Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)/Awesome: Difference between revisions

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*** Also, his method to take out {{spoiler|Pride}}: {{spoiler|Using his soul as a Philosopher's Stone to force his way into Pride's consciousness and suppress his stone, severing his contact with the souls that support him. Basically, he [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|takes out Pride]] by ''[[Death by Irony|possessing him]]'', something that until recently, [[Beat Them At Their Own Game|only homunculi could do]].}}
** And then in Chapter 107/episode 62, Ed pulls off the ultimate CMOA by {{spoiler|engaging Father/God in a [[Fisticuffs Boss|fistfight]] and literally ''[[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|punching out God]]''}}.
{{quote| {{spoiler|"Get up, third-string. I'm gonna show you just how out of our league you are!"}}}}
*** Made slightly more awesome by the fact that he's echoing something he said to Father Cornello ''way'' back in chapter 1.
** Actually no, he pulls off the ultimate CMOA in the next chapter where he {{spoiler|pulls Alphonse from out of the Gate, WHOLE AND UNINJURED (bar some malnutrition), with no injuries to his own person. Do you understand? EDWARD HAS DONE SOMETHING [[Beyond the Impossible|THAT WAS CONSIDERED IMPOSSIBLE]] FOR OVER 107 CHAPTERS WITHOUT THE HELP OF A PHILOSOPHER'S STONE AND HE MANAGED TO DO IT WITHOUT GETTING SOMEONE KILLED!!!}}
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** When he [[Took a Level In Badass]] by figuring out how to transmute without a circle.
** Al defends a [[Heroic BSOD|BSOD'ing]] Hawkeye [http://video.adultswim.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood/sick-of-watching-people-die.html from Lust.]
{{quote| "NO! I'm sick of watching people die, and I can't just sit back and take it anymore! I won't let anyone else get killed! Not when I can protect them!!"}}
** Trapping Pride using ''himself'' as bait. Also overlaps with Hohenheim's CMOA, see below.
** [http://video.adultswim.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood/still-fighting.html The entire Al vs. Kimblee and Pride battle] is pure win.
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*** Even cooler in ''Brotherhood'', where he [[Kill It with Fire|incinerates the whole lot of them]] (while avoiding the heroes in a bird's eye view) instead of simply burning their legs off.
** Mustang's response to finally finding the person who killed his best friend: [[Shut UP, Hannibal|"There's no need to say anything more, Envy.]] [[Prepare to Die|The first thing I'm gonna turn to ash is your tongue."]] [[Curb Stomp Battle|He then proceeds to fuck Envy up]] [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge|fifty ways to Sunday]], including, but not limited to: evaporating the fluid in his eyes ''twice'', thanking him for turning into his monstrous true form because it makes him a bigger target, blasting his lower jaw off to shut him up (just like he promised), and torching him ''while he looked like {{spoiler|Hughes}}''.
{{quote| '''Envy''': (burning alive) What's wrong with you!? You didn't even hesitate to incinerate {{spoiler|your best friend}}!?!<br />
'''Mustang''': {{spoiler|Maes Hughes}} is dead. That's a fact. And you invoke his image? You must be a glutton for ''punishment''!! (snaps his fingers again) }}
** The anime [[Up to Eleven|takes it to eleven]] by having [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFImdakNCAU Mustang firing off his flames randomly]. It makes the [[Curb Stomp Battle]] look like it's been spiced with a dash of [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|overkill.]]
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* In a flashback, after being ordered by his ridiculously vile superior to execute an Ishvalan peace envoy, Basque Grand informs him that many of the highest-ranking soldiers who died in the Ishbalan genocide were killed, not by Ishbalans, but by their own disgusted soldiers. Grand then walks up to his superior and [[Unfriendly Fire|does exactly that]]. Just thinking about it gives this editor chills.
** After being told that, as an officer, he should stay in the back, Grand tells his subordinate that he belongs on the front line, and [http://video.adultswim.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood/hell-on-earth.html alchemically slaughters the enemy.]
