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{{quote| ''"Once a girl has been created, circumstances will conspire to keep her a girl."''}}
So you've got the plot all finished, the [[McGuffin]] is located, and all of the loose ends are nicely tied. Time to finally reverse that pesky [[Gender Bender]] you've been laboring under since the beginning of this story arc. Piece of Cake. This is fiction, after all. Aren't [[Green Rock|green rocks]], [[Applied Phlebotinum]], and [[A Wizard Did It|magic]] all abound? All you need do is hunt down [[Those Two Guys]] with the [[Transformation Ray]], jump into that magic spring, or run down to [[The Little Shop That Wasn't There Yesterday]] for one of their [[Gender Bender]] specials. How hard can it be?
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* Exception: Makoto in ''[[El-Hazard: The Magnificent World]]'' gets to stop dressing up as Princess Fatora once the real princess returns.
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]] Vampire Guilt-Na-Zan of ''[[Vampire Doll]]'' seems to be doomed to this fate, mainly because the person who transformed him is a [[Magnificent Bastard]]. [[Lampshaded]] in one of the omake comics:
{{quote| '''Kyoji:''' "Thus Guilt-Na obtained the treasure of "friendship", much more precious than becoming a man."<br />
'''Guilt-Na:''' ''"You're not going to change me back, are you?!"'' }}
* ''Gacha Gacha Secret'' has a more understandable case, as the guy is turned into a girl whenever he sneezes, but never ''even tried'' to cure it; he just used his girl-form to [[Gender Bender Friendship|make friends with the girl he likes to get to know her better]]. In the end {{spoiler|however, it's played straight, as the people that were hired to change him back screwed up because he tried to leave half-way through the treatment so the girl wouldn't lose her friend. This ends up not curing him of the changing, but ''did'' cure the condition that would have killed him if he changed too much}}.
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** Also, in the years before the DOLLY arc, though, as stated, male-to-female changes were constant and many were permanent, female-to-male changes ''never'' happened except for an oft-bodyswapped couple. One time we ''thought'' Anne and Miranda had become boys, but it turns out Wotches cannot be male and so Anne and Miranda are immune to genderbending.
** Lord Sykos shows up and goes on a gender-changing spree across town, happily encouraged by his first victim "Aimee". At the end of the story arc he turns all his victims back to normal ''except'' Aimee who decides she prefers being Sykos' [[Perky Female Minion]] to her former existence. As we don't get to see much of "his" life before the transformation we're given no real motivation for this decision.
{{quote| '''Aimee:''' "Seriously, Anne, don't ruin this for me."}}
*** There was also one unnamed <s> guy</s> girl who Lord Sykos sent to get tacos who had the misfortune of failing to return before Lord Sykos restored everyone else and returned to his home dimension, leaving <s> him</s> her with no memory of the incident...and a lot of unanswered questions.
{{quote| Where am I? Why do I have tacos? ...And why am I a girl?}}
* ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'', while not as casual or frequent about it as ''[[The Wotch]]'', certainly pays the Law its dues. According to the rules governing the comic's main sex-changing phlebotinum, only male-to-female sex changes can be made permanent (via [[Mister Seahorse|pregnancy]]); female-to-male sex changes, even of someone trapped by pregnancy (for whom it's only even possible afterwards), cannot exceed a 30 day time limit. The second time a boy - the ''main character'' - is turned into a girl the device breaks, leaving "her" stuck for the full thirty days, and the attempt to get around this leaves him with an [[Opposite Sex Clone]] ''and'' the permanent ability to change sex at will, something the rules of magic eventually ''force'' him to do on a regular basis.
** Also, much later, a "seyunolu" ([[Half-Human Hybrid|chimera]]) member of the [[Quirky Miniboss Squad]], Vlad, is hit with a [[Transformation Ray]] and is turned female, but more importantly to him/her, ''human''. "She" has no desire to change back, and since [[Bizarre Alien Biology]] overrides the time limit (and, implicitly, gender identity), Vladia, as she is now called, is treated as a woman from then on.
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* In ''[ Discordia]'', it's [[Magic A Is Magic A|established]] that anyone transformed by a virgin winds up the virgin's gender; this is true whether they started out that way or not (for instance, a man neutralized via [[Fountain of Youth]] ends up as a little ''girl''). Since the only character with such powers is a prepubescent girl, the male cast members had better watch their step. Furthermore, the formerly male main character can't be transformed again ''at all''.
* Defied in [ this] ''[[The Order of the Stick|Order of the Stick]]''.
{{quote| '''Durkon''': Roy, before I cast tha spell, are ye absolutely sure ye want to go back to being a man?<br />
'''Roy''': What? What kind of a dumb question is that?? Look, I'll admit it wasn't as bad as I'd feared. I wasn't any weaker or anything. I did have trouble keeping my emotions under control, but I think that was because I'm not used to the hormones. But come on. I was born a man, there's no reason I would want to stay a woman. }}
* ''[[Narbonic]]'' examples: