Forbidden Chekhov's Gun: Difference between revisions

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Remember [[Chekhov's Gun]] that was on top of the mantel? The one Little Bobby was told ''never'' to touch, under ''any'' circumstances? Now's the time to grab it. This is a specific subtrope of the [[Chekhov's Gun]] where some points out the "gun" and ''explicitly warns against using it''. It doesn't have to be a [[Matter of Life and Death]]. It can be as simple as being told not to push a button, then later being told to push it.
Remember [[Chekhov's Gun]] that was on top of the mantel? The one Little Bobby was told ''never'' to touch, under ''any'' circumstances? Now's the time to grab it. This is a specific subtrope of the [[Chekhov's Gun]] where some points out the "gun" and ''explicitly warns against using it''. It doesn't have to be a [[Matter of Life and Death]]. It can be as simple as being told not to push a button, then later being told to push it.

In general, whenever someone says "Don't touch that, it's in case of ''extreme'' emergencies", it '''''[[Chekhov's Gun|will]]''''' be used in an extreme emergency later on. As a [[Godzilla Threshold|desperation maneuver,]] it invariably works. (Remember, [[Million to One Chance|desperation maneuvers ALWAYS work]].) In fact, if a character at any point says, "Don't ''ever'' do that!", it's ten to one that very thing ''will happen'' by the end of the story (whether on purpose or by pure accident).
In general, whenever someone says "Don't touch that, it's in case of ''extreme'' emergencies", it '''''[[Chekhov's Gun|will]]''''' be used in an extreme emergency later on. As a [[Godzilla Threshold|desperation maneuver,]] it invariably works. (Remember, [[Million-to-One Chance|desperation maneuvers ALWAYS work]].) In fact, if a character at any point says, "Don't ''ever'' do that!", it's ten to one that very thing ''will happen'' by the end of the story (whether on purpose or by pure accident).

Often used in conjunction with a [[Godzilla Threshold]]. ''Mildly'' related to [[Explosive Overclocking]], [[Temporal Paradox]], and [[Finishing Move]].
Often used in conjunction with a [[Godzilla Threshold]]. ''Mildly'' related to [[Explosive Overclocking]], [[Temporal Paradox]], and [[Finishing Move]].


== Anime ==
== Anime ==
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* ''[[Slayers]]'' offers another example with the Giga Slave. In order to keep it from being Lina's answer to every problem, a [[Godzilla Threshold]] aspect was introduced. Lina learns that the spell could cause the world to turn to chaos, and vows to never use it again; naturally, she's forced to do so at the end of Slayers Next.
* ''[[Slayers]]'' offers another example with the Giga Slave. In order to keep it from being Lina's answer to every problem, a [[Godzilla Threshold]] aspect was introduced. Lina learns that the spell could cause the world to turn to chaos, and vows to never use it again; naturally, she's forced to do so at the end of Slayers Next.
** Interesting to note, however, is that it's not always used when there's a climax. The end of the first season, like the end of NEXT, is one big attempt to get her to perform the spell. She doesn't. Almost the entirety of Try, once the characters learn who the [[Big Bad]] is, is about finding a way NOT to use it. They succeed, but Lina always accepted that she may have to use the Giga Slave if their plan didn't work.
** Interesting to note, however, is that it's not always used when there's a climax. The end of the first season, like the end of NEXT, is one big attempt to get her to perform the spell. She doesn't. Almost the entirety of Try, once the characters learn who the [[Big Bad]] is, is about finding a way NOT to use it. They succeed, but Lina always accepted that she may have to use the Giga Slave if their plan didn't work.
* Sugata of ''[[Star Driver (Anime)|Star Driver]]'' has access to an extremely powerful first phase ability, the King's Pillar. However, every previous bearer of Samehk's mark who used the ability [[Dude She's Like in A Coma|never woke up again]]. Of course the time comes when he has to protect Wako, and well, you can guess what happened. Luckily for Sugata, his [[Level Up At Intimacy Five|libido]] was strong enough overcome that effect.
* Sugata of ''[[Star Driver (Anime)|Star Driver]]'' has access to an extremely powerful first phase ability, the King's Pillar. However, every previous bearer of Samehk's mark who used the ability [[Dude, She's Like, in A Coma|never woke up again]]. Of course the time comes when he has to protect Wako, and well, you can guess what happened. Luckily for Sugata, his [[Level Up At Intimacy Five|libido]] was strong enough overcome that effect.

