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* In the fourth story mission, Trent and Juni having almost been killed by a Liberty Police officer, and now have to flee Manhattan before they can lock down all Trade Lanes. Their only means of escape have been blocked by capital ships, including the Battleship Unity seen two missions ago. When all hope seems lost...King and Walker have a [[Big Damn Heroes]] moment and blow up the Unity, allowing you to flee.
** In another instance of [[Big Damn Heroes]], Trent and Ozu have been captured by Tekagi after trying to steal the Proteus Tome. In a display of brutality, Tekagi draws a blade from his sleeve and throws it into Ozu's chest. Trent is about to get back at him, but then Tekagi's eyes start glowing and his voice becomes distorted. But before Tekagi can get him, Lord Hakkera comes out of nowhere and blasts the place with his ship's weapons. Trent grabs the tome and dives out the window into Hakkera's cargo hold. Tekagi is about to throw another blade at Trent, but then he notices the [[Not Dead Yet]] Ozu take out a detonator, which sets off the bomb he placed under the table, [[Heroic Sacrifice|finishing off himself and Tekagi.]]
* {{spoiler|President Jacobi, who had been a [[Distressed Damsel in Distress]], blasting a Nomad about to take over Trent.}}
* After an escort mission to Willard Research Station, you are attacked by three Rheinland Heavy Fighters. When Juni meets with the captain of a Liberty cruiser stationed in California, Willard goes mayday and you have to respond. Upon reaching the station, you are pitted against a huge battalion of Rheinland warships. Even Trent lampshades this in his logbook.
* Whenever you are attacked by Rheinland Battleships, you have the option of fighting it or fleeing, but most of the time you have to run. This troper chose to fight most of the time on his most recent playthrough.