Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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* Why are there so few fictional friends? We see one, but very few works of fiction seem to produce friends. I could easily see a kid with a bullying problem create Darth Vader to get revenge or a Whedonite creating [[Firefly|River]].
** Because the animators would have to pay royalties to use the likenesses of celebrities and/or fictional characters that they do not own the rights to. They were able to use [[The Powerpuff Girls|Mojo Jojo]] as a one-scene gag because Cartoon Network owns the rights to the character and FHFIM is a Cartoon Network produced show. If they wanted to use Darth Vader, they would have to pay George Lucas the rights to use the character's likeness. Sure, they could create an [[Expy]] for the characters, but, they'd have to make sure not to make them look ''too'' much like the original or else they'd be sued for infringmentinfringement.
* Are Imaginary Friends seen as citizens under the law? Can they get paid jobs? Can they marry each other or even humans? Most of them to be on their own or living in a foster home, but can't they at least rent an apartment?
** Hmm... Complicated question. In ''Foster's Goes to Europe'' {{spoiler|Or do they?!}} It is shown, that the Imaginary Friends need passports and tickets to travel per airplane and are therefor not seen as pets. However, it is often mentioned that the Friend's kids are their "owners", which sound more like they were pets or even slaves (which is definantlydefinitely not the case). It's pretty hard to tell... But, if [[Wild Mass Guessing]] is right, there's no need to explain this inconsitencesinconsistencies anyway.
** Herriman was a bagger at a grocery once, so getting a job is definitely possible. A successful job might be another story...
** Coco gets and leaves several jobs in rapid fire, apparently getting full payload each time. One of the job is as security guard, implingimplying that Imaginary Friends ''can'' have jobs of responsabilityresponsibility, or that [[Rule of Cool]] rules.
*** This troper always assumed the Fosters-verse was similar to [[Neopets]]'.
*** I think this is more a matter of individual opinion. Each person has their own view. At first a friend lives with the family of their creator, who is viewed, more or less as a surrogate parent. Then when the child is deemed too old, the friend is expected to go out and make a living of their own. The fact that friends have little or no preperationpreparation for this doesn't usually cross people's minds. And Mac's teacher even casually tossed a couple of friends in a schoolroom closet, as though they were confiscated toys.
* If everyone with imagination can create an imaginary friend, what happens if an Imaginary Friend tries to create an Imaginary Friend? Bloo has been shown to be at least as creative as Mac. I mean, how he turned the story about "Mac, I broke your Nintendo DS" into this awesome [[Her Codename Was Mary Sue]] [[Fan Fiction]] was just.... Awesome!
** I could accept something like "an imaginary friends imagination is acctually that of their creator"
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** There was a comic story where a boy was forced by his parents to give up his imaginary friend, a brainless double of Frankie. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what he was using her for.
** Care to provide a link to said story? Just curious.
** Actually, it was a comic. It appeared in one of the Cartoon Network comics. And judging by how the imaginary Frankie acted, I can assume the boy who made her waswanted mainly someone to do his chores and play with him.
*** One, it's already been pointed out that it was from a comic. And two, both the boy's and his parents' reactions seem to suggest that he created Imaginary Frankie because he wanted a girlfriend. After all, his parents think he's "too young" for this particular Imaginary Friend, and they look as if they're disgusted by the whole situation.
* With all the times Mac ends up in jail with the rest of the gang at the end of a few episodes (''Cheese-A-Go-Go'' for example), you'd think his mother, overworked or not, would've been notified?
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*** Madame Foster?
*** Frankie?
* In the episode where the cast is going to Europe and {{spoiler|Madam Foster stole Mac's airplane tickets}}, why didn't Coco just pop out an egg with more tickets in them? She did it maybe three times before in the same episode!
** Coco doesn't take requests. The contents of her eggs are as random as she is.
*** Plus if you do that sort of thing too often, the airlines and the police would probably frown on it.
* In the episode where Mr. Herriman tries to overcome his carrot addiction, Bloo {{spoiler|uses a wrecking ball to destroy a good chunk of the house so he can refuse to eat dinner that night (the meal in question was simply called "it," and Bloo found it disgusting). However, he actually helped Herriman, who says to Bloo that he "is eternally in his debt" as a result. So why didn't Bloo just ask to be excused from dinner?}} (apologies if that came out too wordy)
** [[Rule of Funny]]?
*** Bloo misses the point pretty often, so he didn't think of that posibilitypossibility.
* Can it be possible to create an imaginary friend that's completely indestructableindestructible. What stops any enfanteenfant terrible from creating an atomic bomb imaginary friend or a plague imaginary friend. What happens then?
** Let us not forget World, from Destination Imagination. Who, at least in his own toybox world, essentially wielded god-like powers.
* Can a person create an imaginary friend capable of reproducing?
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** Not to mention that since imaginary friends (regardless of their forms) are living beings. Think about that. ''You're eating a living, breathing being!''
