it to {{spoiler|the Calm Lands}}, and none of them have the gear or abilities to show for it.
** You could argue that since {{spoiler|Auron is dead, his unsent spirit would be significantly less badass than his full self at the point he died, and without any items. Who knows what Yunalesca did to him, anyway?}} Lulu doesn't [[Hand Wave]] away so easily, though.
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* [[Beehive Barrier]]: The Protect spell manifests as this.
* [[Begone Bribe]]: A learnable skill, which becomes rather useful due to the rare items some enemies leave behind them after using it. This even applies to some bosses.
* [[Belated Happy Ending]]: In ''[[Final Fantasy X -2]].''
* [[Beyond the Impossible]]: [[Bonus Boss|Penance]], the Ultimate Dark Aeon, in [[No Export for You|the International version]]. At maximum character potential, it takes [ 30 MINUTES] and can [[One Hit KO]] your characters.
* [[BFS]]: Both Tidus and Auron wield these. So does Jecht, {{spoiler|especially as the penultimate boss, "the Final Aeon". That same sword is later used as the platform where the party ''stands'' in the [[Amazing Technicolor Battlefield]] against Yu Yevon}}.
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* [[Bleak Level]]: The beach, post-Sin wreckage.
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]: Wakka has shades of this, although he's a bit more virtuous than most [[Boisterous Bruiser|Boisterous Bruisers]] tend to be. Jecht, however, plays it straight.
** In ''[[Dissidia Final Fantasy]]'', it's pretty much every single one of Jecht's lines.
* [[Bold Inflation]]: Yuna is guilty of this, though this is at least partially a problem with actress Hedy Burress's performance. This trait was not present in the sequel, where many people noted said actress' performance had gotten significantly better. [[Word of God]] is that Hedy Burress tried to lip-sync with the digital representation of the character. As the former was speaking English, and the latter was lip-syncing Japanese, it made for some odd inflections. The sequel, X-2, had more effort put into the localization, syncing the character with the voice actor, rather than the voice actor syncing with the character.
* [[Bonus Boss]]: 62 of them, by the loosest definition - {{spoiler|Lord Ochu, Belgemine's Ifrit on Mi'ihen Highroad, her Ixion on Moonflow, her Shiva in the Calm Lands, her 8 aeons at Remiem Temple, Ginnem's Yojimbo, Geosgaeno, Ultima and Omega Weapons, the 35!! monster arena creations, the 10 Dark Aeons (you can fight the Dark Magus Sisters separately, thus making them truly three separate bosses), and Penance - the last 11 are absent in the original version, however.}}
* [[Book Ends]]: The beginning of the game has Tidus washing up in Besaid. The [[Golden Ending]] of X-2 {{spoiler|has Tidus, revived, washing up in Besaid.}}
** In addition, Tidus begins his narration of the story in the ruins of Zanarkand, and in the perfect ending of X-2, {{spoiler|Tidus and Yuna return to the ruins}} for the end of their story.
** Thirdly, after being sucked out of Zanarkand, Tidus awakens in a zero-gravity void above a ruined stadium. This is {{spoiler|the heart of Sin, where Jecht}} resides. It will take Tidus the entire game to get back here.
* [[Booze Flamethrower]]: Auron does a variant for Tornado, one of his Overdrives. He creates a huge whirlwind, then throws his bottle of sake into it, and the whole thing bursts into flame. Through friction, maybe?
* [[Breakout Character]]: Auron is badass. You may notice it reading this page. Jecht gets much love too.
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* [[Catfolk]]: The Ronso are a race of muscular, anthropomorphic feline humanoids from the world of Spira. The Ronso tribe lives at the base of Mt. Gagazet and guard the sacred mountain fiercely. They are formidable warriors, well known for their strong sense of honor and loyalty, as well as their pride and quickness to anger.
* [[Chained by Fashion]]: Anima
* [[Charles Atlas Superpower]]: Tidus. He's a sports star, after all. (It's also shown that blitzball stars train to hold their breath underwater for extended periods of time, which [[Hand Wave|Handwaves]] why Wakka and Tidus can survive in underwater combat. Rikku presumably learned to do the same while serving aboard the Al Bhed salvage ship.) Additionally, every single blitzball player.
* [[Climax Boss]]: {{spoiler|Yunalesca}}. The fight is fairly challenging and is preceded by a long, epic cutscene complete with a major plot twist.
* [[Convenient Terminal Illness]]: {{spoiler|Seymour's mother}} is hinted to have had one, part of her reason for so readily agreeing to {{spoiler|forsake her humanity and become her son's Aeon}}.