* Olivier acting as the [[Reverse Mole]] in a meeting with the treacherous General Raven. You can tell that Olivier, who believes that the strength of the army lies in each individual soldier, is getting extremely angry as Raven rants on about mindless [[Super Soldier|Super Soldiers]], so once she gets the information she needs out of him, [http://video.adultswim.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood/foundation-of-the-country.html she stabs him and shoves him into wet cement.] Ridiculously cool. [[Refuge in Audacity|And she didn't even bother to deny it when confronted by Bradley.]]
** Her introduction alone is [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]]. She makes Ed ''squirm in fear'' while [[Berserk Button|taunting him about his height.]] A pure [[Badass]] indeed.
** Then when Sloth appears, the scene turned into [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] for the ''whole Briggs brigade''. They systematically tried to eliminate him. When Ed reveals that [[Immune to Bullets|"Guns and fire won't do anything on him!"]] She retorts,
{{quote| "If that the case, then [[Human Popsicle|I'll give him something more painful]] [[Kill It with Ice|than fire]]."<br />
"I'll show you the Briggs Way!"<br />
"You can hibernate there until spring, you big lummox." }}
** She continues her habit of killing members of High Command after one of the Generals holds her at gunpoint. She stabs his arm, causing him to drop his gun, and then in one smooth motion, she picks up the gun and points it at a second General. She then points out that their cause is not noble, [http://video.adultswim.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood/sacrifice.html nor is she like Mustang] -- and [[Boom! Headshot!|shoots him in the head.]]
*** She then [http://video.adultswim.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood/i-made-a-mess.html takes the first General as a hostage], holding him at both ''gunpoint and sword point'' and orders his subordinates to call off the men defending Central. When they don't comply, she stabs his foot. After all that, {{spoiler|the General then pulls off his own moment of awesome, telling his men not to comply with General Armstrong's orders. ''While [[Four-Star Badass|General]] [[Lady of War|Olivier]] [[Iron Lady|Mira]] [[Hot-Blooded|Armstrong]] holds him with both a sword and a gun''. That takes ''guts''.}}
{{quote| {{spoiler|Close the north, south, east, and west gates of the Central Command Center! Do not let a single one of Briggs or Mustang's soldiers inside!"}}}}
** And when they revealed that they can hold her as hostage, she said, "You don't understand, do you? [[Social Darwinist|Our motto is 'survival of the fittest'.]] If I had to die here, then it's just proves that I didn't have what it takes to survive." This is what happens when you mix [[Social Darwinist]], [[Determinator]], and [[Mama Bear]].
** Then she manages to convince the Central soldiers to work with her against the Cyclops Army. Though it's granted that Central Circle is [[Bad Boss]] in general....
*** Then, after all the crap they gave to him, [[The Juggernaut|Sloth]] finally focusing his attack toward Armstrong siblings. Alex realizes this, and telling the soldiers... "Stay back. ''We'' are the targets". And what they do? These soldiers, who are less than 3 chapters before are ready to kill Olivier and Armstrong without a single thought, {{spoiler|instead pull a [[You Shall Not Pass]] to Sloth. These siblings are so awesome, their awesomeness [[Heel Face Turn|turns the opposition.]]}}
** The Briggs soldiers, taking out the head command, when the commander is about to commanding the civilian area bombardment. [http://video.adultswim.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood/smug-karley.html And then...]
{{quote| '''Izumi''': When people ask, I say [[Catch Phrase|"I'm a housewife!"]]. It does make sense. But today, I've shed that particular disguise. {{spoiler|[[Badass Boast|I AM AN ALCHEMIST]]}}!!}}
** Olivier arriving on an elevator. ''[http://video.adultswim.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood/through-the-gate.html IN A TANK.]''
* Major Armstrong and Sig Curtis instantly(and I mean ''instantly'') bonding and tag teaming on Sloth. [[Rated "M" for Manly|A manlier scene has not been seen in anime since]] ''[[Fist of the North Star]]''.
* [[Cute Bruiser]] May manages to clock the utterly surprised Elric brothers in tandem and rescue Scar from military police capture with a powerful combination of long-range alkahestry and wicked martial art skills.