*** I always figured that an imaginary friend was sort of "part of" their creator, so to speak. So eating one would be more like the friend becoming one with their creator again, albeit in a messed up, almost cannibalistic way. And the way I just described it, it probably would do nothing to satisfy the stomach if it goes back to your mind.
** In the episode where Terrence creates Red, just moments before that event, he says that its hungry and creates an slice of pizza (accidentalyaccidentally) who btw says that it would love him and stuff like that, just before he ates him
* In one episode, Goo managed to imagine two imaginary friends who looked like Mac and Bloo, but could speak spanishSpanish (and the fake Mac had a long tongue). Would those imaginary friends be able to have the memories of the originals?
** No, they weren't the same people, just lookalikes. One would assume they'd have their own personaliespersonalities and memories.
* Wouldn't the constant imagining of friends overpopulate the Earth? Goo managed to overwhelm the entire mansion in only a few days with her over-imagination.
** Maybe they've got a "Soylent Green is people" thing going on.
*** Well not eceryevery child is creative enough to create one of their own or perhaps just think it's less work to adopt.
* Can the people create imaginary friends who are non-sentient. So far we have had sentient fleas, doors, horses, puppies, and even mops and buckets.
** Well, only one of the puppies was demonstrated as being able to talk. The rest were just pets, although with extraordinary abilities. Seriously, who imagines a dog with laser vision?
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*** Some kid with bullying problems and love for puppies and comics.
* Was anybody else bugged by Mac's reaction at the end of "The Bloo Superdude and the Great Creator Of Everything's Awesome Ceremony Of Fun"? I mean Bloo was clearly extremely ill, had absolutely no idea what was going on, and was hallucinating pretty severely. It seems unfair of Mac to get so angry at somebody for wrecking a party when they're in that state and have no idea they've done any of it. I mean Mac's supposed to be the nice one.
** I like to think Mac was less angry about ruing the party and more angry about Bloo running around when he should have been resting, Besides, it's probabyprobably not the first time Bloo did something like. Sick or no sick a person's patience only goes so far.
* OK, I loved this show when it was on (anyone feel free to send me some DVDs for my birthday), but a couple of things about the premise have always bugged me...
**, any kid who dreams up an imaginary friend, it becomes real. But eventually, they outgrow them and they live at Foster's until someone adopts them. So, why would a kid ever need to adopt an existing imaginary friend when they could just imagine one that is more personally and specifically suited to their personality? Are some kids simply unable to imagine? Since the whole premise is a parallel to human adoption, does that mean that kids who are unable to imagine their own friend are somehow deficient -- the equivalence of impotent/infertile in humans? Or do parents just encourage their kids to adopt an imaginary friend out of some sort of moral/ethical motivation?
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*** I thought that if the creator of the imaginary friend dies, the friend dies with them. The imaginary friend is just another facet of their personality...I think....
**** If that's the case, then [[Split Personality|what does that say about Mac?]]
***** The way I see it, Mac may have imaged Bloo to be somewhat of a jerk because deep down, he, like many people, wishes he could act that way. Why do you think characters like Greg House from ''[[House (TV series)|House]]'', Sue Sylvester from [[Glee]], and Bender from [[Futurama]] are so popular? Because even nice people like Mac wish they could behave however they want.
**** I've always thought that the friend was an opposing personality of the child. Look at Mac and Bloo's contrasting personalities and Herriman and Madame Foster too. Or that kid whose imaginary kid kept destroying stuff and getting him in trouble, two opposing personalities.
*** Well, think about this...if that's true, say an imaginary friend gets adopted by a compatible, loving kid. Couple of weeks later, his original creator dies in an auto wreck. So, the imaginary friend "dies" (ceases to exist), too. That would suck big-time for the kid who adopted him!
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* The whole point of the series is that Imaginary friends can exist. Why then, couldn't the characters just imagine convenient friends to solve any problem they're dealing with?
** It's obvious that some kids have thought of that, which is we have salon friends, imaginary mops and buckets, a walking television, an imaginary camcorder...
* How did Madame Foster {{spoiler|manage to steal the tickets from Mac}}? When she hugs him, there is absolute silence (I turned my volume up to check).
** She wouldn't be a very good pickpocket if everyone heard you stealing things, now would you?
* So, anybody can create an imaginary friend. What happens if a kid gets really into H.P. Lovecraft and creates Cthulhu? Wouldn't that be bad?
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** Possible a child has to imagine then will a creature to manifest. Which would minimize the existence of scary monster.
* Was the finale advertised? I never saw an ad for it, and I watch Cartoon Network all the time. I saw an ad for the 'Imagination special, but that's it.
* Could people like [[George Lucas]], [[J. K. RowleyRowling]], or [[Alan Moore]] accidentally create Imaginary Friends from their creations? I mean, they are very creative...ish. Meaning, their might be a Darth Vader or Voldemort walking around killing people.
** Or [[Alien Scrappy|Jar-Jar Binks]].
*** God have mercy on our souls...
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