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* [[Cutscene Incompetence]] (also an example of [[Stupid Surrender]]): The party is unable to actually stop {{spoiler|Yuna's wedding}}, since some guards are pointing guns at them. However, in regular battle guards of the very same type with the [[Guns Are Useless|very same guns]] aren't any more threatening than regular fiends.
* [[Data Crystal]]: Spheres
* [[Dead All Along]]: Since the nature of pyreflies and passing over allows any soul with a strong enough will to stay "alive" past their death so long as they are not sent to the Farplane by a summoner, there's quite a few of these that turn up over time in the game's plot. The most prominent secret Unsent is {{spoiler|Auron, who died after the previous pilgrimage he undertook with Braska and Jecht, but his spirit is so unsatisfied he's sticking around to make sure things get done right this time}}. A rather important scene reveals that {{spoiler|Grand Maester Mika is also unsent, though the leaders of the Church of Yevon kept this a secret.}} Furthermore, there's the minor character of {{spoiler|Belgemine, who trains Yuna randomly throughout the game by offering to fight her in summon combat. Eventually, she reveals herself to be an Unsent.}} ''[[Final Fantasy X -2]]'' reveals that {{spoiler|Maechen}} is also an example of this.
* [[Death By Pragmatism]]: The Al Bhed at Operation Mi'ihen. Full-on frontal assaults against Sin don't work unless you're the designated heroes.
** This is revealed to be a plot by {{spoiler|the Yevon clergy in order to solidify their (and Sin's) dominion over Spira}}. They let the Al Bhed and the Crusaders believe they stood a chance so that, when Sin destroyed them, they could point to them as heretics who got what was coming to them. {{spoiler|Of course, Cid's assault on Sin using the airship proves that machina ''could'' have damaged Sin, at least up to a point, and this is what the Church was trying to hide}}.
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* [[The Dragon]]: {{spoiler|Jecht as Sin is this to the true [[Big Bad]], Yu Yevon. But defeating Jecht is the emotional climax of the story, not to mention that whole [[Anticlimax Boss]] thing...}}
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: Sin is a giant aquatic beast that cannot be harmed by anything except OTHER [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldritch Abominations]]. Even then, its core ({{spoiler|Yu Yevon}}) will just possess the Aeon that killed Sin and grow into a new Sin within years.
** Some of the regular Aeons qualify as well. Anima might be terrifying when you see her face, but it's nothing compared to her full body. The fact that her power is based on pain itself doesn't help.
* [[Eleventh-Hour Superpower]]: Almost. During {{spoiler|the last battles}}, the Fayth give the team one last present - permanent Auto-Life, replete with a special animation.
* [[Empathic Environment]]: Once you cross over the northern slopes of Mt. Gagazet, sunset begins, which becomes fully night once the party enters {{spoiler|the Zanarkand Ruins, where Yuna is expected to trade her life away to defeat Sin. Once you defeat Yunalesca and save not only Yuna's life, but the lives of all summoners after her,}} [[Cue the Sun|dawn finally breaks]].
* [[Eviler Than Thou]]: You might think you're on a quest to defeat the ancient force of destruction known as Sin, but by the end of the game, you'd almost think the real Big Bad was {{spoiler|Seymour}}.
* [[Exotic Eye Designs]]: Al Bhed have swirly pupils.
* [[Exposed to the Elements]]: Everyone, except maybe Auron in his [[Badass Longcoat]], has this to a certain extent. Kimahri in particular wears little more than a loincloth, but he at least has fur. Auron is a bit of an inversion: His full clothing and longcoat is well suited to Mt. Gagazet and Macalania, but is less suitable for the tropical islands that make up most of the world. Not to mention Lulu's dress, which with the long sleeves and fur collar looks ''way'' too warm for someone who lives on a tropical island.
** May be [[Justified Trope|justified]] in Auron's case, since {{spoiler|[[Dead All Along|he's already dead]], [[Fridge Brilliance|it's not like he can die of exposure or anything]]}}.
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* [[Fantastic Racism]]: The treatment of the Al Bhed.
* [[Fear of Thunder]]: Rikku is terrified of thunder and lightning ever since a misaimed lightning spell hit her as a child. This is [[Played for Laughs]]. It's interesting to note that this is an example of averted [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]], seeing as after this revelation, Rikku will scream in panic every time she's hit by a Thunder spell.
