Examples of Foe Yay in Fan Works include:

Saavik: As you requested, I've performed a quick check on your calculations. They are essentially sound, but you've left one-tenth of one percentile unaccounted-for.
Vanessa: I didn't think the captain needed or wanted to hear about the Largo/Gryphon slash fans.

  • It would probably be easier to list every work work with two rival characters where this trope hasn't been invoked in a fanfic than to list all the ones where it has. The list wouldn't be long.
  • And wouldn't last long either, Rule 35 of the internet, which is basically a guarantee that Rule 34(If it exists, there is porn of it — no exceptions.) will remain true, states that "If there is no porn of it, it will be made", meaning that if someone notices a lack of porn of something, and happen to point it out, somebody somewhere will be happy to draw/write/find it in pretty short order to fill the vacuum.

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