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== [[Live Action Television]] ==
* In a late episode of ''[[Get Smart]]'', Max and 99 are caught in death-trap with no apparent means of escape. Thinking they are about to die, Max realizes that he's in love with 99 and declares that if they could get out he'd marry her. She immediately thinks of a way to escape and they get married a few episodes later.
* In the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' episode "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S32 E2/E02 Day of the Moon|Day of the Moon]]", the Doctor and River trade flirtatious quips while Amy Pond is held prisoner feet away, and the Silence trying to manipulate the 69 Apollo moon shot. Amy ends up snapping them out of it with a barbed remark.
* ''[[Chuck]]'' has this with Chuck and Sarah, to a lesser extent when their relationship is still just a cover and more frequently once they finally get together. Notably, Chuck and Sarah's first major quarrel as a couple is aired out ''while foiling a bank robbery'', ({{spoiler|actually part of a gambit by Alexei Volkoff to gain access to Chuck's father's files on him}}). Later, while ''performing'' a bank robbery as part of a mission, the two lightheartedly discuss their impending wedding plans, made even funnier with occasional asides to threaten the bank patrons and guards. Being ''Chuck'', these moments are usually played both for laughs and seriously at the same time.
* ''[[Farscape]]'' frequently makes use of this trope with Crichton and Aeryn. Even before becoming a couple the two, particularly John, would make flirtatious comments during fights. Taken [[Up to Eleven]] in the Peacekeeper Wars, where not only are the two married by Stark during the apocalyptic Scarran attack on the planet they're defending, but {{spoiler|Aeryn is in the process of ''giving birth''}}.