In the original series, the Klingons were an aggressive military superpower with expansionist ambitions. In the Cold War politics of the time, they obviously represented the USSR, while the Romulans just as obviously represented Red China. They appeared little different from us; they could be violent, aggressive, sly, cloying, or deceptive, just like us. But at the end of "Errand of Mercy", Kor reflected wistfully upon the grand battle that never was: "it would have been glorious!" Oh, from such humble beginnings did such a vast mythology grow ... — Brain Bugs essay in StarDestroyer.Net
When they were space vikings with pointy teeth and anger management issues they were pretty cool but as with most armies the 5th drive for new minis and blowing open closed doors fucked them. All the non codex chapters suffered from it but the wolves became almost a parody of their former selves. — Anon on /tg/, about Space Wolves