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== The game will include a system similar to [[Final Fantasy X -2|Garment Grids]] ==
* It will be known as [[Added Alliterative AppealAlliteration|Paradigm Plates]] where Paradigms will be placed before battle, each will provide it's own [[Status Buff|boost]] (Such as Auto-Haste) and [[Final Fantasy X -2|transformations (Paradigm Plate Shifts)]] will happen via [[Split Screen]] with the current three party characters.
== Pulse, Lindzei, and Etro are totally working together. ==
* I posted this on the Gamespot forums, so I'll just copy and paste it.
Here's the theory; Etro and Pulse are totally working together. In fact, all three of the divine siblings are all in this to accomplish the same thing.
So, we know that Buniberzei created the three God'Cie, gave Pulse and Lindzei the sole purpose of uncovering a path to the invisible realm, and cast Etro away as an exile before sealing himself up in Crystal. Etro was obviously not happy about not being given a Focus; which will become relevant after she kills herself. When Etro dies, she inadvertently discovers that death is the only way to reach the invisible realm, and there, she beholds her mother - Buniberzei's sworn enemy - dissolving and dying right in front of her. Thus, inadvertently making the existence of Pulse and Lindzei completely irrelevant, since Buniberzei no longer has any reason to find a path to the invisible realm. So, this opens up two possibilities:
1. Pulse, Lindzei, and Etro don't WANT to ressurect their Maker, because that would deprive them of any purpose for existing, and Buniberzei might well discard them once he recognizes that they cannot continue to perform their intended function. However, they can't directly defy their programming, so they end up trying to wake him up anyway. Or at least, Pulse and Lindzei have to, because they can't defy their Focus. Etro, having no focus, has free will, and she's the key to whatever solution will enable her to free her siblings from their eternal slavery. This notion won't directly fit in with my theory; however, it could well lead to alternate theories.
2. The three of them DO want to ressurect Buniberzei, if only for the sake of loyalty to their creator and father figure. However, Buniberzei inadvertently made two mistakes; commanding his servants (via Focus) to not wake him until the invisible world was open, and secondly, creating them in such a way that they are unable to destroy either themselves or their own creations. The third problem here is that the siblings can't simply kill each other to reach the invisible realm, because it's a one way trip. Once they disappear, they can't come back to the physical realm where Buniberzei dwells. However, it is possible for Etro to communicate with her siblings across the barriers of space and time, as they probably share a metaphysical link of some kind, being born of the same maker's handiwork. The fact that Eidolons are capable of traveling back and forth across the interdimensional divide, and that Etro dispelled Ragnarok and intervened to save the party at the conclusion of [[FF 13]], is proof that Etro does indeed have some limited ability to interact with the physical realm. So, we can assume that Etro and her siblings are on the same page at any given point in [[FF 13]]'s overarching mythos.
See where this is going? Etro and her sibilings need that door open, and they need to figure out how to keep it open. Doing this will satisfy the conditions of their Focus and allow them to wake their master. So they come up with the notion that forcing a whole bunch of souls through the door all at once will keep it open long enough for them to awaken their master. They see that Etro's blood has spawned a whole race of fleshy beings, humans, who are easily manipulated and controlled. So Lindzei creates the paradise world of Cocoon, intended specifically for the "mass production of human thralls" (quoth Barthandelus) That's step 1. Step 2 is to blow it up once enough humans are produced; due to the limitations of their programming, they can't destroy anything they themselves specifically create, a limitation that extends to the creations themselves (i.e. the Fal'Cie) So Pulse decides to use Anima to find himself a couple of L'Cie that have the potential to unleash Ragnarok.