** At the same time, [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]] is also played straight with this trope example. With the way the Sphere Grid works, it allows players to learn abilities from other characters, so there is nothing stopping Rikku, who is [[Fear of Thunder|deathly afraid of thunder]], from learning Thunder spells.
* [[Feather Motif]]: Yuna's wedding dress contains a double dose of feather symbolism - first of her role as [[The Messiah]] (and thus divine/angelic), and second as a symbol of freedom and flight. Immediately after the ceremony, she {{spoiler|quite literally flies away on Valefor.}}
* [[Fighting From the Inside]]: {{spoiler|While fighting Braska's Final Aeon, Jecht}} does this if you attempt to talk to him using Tidus. After a couple of times, it stops working.
* [[Five-Man Band]]: Tidus, Yuna and her guardians.
** [[The Hero]]: Tidus
** [[The Lancer]]: Wakka
** [[The Smart Guy]]: Lulu
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* [[Forceful Kiss]]: Between {{spoiler|Yuna and Seymour}}. Very [[Squick|Squicky]], indeed...
* [[Four Is Death]]: There are four Maesters, the fourth one, Seymour, is one of the game's primary antagonists, and you have to kill him four times before he ''stays'' dead.
* [[Foxy Grandma|Foxy Grandpa]]: Auron
* [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]]: Numerous examples. This is an RPG, after all.
* [[Global Airship]]: Because of the game's lack of world map, this is the only way to backtrack unless you want to do it all on foot.
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** It's worth noting that Lulu is absent from many of the game's CGI movies, unless it's from the waist up. Her skirt is simply too ''abstract'' to hold up under dynamic camera angles or movements.
* [[Impossibly Low Neckline]]: Lulu
* [[Improbable Hairstyle]]: Seymour. Even by JRPG standards.
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: Wakka fights fiends by chucking his blitzball at their heads and Lulu uses dolls as her weapon of choice.
** And in Wakka's, those blitzballs are clearly pretty hard and heavy, as are his throws. [[Fridge Brilliance|They'd have to be to have any sort of chance of going through water]].
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* [[Late Arrival Spoiler]]: Some versions of the manual that comes with the game feature advertisements for ''Final Fantasy X-2'', including Yuna. Kinda makes the revelation {{spoiler|she's expected to sacrifice herself to destroy Sin}} a bit hollow.
* [[Letter Motif]]
* [[Light Feminine and Dark Feminine]]: Lulu is the Dark Feminine, while Yuna is the Light Feminine.
* [[Limit Break]]: Overdrives
* [[Lip Lock]]: Because this game happened to be the first ''[[Final Fantasy]]'' with spoken dialogue, the English voice acting in particular had several teething problems, such as having certain lines sped up noticeably to fit the [[Mouth Flaps]].
** Some lines also become noticeably disjointed, creating awkward conversations which feel like multiple sound clips randomly placed together.
* [[Literally Shattered Lives]]: A character who's petified can be shattered if they're hit while turned to stone. You won't be able to rotate in another character to replace them, and will have to continue the battle shorthanded. In underwater battles, anyone who's petrified immediately sinks like a stone and shatters without any chance to cure them...which can be highly enjoyable to watch if Rikku uses a Petrify Grenade on underwater fiends.
* [[Literal Strawman]]: [[Big Bad|Yu Yevon]] is a good example of this. His belief system was totally wrong, and messed up the lives of millions of people. The only way to actually lose this battle is probably to petrify yourself, and even doing nothing Yu Yevon can defeat himself.
* [[Lost Forever]]: Many of the items in Bevelle and Home, for example. Watch for those Al Bhed Primers!
* [[The Lonely Piano]]: The opening piece, "To Zanarkand", though it's a bit more uplifting than most pieces of this trope.
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* [[Mr. Exposition]]: Lulu and Auron. But especially [[Exposition Break|Maechen]].
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Lulu
* [[Mythology Gag]]:
** After a series of events that force Yuna on the run, she ends up stating that after what has happened, "nobody will build a statue of me". The Ronso present reply "Then if nobody else will, the Ronso will! With a grand horn on head,", which refers both to the importance of Ronso horns, and to the fact that the summoner job classes in [[Final Fantasy III|earlier]] [[Final Fantasy V|games]] [[Final Fantasy IX|in the]] [[Final Fantasy Tactics|series]] had horns on their forehead in the same place the Ronsos do.
** Not many realize it, thanks to its [[No Export for You]] status, but Valefor first appeared in the early Squaresoft title ''[[Bahamut Lagoon]]''. That makes all the summons except Ixion Mythology Gags from one Square game or another.
