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In ancient history, many cultures believed the Earth was flat. Certainly the curvature is so slight that it wasn't until the Greeks that the spherical Earth theory took hold (contrary to popular belief, [[Dead Unicorn Trope Christopher|Columbus didn't have to try and convince people that the earth was round]]).
Flat worlds typically only appear in fantasy. They will usually be a circular disc, although other shapes have appeared. The edges will either be [[The Wall Around the World|surrounded by walls]] (often [[Invisible Wall|Invisible Walls]] in video games) or will be unguarded, [[Nonstandard Game Over|so that the unwary may fall off]]. Occasionally, there are no edges - the world goes on in all directions [[Sci -Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale|for infinity]].
Sadly, [http://theflatearthsociety.org/ some people] believe that this is [[Truth in Television]]. Less literally, the trope was considered to be truth in television in practice, up until World War 2, and Pearl Harbor was often treated as the edge of the world by both the Japanese and the Americans.
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== Comic Books ==
* The Godwheel in the cancelled ''Ultraverse'' comics [[The Verse|'verse]] is an [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Alderson_disk:Alderson disk|Alderson disc]]: a flat disc billions of kilometres across with a star in a hole in the middle, on which multiple ecosystems evolved in widely separated regions. All the alien species that visit Earth originate from this single world.
== Film ==
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