Friday the 13th (film)/Characters: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|"Mommy, don't let me drown! Mommy?"}}
The man behind the mask himself. He was a deformed and mentally retarded kid who was thought to have been drowned in the Crystal Lake in the 50's. He either survived, and went hiding for reasons unknown or became an undead right there and then. He re-emerged 20 years later when his mother died, her death triggering [[The Power of Hate|unrelenting hate]] within him. An unstoppable monster, he kills anyone who makes the mistake to get near him.
For the rebooted mayhem, check out below.
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* [[Clothes Make the Legend]]: The hockey mask.
* [[Cool Mask]]: His iconic hockey mask, which he picks up in the third movie. In the remake he outright abandons his makeshift sack-mask when he finds a hockey mask in Donnie's barn.
* [[Crazy Survivalist]]: Jason starts out as a guy living in the abandoned Camp Crystal Lake and having no tolerance to those he perceives as intruders.
* [[Cyborg]]: Becomes one in ''Jason X'' due to malfunctioning [[Nanomachines]] using metal and other replacements to fix his lost tissue.
* [[The Dead Have Eyes]]: Jason has one perfectly normal eye in ''Part VI'', despite being dead.
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* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: It is stated that he doesn't strive for killing children or animals, though he exhibited these traits [[Early Installment Weirdness|early in the series]].
** In some of the sequels, Jason appears quite content to stay within the camp borders and not bother anyone. In these examples, he would only go on a killing spree if someone invaded his "territory" first.
* [[Evil Makes You Monstrous]]: Being the [[Big Bad]] of the franchise tends to do that.
* [[Evil Uncle]]: Fits the role when it was revealed that he has more relatives in ''Jason Goes to Hell''.
* [[Green Eyes]]: In ''Jason X'', he is shown to have green eyes.
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* [[Immune to Bullets]]: As a zombie. As a cyborg, the bullets don't even faze him.
* [[Implacable Man]]: When he has set his sights on someone, he does everything he can to get them. Somehow reseted when he is defeated.
* [[Improbable Aiming Skills]]: He is an adept marksman and knife thrower.
* [[Improvised Weapon]]: Jason alternates between using his trusty machete and wide array of sharp things he finds along the way.
* [[Batman Can Breathe in Space|Jason Can Breathe in Space]]: In ''Jason X''.
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* [[Momma's Boy]]
* [[More Teeth Than the Osmond Family]]: He is shown to have more teeth than humanly possible in parts ''VII'' and ''VIII''.
* [[Mysterious Past]]: Nothing is known about the time between his "drowning" in Crystal lake in 1957 and murder of Alice in 1979.
* [[New Powers as the Plot Demands]]: Gets ridiculous by the last third of the original series as he gains undead status, teleportation, body switching, regeneration and a cyborg body in that order.
* [[Nigh Invulnerability]]: As a zombie.
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* [[Scars Are Forever]]: Had his other eye missing for a long time after his resurrection, as originally he died when Tommy Jarvis lodged a machete into his skull destroying his eye in the process. This also applies to the axe-wound in his head from ''Part III''.
* [[The Scourge of God]]: Jason kills those first who are shown to be more promiscuous and so on.
* [[Serial Killer]]: He's a serial spree killer, or alternatively a serial ''mass murderer''.
* [[Silent Antagonist]]: There are exceptions; in ''Part III'' he responds to getting stabbed in the hand by saying "ow!" He's also capable of speech when possessing bodies in ''Jason Goes to Hell'', but even then he opens his mouth only once.
** Then there's that one ''really'' bizarre moment in ''Part VIII'' where he talks with a little child's voice before getting washed by toxic waste.
* [[Significant Birth Date]]: It was 13th of some month, we're not sure, but it was definitely friday. <ref>(Yeah, dates don't actually work like that, but [[MST3K Mantra|don't let it ruin the fun]])</ref>
* [[Super Strength]]: He was a strong invidual. In undeath, his strenght is monstrous.
* [[Two-Faced]]: He sports this look in ''Part VII''. It was a result from getting mauled by a boat motor in ''Part VI'' and spending time rotting underwater.