* [[Nintendo Hard]]: Many of the minigames required to fully-power the Celestial Weapons.
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{{quote|'''Wakka''': We gotta pay?! If we lose, you'll die too!
'''Rin''': I have confidence in your success. }}
* [[Not Completely Useless]]: Kimahri's much more useful than many people give him credit for because of how adaptable he can be. Depending on the abilities you give him, he can function as a valuable backup mage, inflict additional status effects, and so on. On top of that, he's the only other party member besides Auron whose weapons usually have the Piercing trait, which can be pretty useful at the start of the game before Auron actually joins you.
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: Tidus is generally not guilty of this, because he really ''is'' new to Spira. But when Wakka shows him the "Yevon prayer", which Tidus knows as the blitzball "victory" sign, he seems to be deliberately doing it much more shakily than he'd know how to do.
* [[The Obi Wrong]]: Auron
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{{quote|'''Auron:''' (after seeing a statue of Braska in a temple) So you're a champion of Yevon now, Braska? }}
* [[Practical Taunt]]: Tidus's Provoke skill, if successful, makes an enemy attack him only, or even drive down the enemy's accuracy. It sounds like a spell, but it's performed through a rude gesture and sometimes a verbal taunt. "Hey, hey, hey!"
* [[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner]]: The cast try, but only Auron gets it right, and boy does he get it right. For example, when coming into battle with wounded allies and facing a two giant metal humanoids with three-story swords, what does he say? "I foresee no difficulty."
* [[Pretty in Mink]]: Lulu's neckline. Odd in that she was born and raised on a ''tropical island''.
* [[Proud Warrior Race]]: The Ronso.
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* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money]]: Basically what you're saying every time you have Yojimbo use [[One-Hit Kill|Zanmato]].
* [[Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right]]: When {{spoiler|Yuna and company decide to try and defeat Sin without using the Final Aeon.}}
** This is also how Tidus meets Yuna.
* [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here]]: {{spoiler|Mika}}, after learning of the defeat of {{spoiler|Yunalesca}}, decides to send himself rather than face a seemingly unstoppable Sin.
* [[Sculpted Physique]]: {{spoiler|Seymour Natus}}
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* [[Shout-Out]]: "I am a summoner, like my father before me," is a clear shout out to ''[[Star Wars|Return Of The Jedi]]''; also, Biggs and Wedge are recruitable blitzball players.
** Not to mention {{spoiler|Seymour}}'s Mortiorchis form being a near-copy of [[Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory|the Gundam GP03 Orchis]]; see also [[Final Fantasy VII|Emerald Weapon]].
** The name of Cid's airship, Fahrenheit, is a reference to an airship in ''[[Bahamut Lagoon]]'', an older Squaresoft title. This is continued in ''[[Final Fantasy X -2]]'' with another airship named the Celsius.
** The puzzle room in Zanarkand Ruins uses Tetris pieces in a really bizarre way.
** One of the optional Aeons is [[Yojimbo]], completely with a flower petal motif, which is quite similar to the scene from [[Sanjuro]], in the summoning animation.
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* [[Sibling Team]]: The Magus Sisters, especially their [[Combination Attack|Delta Attack]] [[Limit Break|Overdrive]].
* [[Sixth Ranger Traitor]]: {{spoiler|Seymour}}
* [[Smash Mook]]: Aside from the Iron Giant, we have Ironsides: giant fiends encased in a thick, armor-like shell.
* [[Species Surname]]: Kimahri Ronso, Seymour Guado, et al.
* [[Socketed Equipment]]: By another name, true, but it's basically how the [[Item Crafting]] mechanic works.
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* [[The Stoic]]: Auron incarnates this trope. {{spoiler|[[Fridge Brilliance]] kicks in when you realize he died because of a burst of anger.}}
* [[Stripperiffic]]: The breast-baring regency gown worn by Lulu, Rikku with her short shorts, and Shiva overall.
** Yunalesca and her metal bikini, which consists of a thong and cleavage-exposing bra.
** Dona, who looks more like a hooker than a summoner.
** Lucille of the Chocobo Knights trio.
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* [[Super Not-Drowning Skills]]: Tidus, Rikku, Wakka. And any other blitzball players.
* [[Supporting Protagonist]]: Tidus seems to be this for most of the game; many players are a little startled when he suddenly declares, "No, wait: [[Arc Words|this is MY story]]."
* [[Taken for Granite]]: the Fayth are statues that house the souls of people who provide the power for the summoned creature. Many fiends can also petrify you...but you can also petrify them as well, with the right spells and items.