* The four chimera introduced in the Mt. Briggs arc have already gotten some even though they were recently introduced, and are minor characters:
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* Kimblee gets a crowning moment of psycho-awesome when, as he's being escorted out of prison, he thanks the warden for his "kindness" with a friendly smile and a handshake... transmuting the man's watch into a bomb, resulting in general terror and panic before everyone realizes it's a fake. "Just a toy, my dear warden. A gift for your children."
** He got another one, [http://video.adultswim.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood/it-isnt-fair.html during the first part of his fight with Al:]
{{quote| '''Al''': Why are there only [[Sadistic Choice|two options]]? [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here|"Save yourself and abandon everyone else"]] [or] [[Heroic Sacrifice|"Give up on returning to normal and save the world."]] Why are those the only two options? Why can't I choose [[Take a Third Option|"Save the world]] ''[[Take a Third Option|and]]'' [[Take a Third Option|get our original bodies back"]]?<br />
'''Kimblee''': I see. Experiment thoroughly enough, and you may discover new laws [besides [[Equivalent Exchange]]] that the world must then abide by. That would mean there is a ''[[Deconstructed Trope|fourth]]'' [[Deconstructed Trope|option]]: ''[[Downer Ending|"You lose your chance to return to normal, and fail to save the world."]]'' }}
** For me his crowning moment is his Hannibal Lecture to Roy and the others in the Ishval War.
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*** {{spoiler|How about the fact that he survived out of all the souls in Pride because, as he put it, [[Loves the Sound of Screaming|"Howls of anguish...are like lullabies to my ears!"]] Along with that, the last we see of him is him waving goodbye, holding his hat in the air, and in a perfectly white suit.}} That has got to be one smooth criminal.
**** {{spoiler|It's also worth bearing in mind that he was perfectly willing to let Pride ''kill'' Ed because he simply wanted to see how Humans v. Homunculi would legitimately play out. What pissed him off was that Pride cheated. The man may be an acknowledged and completely self-aware psychopath, ''[[Even Evil Has Standards|but he's no hypocrite...]]''}} For this troper, ''CMoA of the entire series.''
{{quote| '''Pride''': Why are you interfering, Kimblee?!<br />
'''Kimblee''': Eh, well, if you had just stuck to your convictions and fought, I wouldn't have done anything. But in the same breath that you boasted of your "Pride as a Homunculus," you ran screaming to steal the flesh of one of the humans you look on as inferior to escape your predicament. You are...''hideous''. }}
* Sloth reveals that he is in fact the ''fastest'' of the Homunculi when he has to exert himself, attacking both Armstrong siblings, [http://video.adultswim.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood/weak-spots.html hitting them constantly before they have time to react.] Also hilarious when the Armstrong siblings are shocked and pointing in different directions.
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*** Lampshaded by Olivier. "Forget him! My brother is trained well enough to survive {{spoiler|'''[[Badass|a few of those lovetaps]]'''}}!"
** A minor one, during chapter 57.
{{quote| '''Alex''': The military's methods were unconscionable, [[This Is Unforgivable!|of that I was certain]]. [[Heroic BSOD|But I deserted]]. I turned my back on on my soldiers. [[My Greatest Failure|I should have remained on the battlefield and fought this wrong!!]] Ever since I fled from the Ishvalan front, [[The Atoner|Not a day has gone by that I felt ashamed of straying from my values and giving up.]] '''And now that I am on the battlefield once again. [[Tired of Running|How can I put my tail between my legs and flee!?]]'''}}
*** {{spoiler|Which he brings up again in chapter 96.}}
* ''[[Dirty Coward|Yoki]]'' gets a Crowning Moment of Awesome when he [http://video.adultswim.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood/fuzzy-lip.html rams a car into Pride.] In his own words: "''I'm tired of you guys hogging all the cool parts! [[Lampshade Hanging|Let me be in the spotlight for once, dammit!]]''". Keep in mind that in the matter of under 10 seconds, he blocks an attack on Marcoh, rams a Cosmic Horror and liberates Al from it, and brings in an escape vehicle to get away from said Cosmic Horror and towards the bigger battle.
