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A 2015 video game, part of the ''[[Fire Emblem]]'' series, where [[Nintendo]] decided to adopt the ''[[Pokémon]]'' strategy with another franchise to [[Cash Cow Franchise|gain more money]], [[One Game for the Price of Two|creating two physical versions of the game]] and adding a third one as [[Downloadable Content|DLC]]
A 2015 video game, part of the ''[[Fire Emblem]]'' series, where [[Nintendo]] decided to adopt the ''[[Pokémon]]'' strategy with another franchise to [[Cash Cow Franchise|gain more money]], [[One Game for the Price of Two|creating two physical versions of the game]] and adding a third one as [[Downloadable Content|DLC]].

Basically, the game revolves around a war between the kingdoms of Nohr, a european-like medieval country, and Hoshido, a japanese-like medieval country. The protagonist is a Hoshido-born noble that was kind of adopted by the king of Nohr as his own son/daughter. And by kind of adopted means that the main character's step siblings do treat him like family, but the adoption involved the main character's real father being killed and the protagonist being kidnapped by the king of Nohr.
Basically, the game revolves around a war between the kingdoms of Nohr, a european-like medieval country, and Hoshido, a japanese-like medieval country. The protagonist is a Hoshido-born noble that was kind of adopted by the king of Nohr as his own son/daughter. And by kind of adopted means that the main character's step siblings do treat him like family, but the adoption involved the main character's real father being killed and the protagonist being kidnapped by the king of Nohr.