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* Karen's shrillness and addictions, and Jack's shrillness and idiocy on ''[[Will and Grace]]''.
** Also Grace became much more neurotic and self-obsessed, and Will became much more whiny and his [[Camp Gay]] tendencies along with Jack's increased.
* On ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'', Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart was introduced in Season 6 and made a regular in Season 7, serving as an action-oriented non-scientific foil for the Doctor. Despite being a somewhat stubborn and closed-minded military man who depended upon the Doctor in dire circumstances, he was shown in his first 2 seasons as crafty and capable. Starting in Season 8, his most obvious traits were magnified. It got so bad that by Season 10 he was incapable of getting ''anything'' done when the Doctor was away, failed to understand even simple scientific principles, and was incredulous of any unusual phenomenon. This trend was reversed somewhat when his character was reintroduced in Season 20 after an absence of 7 years.
* Chloe from ''[[Smallville]]'' went from someone who was okay with computers to being able to [[Reverse Polarity|trace a bug's point of origin]], discover [[Magical Database|anything about anyone]], and she even had a shot at decoding a Kryptonian virus on her PC... when all the power on Earth had been shut off. Basically she filled in any [[Plot Hole|Plot Holes]] where the writers couldn't think of a way to get Clark to the place he needed to be. There's even an episode where Brainiac downloads its intellect into her, pretty much super-Flanderizing her computer skills.
** More than an episode. It turns out he was responsible for her intelligence going out control and she was losing more and more of herself as time went on.
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** Cat started off as down to earth, not too smart but not too stupid either. Come season two, she's a basically useless [[The Ditz|ditz]].
** Tori was snarky and commonly aggressive, but she did try to be normal. Despite very rarely getting punished for her [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|screw-ups]], she usually felt bad and did what she could to help. She is subject to [[Alternative Character Interpretation]], but nowadays she can do incredibly selfish acts and [[Karma Houdini|always escapes retribution for it]].
** Robbie started off as an [[Unlucky Everydude]] character type. But by Season 3 he's become an extreme case of [[This Loser Is You]] (Nearing [[Anti -Sue]] levels) [[Straw Loser|whose purpose is basically to suck.]] No matter how [[Throw the Dog A Bone|good things go for him or what he manages to accomplish]], it's all just to [[Yank the Dog's Chain|set up a greater fall from grace]] ([[All Jews Are Cheapskates|Among]] [[Greedy Jew|other things...]]).
* ''[[The Cosby Show]]'''s Denise started out as a funky, spunky, spirited, independent, intelligent young woman. Somewhere along the line, she turned into a flaky, clueless, freeloading moron. Additionally, despite being willing to leave New York travel to Africa for a photojournalism assignment (the actress was written out for maternity leave), she somehow freaked out at the notion of leaving New York, for the wilds of. . .Rhode Island.
* [[Oh My Gods|Oh gods]], ''[[Psych]]''. Where do we begin? Shawn went from being a happy-go-lucky average-intelligence charmer to a genuinely stupid, somehow universally attractive, lovable [[Jerkass|asshole]], while poor Gus went from Shawn's slightly uptight but more traditionally competent and knowledgeable buddy to a total loser whose areas of expertise are mostly [[Informed Ability|informed abilities]] and exists almost solely to finish Shawn's pop cultural references. Jules went from being your average cop stand-in with a little bit of [[UST]] with Shawn to [[The Chick]], and Lassiter went from being Shawn's [[Foil]] with a little bit of hidden bigotry to such a gigantic creep that it is honestly a wonder why anyone lets the man near them. Buzz McNab ([[Ensemble Darkhorse]], anyone?), meanwhile, has all but disappeared. He's mostly rescinded back to his original place as a figure in the background of certain scenes. The [[Flanderization]] of all of the characters is actually many fans' biggest complaint.