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* The Omega 13 from ''[[Galaxy Quest (Film)|Galaxy Quest]]''. Somewhat played with. None of the characters even ''know'' what it does, including the aliens who built it. So they don't want to use it, because they don't know what it will do.
* The Omega 13 from ''[[Galaxy Quest (Film)|Galaxy Quest]]''. Somewhat played with. None of the characters even ''know'' what it does, including the aliens who built it. So they don't want to use it, because they don't know what it will do.
* The [[Super Prototype|Gunstar's]] [[Spin Attack|Death Blossom]] attack in ''[[The Last Starfighter]]''; not so much that's it's insanely overpowered (although it is) as that it leaves the ship vulnerable just before and after it's engaged.
* The [[Super Prototype|Gunstar's]] [[Spin Attack|Death Blossom]] attack in ''[[The Last Starfighter]]''; not so much that's it's insanely overpowered (although it is) as that it leaves the ship vulnerable just before and after it's engaged.
* ''[[Iron Man (Film)|Iron Man]] 2'', kind of. When Iron Man and Rhodey fight in Tony's villa, they both fire their handcannons at each other at the same time and basically cause a huge explosion, a dangerous side-effect they hadn't predicted. So a [[Show Don't Tell]] version of the warning. This is then used later on to take out the [[Big Bad]] when he has the upper hand.
* ''[[Iron Man (Film)|Iron Man]] 2'', kind of. When Iron Man and Rhodey fight in Tony's villa, they both fire their handcannons at each other at the same time and basically cause a huge explosion, a dangerous side-effect they hadn't predicted. So a [[Show, Don't Tell]] version of the warning. This is then used later on to take out the [[Big Bad]] when he has the upper hand.
* In the ''[[Lost in Space]]'' film, ships have hyperspace engines, but it is not a good idea to jump without coordinates or a jump gate as the exit vector would be random. The crew does this anyway when the ship is sabotaged and crashing into the sun.
* In the ''[[Lost in Space]]'' film, ships have hyperspace engines, but it is not a good idea to jump without coordinates or a jump gate as the exit vector would be random. The crew does this anyway when the ship is sabotaged and crashing into the sun.

