Full-Circle Revolution: Difference between revisions

"fan fiction" -> "fan works"
("fan fiction" -> "fan works")
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{{quote|''"Every revolution evaporates and leaves behind only the slime of a new bureaucracy."''|'''[[Franz Kafka]]'''}}
|'''[[Franz Kafka]]'''}}
{{quote|''"Why Independence, if the slaves of today will be the tyrants of tomorrow?"''|'''Jose Rizal'''}}
|'''Jose Rizal'''}}
A [[Full-Circle Revolution]] happens when a revolutionary government loses its zeal and just repeats the pre-revolution business as usual, via [[Obstructive Bureaucrat|bureaucratic inertia]]. The leaders change, but [[Status Quo Is God|the injustices stay the same]]. The word "revolution" comes from the Latin for "turn around"; these are revolutions that turn around 360°, back to where they started.
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Contrast [[Reign of Terror]], when revolutionary zeal is causing tyranny and blood-letting. One can be the consequence of the other: the people are so sick of the [[Reign of Terror]] that they will put up with the old injustices just to be done with the revolution. See also [[Meet the New Boss]], for when the new villain doesn't start out different and goes straight to being the same. Full-Circle Revolution happen anywhere, but tends to happen more often in [[Banana Republic]]s.
== Anime and Manga ==
* ''[[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]]'': This is basically Rossiu's character arc after the [[Time Skip]]. While Simon's a popular figurehead, Rossiu is the one that gets things done. When the [[The Call Knows Where You Live|plot restarts]], his [[Heroic Resolve]] starts to buckle under the weight of [[The Chains of Commanding]]. He keeps [[Shoot the Dog|making unpopular decisions]] until {{spoiler|he reaches the [[Despair Event Horizon]] and [[Driven to Suicide|attempts suicide]].}}
* ''[[Code Geass]]'' has an interesting subversion. {{spoiler|By the end of the series, Emperor Lelouch has become an even worse evil overlord than his social Darwinist father. But that was the ''point'', to [[0% Approval Rating|unify the world through its hatred of him]] and arrange it so he was overthrown at the last minute, thereby giving the good guys the opportunity and public support necessary to rebuild the world's various monarchies and dictatorships as democracies instead.}} Prince Schneizel's plans to overthrow his father, however, would most likely have been a case of this played straight.
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== [[Fan Fiction]]Works ==
* In ''[[Zero vs. Kira|Zero Vs Kira]]'' after [[Death Note|Kira]] overthrows the [[Code Geass|Britannian Empire, Zero]] holds a press conference telling Kira that he has simply "substitute(d) the tyranny of the Britannian Empire with your own."
== Film ==