Fridge Horror/Western Animation/My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: Difference between revisions

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* It's easy to blame the Mane Cast for being insensitive to the CMC for the Gabby Gums stories, but remember, those three are their ''friends and younger siblings'', Scootaloo being Rainbow Dash's, the Element of ''Loyalty's'', number one fan. Just imagine how much it hurt the mane cast to have their loved ones humiliate them like that, and we see that towards the end the stories just get more and more hurtful, turning from partial truths to outright lies. Anyone that's had a loved one betray them will tell you just how much that hurts.
=== [[MM Mystery]]MMMystery on the Friendship Express ===
=== A Canterlot Wedding, Parts 1 & 2 ===