They find the perfect vessels of destruction, in the form of Vanille and Fang. But the God'Cie still haven't reached the quota of souls that they need in order to force open the door. So Ragnarok was never intended to destroy Cocoon at the time; in fact, the whole thing was an elaborate ploy to get Fang and Vanille inside Cocoon, and keep them there for the 500 years that it would take for humans to achieve the necessary critical mass. They partially fulfill their Focus, get turned into Crystal by Etro when they draw near the Door to the Invisible World, get sealed inside Anima, Anima is put to sleep, and Barthandelus and his Fal'Cie, acting under Lindzei's directive, pulls up a bunch of raw material to repair the damage caused by Ragnarok...conveniently picking up Anima along the way and hiding the seeds of Cocoon's destruction inside the town that would later become Bodhum. Pulse, meanwhile, gives his Fal'Cie the task of destroying humanity on Pulse, to avoid the possibility of them destroying Cocoon prematurely. Titan and his ilk do this by relentlessly Ciefying everybody, making Cocoon completely safe from outside aggression. Barthandelus, meanwhile, operating in various guises, whips humanity into a wild, deliberate paranoia, which would potentially make it easier for him to manipulate the "fear addled sheep" into slaughtering themselves later on. Fang and Vanille are intended to later become Ragnarok and kill Orphan, destroying Cocoon; however, it's possible that they won't be able to accomplish this goal by themselves, so Barthandelus keeps an eye out for other human thralls that have the potential to be made into Ragnarok.
Without any other direct goal to accomplish, Pulse and Lindzei destroy each other, getting Banished to the invisible world, and trusting their creations to orchestrate the plan to force open the door to the invisible world. Their purpose in doing this is to aid Etro in finding a way to weaken the barrier on the other side of the invisible world, and maybe enact a second plot that will accomplish the same goal.
The events of [[FF 13]] happen. What makes this theory relevant is that Etro and Pulse were BOTH on the same page throughout the whole game; Pulse makes the party into L'Cie after instructing Anima to awaken Fang and Vanille, Etro helps the party along by giving them Eidolons and preventing them from succumbing to despair, and Barthandelus...well, his role needs no introduction. At the end of the game, everything happens exactly as the God'Cie intended; Cocoon is partially destroyed, and in the process, 1/3rd of the human race is killed off. Though less than expected, the quota turns out to actually be sufficient for their purposes, and the door is flung open anyway. IMMEDIATELY after this, Paradoxes begin appearing all over the world. This is a result of the invisible world interacting with the physical realm, as a consequence of the Door being flung open at the climax of [[FF 13]].
Now...why did Lightning get sucked away to serve and protect Etro? It's possible that, having finally accomplished their Focus, Pulse and Lindzei are now preparing to awaken Buniberzei, but wish to destroy Etro in order to avoid incurring Buniberzei's wrath for having relied on the aid of an exiled, despised god. Alternatively, the threat repesented by Caius falls completely outside the dynamic of the three Fal'Cie. Or, better yet, either Lindzei or Pulse want to claim all the credit for opening a path to the invisible world, and seek to unmake their siblings in order to recieve the full blessings of their patron deity.
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* Lightning will get an [[Aesop Amnesia]] and rebuff him stating that she can't protect him.
* He will become a [[Distressed Dude in Distress]] at some point.
* He becomes a Party Member since he does showcase quite some skill with Pulse Machines, something that would obviously come in handy when exploring Pulse, despite his loss of L'Cie powers.
** Keep in mind that this game will likely occur at least a few years after the events of Final Fantasy XIII, meaning that he'll be either in his late teens, or his early adult years. That being said, this game could show him a few years older, after he's had the chance to mature a bit.
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It's how Vanille aquired her bear-skin skirt/blanket after all.
* [[Final Fantasy IV (Video Game)|I guess that MP]] [[Final Fantasy Tactics a 2 (Video Game)A2|won't be a issue for her then.]]
== The original party members are still being hunted by the people of Cocoon. ==
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* The ultimate way for him to [[Took a Level In Badass|take a level in badass]].
== The dark haired man Lightning was fighting in the trailer is an older [[Final Fantasy Versus XIII (Video Game)|Noctis]] ==
* And the fact that Final Fantasy Versus XIII taking place in a different world is a case of [[Lying Creator]] in an attempt to make it more of a twist.
** Or maybe by "Different world" they just meant Gran Pulse, since most of [[Final Fantasy XIII (Video Game)|Final Fantasy XIII]] takes place in Cocoon.
** [[Jossed]]--turns out the guy's named Caius and he's the main antagonist.
== The world Lightning finds herself in is the world of [[Final Fantasy Versus XIII (Video Game)|Final Fantasy Versus XIII]] ==
Either it's Tenebrae, where a legend exists where those who see the light gain powers (why Lightning can summon Odin while losing her l'Cie powers), or Noctis' kingdom. Or a location victimized by the war to obtain the last crystals. With a massive city in ruins devoid of any life, the world either became the victim of an [[Apocalypse Wow]], or war. Since Square's not too eager to spoil anything from Versus XIII, this will be beyond that of Noctis' time and will have several [[Foreshadowing|Foreshadowings]] of what's to come for Versus XIII.