* [[Famous Last Words|"It's not like]] [[Tempting Fate|they have tanks."]]
* Nobody has bothered to post it, but IMO, Ed using himself as a Stone to heal his life-threatening wounds from the battle with Kimblee (basically exchanging long-term life for short-term life) = Awesome. [[Determinator]] to the max.
** Honorable mention to Lan Fan, who got an automail implant, a painful process which normally takes ''three years to recover'', and takes [[Determinator]] Edward Elric a ''full year'' to recover. However, she was back in action only in ''six months''. "[[Lampshade Hanging|If this shrimp can do it one year, I'll do it in six months.]]" indeed.
* A bunch of bit characters get a moment of sneaky badass in chapter 94 when they throw off the Central military bosses by claiming to be hostages, while in reality, they're gleefully working ''with'' Mustang's crew to broadcast 'the most amazing scoop ever'.
** What, blowing up Bradley's train doesn't count?
** Even better in ''Brotherhood'' ([[Adaptation Distillation|Which seems to be a common trend]]), where you can see one of them laughing his head off in the background the whole time and the look on the Central commander's face after one of them pretends to have been shot to avoid a request to talk to Mustang. [[Crowning Moment of Funny|Absolutely priceless]], and if that wasn't enough, followed up quickly by a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]] and "[[Tempting Fate|It's not like they have tanks]]."
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** Storming Devil's Nest, filled with Chimeras, [[Badass Teacher|just to chew her late-came-to-home students.]]
*** She [http://video.adultswim.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood/the-housewife-arrives.html makes her entrance] dragging the unconscious body of a man she probably beat up outside, and ignores the dozen or so Chimeras {{spoiler|and one Homunculus}} who just kidnapped her student, and instead {{spoiler|''throws the unconscious man at her aforementioned student.''}}
'''Al''': I-I'm sorry! }}
** Lampshaded with Ed:
{{quote| '''Fuhrer''': I find this your teacher interesting. Shall I enlist her as a State Alchemist?<br />
'''Ed''': Nah, that's bad idea. Unless you ready to '''lose a whole army'''. }}
*** {{spoiler|Which, later, he tries. He sends the army to start looking for her somewhere around chapter 74, and ''they never find her''. In chapter 93, almost 20 chapters later, she turns up at Briggs of her own will, adding another moment to the list.}}
{{quote| '''Soldier''': Point P, respond! [[Mook Horror Show|What the hell are you fighting?!]]<br />
'''Izumi''': [http://video.adultswim.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood/a-housewife.html A housewife!] }}
* Fu [http://video.adultswim.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood/accept-some-loss.html orders Greed to armor up to prevent Ling from moving], then announces his resignation and [http://video.adultswim.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood/straight-to-hell.html tries to commit a kamikaze attack on Bradley], only for Bradley to instead ''cut the fuses off the dynamite'', and take Fu out. Buccaneer then takes out Bradley's sword and impales Bradley by going through Fu as Bradley can't see past Fu's body. Buccaneer than tells Fu that he's going to accompany him on his journey to Hell.
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*** And he one ups it the next chapter by {{spoiler|[http://video.adultswim.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood/that-kinda-guy.html finally giving us the return of Greed's Ultimate Shield]}}. Cue [[Unstoppable Rage]] fueled asskicking.
*** And for those of you who liked original Greed:
{{quote| '''Greed''': Anyone who has a family, a lover, or just doesn't want to get hurt, get outta here now. Women too! [[Would Not Hit a Girl|I prefer not to hit girls!]]}}
*** [[The Terminator|T-100,]] [[Shout-Out|you]] [[Unflinching Walk|can]] [[You Shall Not Pass|eat]] [[Beware the Nice Ones|your]] [[Curb Stomp Battle|gun.]] [[One-Man Army|Now.]]
*** Upon reading that page, this troper grinned from ear to ear (and in fact was going to post that moment here herself, but was glad to see that someone else a[[Incredibly Lame Pun|GREED]]). Or should I say, "Greened?" "Greedened?" Aw, never mind. You get the idea.