* [[Tech Points]]: FFX takes the unusual step of basically replacing [[Experience Points]] with these, renaming them "Sphere Levels" and providing a "Sphere Grid" for a [[Point Build System]]...except for how progression through it is essentially linear. (''X-2'' went back to standard levels.)
* [[The Reveal]]: There are plenty of reveals in this world of stagnant tradition and ancient dogma, but three stand out as plot-pivotal. Each of them are personal to Tidus, and each is handled differently.
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* [[Those Two Guys]]: Luzzu and Gatta. {{spoiler|Possibly a subversion, as no matter what you do, one of them will wind up dead.}}
* [[Tomato in the Mirror]]: {{spoiler|Tidus is a dream of the Fayth.}}
* [[Too Many Belts]]: Lulu wears ''a dress made of belts''.
** It was also to try to challenge the graphics designers anyway.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: Yuna starts out as a peaceful, quietly devout girl, but as the game continues, she gets increasingly powerful Aeons, busts out of a kidnapping attempt, {{spoiler|breaks out of an attempted forced marriage, was the first person to [[Screw Destiny]] when she learns that what she had been taught ''her entire life'' was a hideous lie, and then proceeded to beat that lie into pieces.}}
** She gains several more levels in X-2. "I don't like your plan. It sucks."
** The game does this for the entire summoner class. The bread and butter of the summoner's ability is summoning powerful monsters to attack enemies but they don't really have much power on their own. Summoners in past games augmented their abilities by being proficient with other magic ([[Black Magician Girl|Rydia]] and [[The Medic|Dagger]] for example). But in Final Fantasy X, a summoner ''created'' Sin and terrorized the world for a thousand years solely through the art of summoning. The summoner's identity? {{spoiler|Yu Yevon.}}
* [[Tragic Monster]]: {{spoiler|Braska's Final Aeon, aka Jecht.}}
** Not to mention Anima. {{spoiler|She was Seymour's mother.}}
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* [[Useless Useful Spell]]: The instant death spell, by the time you get it, anything worth using it on is immune to it.
* [[Vacuum Hurricane Kick]]: The Jecht shot seems to involve doing twenty-some revolutions while [[Gravity Is a Harsh Mistress|hovering at the apex of your jump for five seconds]]. What's interesting is how the shot is used both underwater and on land, and is just as implausible in either scenario.
* [[Verbal Tic]]: Wakka ends a lot of his sentances with "ya?"
** Also, Maechen ends ''every'' lecture (some of which border of [[Final Fantasy Tactics|Daravon-calibre boringness]]) with "And that, as they say, is that."
* [[Vicious Cycle]]: Sin's death and rebirth. Every time Sin died before, it just came back. {{spoiler|And as far as the higher-ups of the [[Corrupt Church]] are concerned, that's fine. They trick people into thinking there's a way to stop it, until the main characters find a way to ''actually'' stop it.}}
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* [[White Magician Girl]]: Yuna hits this trope on nearly every point: feminine and sweet, primarily a [[White Mage]], and [[The Heart]] of the party.
* [[With a Friend and a Stranger]]: With the protagonist as stranger variation, and a trio of friends instead of a duo.
* [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]]: {{spoiler|Seymour is at least ''intended'' to come across as this: he was born to a human mother and Guado father, he and his mother were banished by his father to maintain the peace in Guadosalam, his mother gave her life to become a Fayth ''right before his very eyes'' (to his horror), and he grew up lonely. As a result, he develops an ideology that life is suffering, and intends to become Sin so that he may kill everyone on Spira and end the cycle of death and pain. Unfortunately, he's targeted by the [[Misaimed Fandom]] because the creators played ''down'' the potential [[Woobie]] traits and ''played up'' his condescending attitude and [[Smug Snake]] grin (as opposed to, say, the other way around}}. Then again, given that ''his own mother'' admits that he's driven completely by a lust for power and has become a [[Complete Monster]] [[Omnicidal Maniac]] who wants to destroy the world [[For the Evulz]], it's kinda hard to ''make'' him sympathetic in the first place.
* [[Wrench Wench]]: Rikku, and how.
* [[You Bastard]]: To get the sigil for Rikku's [[Infinity+1 Sword|Ultimate Weapon]], you have to hunt down and fight some Cactuars. Each one is introduced individually, with a name and personality. First, the cactuar stone tells you their names and where you can find them, e.g. Tomay - Gone to fetch the water, be back soon. When you've killed them all, the stone reads it all again, but instead of "be back soon" after each one it says "gone for good", and it's actually quite chilling.