== Literature ==
== Literature ==
* Terry Brooks plays this straight in most of his fantasy novels, especially the ''[[Magic Kingdom of Landover]]'' series. Generally, his protagonists have access to powerful magic that defeats or destroys their enemies. However, every time they use it, they get a feeling that one day, they will [[What Have I Become|"lose themselves"]] to the magic. In a subversion, this never happens.
* Terry Brooks plays this straight in most of his fantasy novels, especially the ''[[Magic Kingdom of Landover]]'' series. Generally, his protagonists have access to powerful magic that defeats or destroys their enemies. However, every time they use it, they get a feeling that one day, they will [[What Have I Become?|"lose themselves"]] to the magic. In a subversion, this never happens.
* In the novel ''[[Foundation And Empire]]'', Devers is trying to escape Trantor, with the police in hot pursuit, since {{spoiler|he just killed a Lieutenant}}. He enters hyperspace very close to the planet, which could kill him.
* In the novel ''[[Foundation And Empire]]'', Devers is trying to escape Trantor, with the police in hot pursuit, since {{spoiler|he just killed a Lieutenant}}. He enters hyperspace very close to the planet, which could kill him.
* The Door to Nowhere and Nowhen serves this function in ''[[The Redemption of Althalus]]''.
* The Door to Nowhere and Nowhen serves this function in ''[[The Redemption of Althalus]]''.
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* The Manhattan Project. Scientists did experiments seeing how close they could get radioactive cores to going critical without ''actually'' making them go critical. They called this [[Tempting Fate|Tickling The Dragon's Tail]], and considered it a necessary but insanely dangerous thing to do. One core did accidentally go critical (very briefly) on two separate occasions, resulting in the deaths of two researchers and less severe cases of radiation poisoning for several others. They dubbed this one the [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Demon Core]].
* The Manhattan Project. Scientists did experiments seeing how close they could get radioactive cores to going critical without ''actually'' making them go critical. They called this [[Tempting Fate|Tickling The Dragon's Tail]], and considered it a necessary but insanely dangerous thing to do. One core did accidentally go critical (very briefly) on two separate occasions, resulting in the deaths of two researchers and less severe cases of radiation poisoning for several others. They dubbed this one the [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Demon Core]].
** And I'm sure we all can see when they would feel it appropriate to [[Nuke Em|let the cores go critical]], but such circumstances are very rare and very controversial.
** And I'm sure we all can see when they would feel it appropriate to [[Nuke'Em|let the cores go critical]], but such circumstances are very rare and very controversial.
* The Higgs Boson A.K.A The God particle. The way to discover it ''could'' turn Earth into a black hole.
* The Higgs Boson A.K.A The God particle. The way to discover it ''could'' turn Earth into a black hole.
** Or cause the vacuum of space to drop to a more "stable" state, [[The End of the World As We Know It|destroying the universe as we know it]].
** Or cause the vacuum of space to drop to a more "stable" state, [[The End of the World As We Know It|destroying the universe as we know it]].
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* In ''[[Chrono Cross (Video Game)|Chrono Cross]]'', the [[Big Bad]] is defeated by literally crossing the time streams.
* In ''[[Chrono Cross (Video Game)|Chrono Cross]]'', the [[Big Bad]] is defeated by literally crossing the time streams.
* Happens again in ''[[Ghostbusters the Video Game]]'', {{spoiler|except this time due to being in the ghost world - where the same rules of physics don't apply, such as the lack of gravity on the actual landmass - one can probably assume that you can [[Forbidden Chekhov's Gun|cross the streams]] without frying your ass to bits because the chances are ''reversed'', thus making it more safe to try.}}
* Happens again in ''[[Ghostbusters the Video Game]]'', {{spoiler|except this time due to being in the ghost world - where the same rules of physics don't apply, such as the lack of gravity on the actual landmass - one can probably assume that you can [[Forbidden Chekhov's Gun|cross the streams]] without frying your ass to bits because the chances are ''reversed'', thus making it more safe to try.}}
* The Great Clock's purpose in ''[[Ratchet and Clank Future A Crack In Time]]'' is specifically stated several times throughout the game to be ''maintaining'' time, not reversing it. Time-travelling with it would cause the entire universe to collapse on itself. Naturally, {{spoiler|Clank has to use it to turn back time by only a couple of minutes at the end of the game after [[Well Intentioned Extremist|Azimuth]] kills Ratchet}}.
* The Great Clock's purpose in ''[[Ratchet and Clank Future A Crack In Time]]'' is specifically stated several times throughout the game to be ''maintaining'' time, not reversing it. Time-travelling with it would cause the entire universe to collapse on itself. Naturally, {{spoiler|Clank has to use it to turn back time by only a couple of minutes at the end of the game after [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|Azimuth]] kills Ratchet}}.
* The command that stops the [[Big Bad]] from sacrificing you to end the world in ''[[Chzo Mythos|Trilby's Notes]]'' is {{spoiler|DIE. Yeah.}}
* The command that stops the [[Big Bad]] from sacrificing you to end the world in ''[[Chzo Mythos|Trilby's Notes]]'' is {{spoiler|DIE. Yeah.}}
* ''[[Metroid Other M]]'' combines this with [[A Taste of Power]] for the {{spoiler|Power Bombs}}. You test them out in the beginning of the game, and are promptly told to ''never'' use them, and in fact attempting do so will fail. {{spoiler|Until the final boss, where you HAVE to use them after being swallowed.}} Also a [[Guide Dang It]] since you have, most likely, completely forgotten they exist by that point and wouldn't think to use them after all the hubbub about not using them previously.
* ''[[Metroid Other M]]'' combines this with [[A Taste of Power]] for the {{spoiler|Power Bombs}}. You test them out in the beginning of the game, and are promptly told to ''never'' use them, and in fact attempting do so will fail. {{spoiler|Until the final boss, where you HAVE to use them after being swallowed.}} Also a [[Guide Dang It]] since you have, most likely, completely forgotten they exist by that point and wouldn't think to use them after all the hubbub about not using them previously.
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== Webcomics ==
== Webcomics ==

* This is the same way ''[[Eight Bit Theater (Webcomic)|8-Bit Theater]]'' character Red Mage's Ice-9 spell (a reference to the novel ''Cat's Cradle'') works: as [ the description] puts it, it removes all heat from the universe it is used in, thus destroying all energy. He can only use on other dimensions, like a bag of holding that he shoved an enemy in which White Mage then smashed with a hammer.
* This is the same way ''[[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|8-Bit Theater]]'' character Red Mage's Ice-9 spell (a reference to the novel ''Cat's Cradle'') works: as [ the description] puts it, it removes all heat from the universe it is used in, thus destroying all energy. He can only use on other dimensions, like a bag of holding that he shoved an enemy in which White Mage then smashed with a hammer.
* ''[[Bob and George]]'''s ultimate team-up attack is named as such, and is described by Bob that [ it'll definitely kill Mind, but might kill him, George and Dr. Light in the process.] [[Million to One Chance|They decide to attack anyway.]] Bob and George first shoot streams of fire and lightning energy at Mynd, then [ Bob channels his fire into George], the end result being exponentially more powerful than the two alone.
* ''[[Bob and George]]'''s ultimate team-up attack is named as such, and is described by Bob that [ it'll definitely kill Mind, but might kill him, George and Dr. Light in the process.] [[Million-to-One Chance|They decide to attack anyway.]] Bob and George first shoot streams of fire and lightning energy at Mynd, then [ Bob channels his fire into George], the end result being exponentially more powerful than the two alone.

== [[Web Original]] ==
== [[Web Original]] ==