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** {{spoiler|While Greed is sacrificing himself, Father asks why he's disobeying him. Greed replies with, "I have finally reached that rebellious age, father!" Awesome.}}
** Ed {{spoiler|punching Father through the chest}}, {{spoiler|Truth giving Father his long-awaited comeuppance}}, and let's not forget {{spoiler|Ed sacrificing his own ability to do alchemy '''by transmuting his Gate''' (and in the process impressing Truth). Hell, Truth gets his own in that scene with his [[Famous Last Words]]:}}
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''Truth''': The back door's...over...there...}}}}
*** Ed's probably one of the only people to EVER accomplish this, {{spoiler|as he needed to use Al's gate to get back}}
*** Even more awesome in the anime, as Truth ''jawdrops''.
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**** Hearing and seeing this scene in the English dub of episode 63 only drives it home even further that this was {{spoiler|God here, clearly celebrating the fact that '''someone finally got it right'''}}. ESPECIALLY with {{spoiler|the twist on Truth's [[Voice of the Legion|voice]] during that scene}} (see Funimation's crowning moments a bit lower on of the page).
** And of course, seeing {{spoiler|Father, now back to his original form as Homunculus, getting punished by all the shit he pulled thorough the series is very satisfying. Specially when Truth says [[Ironic Hell|it is exactly what he wished for]]...}}
{{quote| "What gives you proper despair for so that you do not become boastful, is '''truth'''. And so, I shall give '''you''' despair, as well. Despair for those who have become boastful. That is the outcome '''you''' desired." }}
** What about when Lan Fan cuts off Father's arm after Greed makes a [[Heroic Sacrifice]]?! That was AWESOME.
* When Gluttony attacks Scar from behind and Scar ''doesn't even turn around'', just reaches behind him and manages to grab Gluttony's head and toasts it.
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* [[FUNimation]] earns a CMOA for reuniting nearly the ENTIRE ORIGINAL CAST for the Brotherhood dub. Even those that are not playing who they played in the original are back. ( [[Aaron Dismuke]] playing {{spoiler|Young Hohenheim}}, [[Monica Rial]] playing May Chang, [[Troy Baker]] playing {{spoiler|the second Greed}}).
** They also earn an extra CMOA for actually accentuating a moment that's already been mentioned. Specifically, it involves Truth. Whereas in the Japanese version Truth's [[Voice of the Legion]] would be an accentuated form of whoever's voice Truth was speaking to at the time, Funimation had Truth strictly voiced by [[Luci Christian]]. {{spoiler|Except during Truth's shout of approval as Ed sacrifices his alchemy in episode 63 - [[Maxey Whitehead]] and [[Vic Mignogna]] took over as Truth right at that point in the conversation, creating the effect that Truth broke into a legion voice of Ed and Al out of sheer pleasure at seeing Ed's selflessness!}}
* Scar {{spoiler|killing Shou Tucker.}} For [[Tropers/Kentucky Troper 1990|this troper]], who prayed that it would happen in the first anime, seeing it actually happen, and seeing the evil prick offed in the same episode he {{spoiler|turned poor Nina into a chimera,}} it was beyond awesome.
* Where's the love for Isaac McDougal? {{spoiler|Sure, he shows up ''and'' dies in the first episode, but he STILL nearly destroys the military's headquarters, which we [[Foreshadowing|later find out]] is the home of the bad guys!}} And he does it ''all by himself.''
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** How about in the fifth episode, on the train to Central where the would-be hijackers turn around. Never has the word "Welcome" been more sinister or amazing.
{{quote| '''Kimblee''': At the end of the day, a human being is not much more than the components used to create a common bomb. If you think about it we're not that special, not you, not me, we're all empty. We're all worthless.<br />
'''Al''': I may be empty... ''[[Shut UP, Hannibal|but not worthless!]]'' }}
** He gets another great [[Shut UP, Hannibal]] moment (Al's good at these) in the final episode when he basically tells Dante to shove it when she tries to stop him from using his Philosopher's Stone to bring Ed back to life: "Stay back! You can't tell me what to do!"