Fourth Date Marriage: Difference between revisions

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== Anime and Manga ==
* Claire Stanfield and {{spoiler|Chane Laforet}} from ''[[Baccano!]]!'' become informally engaged after all but two meetings, and this was after they tried to kill each other when they first crossed paths. Of course, much of this can be attributed to Claire's unorthodox flirting strategy, which consists of [[Engaging Conversation|proposing to complete strangers that he thinks are cute]] and hoping one of them eventually says yes. {{spoiler|Chane, meanwhile, was raised as an experiment by her emotionally manipulative father, and [[Defrosting Ice Queen|wasn't accustomed to genuine affection]]}}. On the flip side of the spectrum, we have [[Living Forever Is Awesome|Firo]] and [[Artificial Human|Ennis]]—a relationship which involved a ''fifty year'' courtship before they got serious.
* ''[[Kyou Kara Maou]]'' has ShomaShouma proposing to Jennifer on their fifth date. She accepts because it's so "bold" of him, and also because he's a [[Our Demons Are Different|demon]], and [[Freaky Is Cool|she thought it would be awesome to have kids with wings or little horns]].
* According to Saya Takagi from [[Highschool of the Dead]], her parents Soichiro and Yuriko got married ''the day after they met''. Though they're pretty [[Happily Married]], at least...
== Comic Books ==