* [[Villain Protagonist]]
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?]]: ''Freddy vs. Jason'' reveals that he had a fear of water when he was a child. It doesn't affect him as an adult (being a zombie and all), but Freddy gives it back to him to get the upper hand.
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As [[Turn of the Millennium]] came to pass, previous continuity of ''Friday the 13th'' films were rebooted along with our masked slasher.
Jason has now returned to his roots of the first films: He is once again a territorial survivalist who lives in the abandoned Camp Crystal Lake and slays anyone who dares to disturb its peace.
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* [[Crazy Survivalist]]: More so than in the original series.
* [[Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas]]
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: This Jason acts more of a cunning predator reather as a mindless brute that the original one was.
* [[Lean and Mean]]: Not so tall as in ''Freddy vs. Jason'', but he is now more thinner than in the original series.
* [[Machete Mayhem]]: As expected.
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{{quote|"She can't hide. No place to hide."}}
Jason's mother and the former cook of Camp Crystal Lake. When Jason disappeared into Crystal Lake due to lack of attention from the camp counselors, she went insane with grief. One year later she killed two counselors and the camp was closed. Following years have her stopping any attempt to reopen the place, either killing or sabotaging things until camp's again left alone. She met her demise during such deed and her later appearances in the series are limited to [[Hallucinations]] and [[Nightmare Sequence|nightmares]] that other people are having.
She has brief appearance in the opening minutes of the reboot.
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{{quote|"I thought you were talking to me."}}
The infamous copycat killer of ''Part V: A New Beginning''. He was an ambulance driver in Crystal Lake who in the past had an illegitimate child. That child was Joey, who was brutally murdered at the Pinehurst halfway-house. After finding out, Roy went into a murderous frenzy and spent next two days killing anyone near the place disguised as Jason.
The [[Novelization]] of ''Part VI'' hints that he was in fact possessed by Jason's spirit, which then drove him to kill. This isn't played up in ''Part V'', but its ending supports this. It's up to the watcher if this is [[Canon]] or not , if they consider the film to be [[Fanon Discontinuity|canon in the first place]].
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{{quote|"It's got a death curse!"}}
Ralph was the town drunk of Crystal Lake. Mentally unbalanced (hence his nickname) he is convinced that God has given him a mission to warn everyone about Camp Crystal Lake's supposed "curse." He drives around the town with his bicycle to spread his doomsayings, much to the concern of his ([[The Ghost|mentioned, but unseen]]) wife and to the annoyance of everyone else.
Iconic character to the franchise, he would later gain two [[Expy|Expies]] in the form of Abel the hobo in ''Part III'' and the unnamed deckhand in ''Part VIII''.
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* [[Large Ham]]: "[[Incoming Ham|YOUR'RE GOIN' TO CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE, AIN'T 'CHA?!]]"
* [[Limited Wardrobe]]: Notice in ''Part 2'' that he's wearing the exact same clothes he had on in the original. Sure, it's five years later, but still...
* [[Mission Fromfrom God]]
* [[Posthumous Narration]]: The opening of ''Part VII'' is narrated by an uncredited Walt Gorney.
* [[Red Herring]]: Possibly intended to be one.
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* [[Genre Savvy]]: After discovering about Jason's past, he shaves his head to appear like him for distraction and ultimately to kill him.
* [[Hallucinations]]: He sees apparitions of Jason in ''Part V''.
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: He should be the poster child of this trope.
* [[I Should Write a Book About This]]: It's mentioned in the spin-off novel ''Carnival of Maniacs'' that he authored several.
* [[Important Haircut]]: As mentioned above. Also a [[Traumatic Haircut]].
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* [[Bald Black Leader Guy]]
* [[Bald of Awesome]]
* [[Determinator]]: Almost as much as Jason himself. And he too required an atmospheric reentry to kill him.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Died when he dragged Jason into Earth Two's atmosphere, burning them both up.
* [[Implacable Man]]: Not even in the vacuum of space can Jason avoid him.