== Dissidia's Lightning is from this game ==
{{spoiler|and as a result the hero of the game will be changed part way through due to her dying}}
* Hmm...the whole "Lightning is dead" thing actually makes sense in context when you put it that way: the original Dissidia was the thirteenth cycle. Given Square's track record, a [[Lampshade Hanging]] wouldn't even be surprising.
** OP here. It's starting to become more likely. The only screenshots of her they've released so far deal with the Chaos Bahamut fight (either during or around it). They could easily be hiding something, but I'm getting worried. Especially how Noel is described as "the last human" (Granted, he in game phrases it as "the last human born" and we don't know if Lightning is considered human anymore but still...)
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== Noel's design was based off of Fang's original design ==
Fang was [[What Could Have Been|originally going to have been a guy]], explaining the [[Les Yay]] between her and Vanille. Noel, who's design is simmilar to Fang's may possibly be what she may have looked like if she ended up being a man.
* That makes the whole "Lightning is based off of [[Final Fantasy VII (Video Game)|Cloud]]" [[Hilarious in Hindsight|even more funny]].
== Noel is Fang from an alternate reality ==
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What? I know what you're thinking, but the first XIII-2 character they revealed was the yet-unamed purple-haired man who will be Light's rival. Since he'll go out of his way to interfere with her mission, ''despite'' both of them having similar goals, for a good chunk of the game these two will be teeming with [[UST]]. This troper's predicted formula? If they get over the [[UST]], it'll be [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]] --> [[Will They or Won't They?]] and the eventual [[Slap Slap Kiss]] --> [[Relationship Upgrade]] --> [[Battle Couple]] (inevitable and Badass).
Of course, this being a [[Square Enix]] game and a [[Final Fantasy]] to boot, it may not be so simple. For all we know those two will get [[Strangled Byby the Red String]], which makes sense since the game (as we know so far) switches back and forth between Noel and Serah's story and hers. Perhaps the purple-haired man will come in and save Lightning and/or vice-versa and it's after that they realize their true feelings for each other. With Lightning's characterization as someone who's been too busy with work for a normal life (and seems to not converse with anyone within her job except for Amodar), preceded by a ruined childhood after taking on parental responsibilities before hitting her teen years, the girl will run into trouble when it comes to the romance department. A big factor in this comes from the epilogue novella: everyone has loved ones to return to, be it a lover or family. Lightning has no one except Serah, who she places in Snow's care now. This game will cut her some slack and give her the lovin' she deserves. And if the devs decide to keep her single forever the fans'll ship 'em anyway. [[Launcher of a Thousand Ships|Adding this to the long list of every other fandom shipping out there]].
Of course, in the event that this WMG comes out true and something happens to Light's man... well, bring on the [[Tear Jerker|Tear Jerkers]]
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== Paddra-Nsu Yeul is somehow related/connected to Vanille. ==
This or she's just a [[Foil]] to Vanille. Starting with the similarities: They share a somewhat similar clothing style, with the beads and jewelery. They both have [[Green Eyes]], they both know more about what happening around more than anyone, (Vanille experienced them, Yeul is a [[Seer]]), they both keep a lot to themselves. Contrasts: Yeul is reserved, Vanille is energetic, Yeul has [[Shy Blue-Haired Girl|Blue Hair (theatre)]], Vanille has [[Red Hair]] (which reflect their personalities) so they kinda have a [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]] sort of relationship.
== Chocolina saves everybody in the DLC. ==
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== The Atlas Boss Battle is supposed to be a [[Incredibly Lame Pun|giant]] [[Take That]] at ATLUS. ==
The main reason being that ATLUS are renowned for [[That One Boss/Other Games/Atlus|making games with excrutiatingly painful bosses]], and Square wanted to take a jab at that. Hence why the boss has a rather similar name; and if you choose to face him straight on, then the boss is near impossible (there are some videos on Youtube of players managing to beat him at full strength).
== Lightning turning to crystal is meant to keep the goddess (barely) alive ==
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Additional connections, if you've spotted them, please.
[[Category:Wild Mass Guessing/Video Games]]
[[Category:Final Fantasy XIII-2]]