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'''Strong Bad:''' "Do you have to ask?"|''[[Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People|Strong Bads Cool Game for Attractive People]] Episode 2: Strong Badia the Free''}}
[[Nothing but Skulls|Skulls are cool.]] [[Incendiary Exponent|Fire is cool.]] [[X Meets Y|This is what happens when the two]] [[Homestar Runner|have a baby in your brain]].
Compare [[Crystal Skull]].
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== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* ''[[Warhammer Fantasy]]'' traditionally has a Bright/Fire magic spell called "The Burning Head".
** Also: Screaming Skull Catapults. The ancient Khemri empire had a habit of keeping the heads of executed criminals, coating them in a special kind of pitch that not only burned well, [[Nightmare Fuel|but made a horrific screaming sound, and firing the things en masse at opposing armies via catapult]]. Coming back as a race of [[Dem Bones|skeletal undead]] has not cured them of this habit.
*** There's an upgrade for the catapult that lets you fire the skulls of ''the specific race being fought'' at them. This hurts their morale rather badly.
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** And Scorpion has one for a head.
* One of the early powerful Wizard spells in ''[[Puzzle Quest]]'' is called "Flaming Skulls".
* An attack unique to the [[Grim Reaper]] enemies in ''[[Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice]]'' involves transporting the enemy into a [[Pocket Dimension]], where they float down a large pillar and then are mobbed by burning skulls. This also qualifies for [[Nightmare Fuel]].
* In ''[[Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People|Strong Bads Cool Game for Attractive People]] Episode 2: Strong Badia the Free'', the Drive-Thru Whale prompts Strong Bad to {{spoiler|set a pile of papier-mache skulls on fire}} with the hint "would you like flaming skulls with that?" Strong Bad, being Strong Bad, replies "You have to ask?"
* Prometheus from ''[[Mega Man ZX]]'' could summon 4 of these as one of his attacks.