Fun with Acronyms/Film: Difference between revisions

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*** The CLIT does not exist. By the way, in [[Real Life]], there's '''M'''oro '''I'''slamic '''L'''iberation '''F'''ront.
* ''[[Intolerable Cruelty]]'' features the '''N'''ational '''O'''rganisation for '''M'''atrimonial '''A'''ttorneys '''N'''ationwide, which boils down to NOMAN, although to do so it has to repeat the part about being national. This seems kind of irrelevant until you find out the organisation's slogan: "...let NOMAN put asunder".
* The second ''[[The Naked Gun (Film)|The Naked Gun]]'' movie featured several organisations against solar power: the '''S'''ociety of '''P'''etroleum '''I'''ndustry '''L'''eaders; the Nuclear Power industry's '''K'''ey '''A'''tomic '''B'''enefits '''O'''ffice '''O'''f '''M'''ankind, and the '''S'''ociety for '''MO'''re '''C'''oal '''E'''nergy (that last one is meant to be pronounced "smoke").
* In the satirical movie ''[[Team America: World Police]]'', it was quite simple for the filmmakers to change the name of the '''S'''creen '''A'''ctors '''G'''uild -- which already has a pretty unfortunate acronym -- to the '''F'''ilm '''A'''ctors '''G'''uild.
** How could you forget I.N.T.E.L.L.I.G.E.N.C.E.?
* When Agent Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D. first appears in the first ''[[Iron Man (Filmfilm)|Iron Man]]'' film, he doesn't use the acronym of his organization when talking to Pepper. The best part is, apparently they didn't notice the coincidence:
{{quote| '''Coulson''': I'm Agent Phil Coulson with the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.<br />
'''Pepper''': That's quite a mouthful. <br />
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* People who weren't fans of the ''[[Star Wars]]'' prequels had a ball with pointing out the acronym of episode III to be ''[[Revenge of the Sith|Star Wars: ROTS]]''.
* In the [[James Bond]] spoof ''[[Our Man Flint]]'', Derek Flint is a former agent of the '''Z'''onal '''O'''rganization for '''W'''orld '''I'''ntelligence and '''E'''spionage. He battles the evil organization Galaxy, which in a relative stroke of creativity, appears not to be an acronym for anything.
* ''[[The Cat in Thethe Hat]]'' featured a car called the '''S'''uper '''L'''uxurious '''O'''mnidirectional '''W'''hatchamajigger. It's better than it's previous name, the [[Getting Crap Past the Radar|Super Hydraulic Instantaneous Transporter.]]
* ''[[CHUD|C.H.U.D.]]'' stands for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, and is a lot of fun to pronounce. {{spoiler|Well, it actually stands for Contaminated Hazard Urban Disposal.}}
* Everyone knows that HAL 9000 ('''H'''euristic/'''Al'''gorithmic), the sentient computer in the movie ''[[2001: A Space Odyssey (Film)|2001: A Space Odyssey]]'' is named such that if you take the next letter after each letter in its name, you get IBM. Leonard Wheat, in his book ''Kubrick's 2001: A Triple Allegory'', argues that this is not a coincidence (in spite of Arthur Clarke's insistence). Wheat plausibly explains the origin of the 9000 in the name, and also goes on to argue (convincingly!) that the moon monolith's official designation of TMA-1 should actually be spelled "TMA ONE" and is an anagram for "NO MEAT". Wheat's [ web page] suggests that the AE in the troublesome "AE 35 unit" in the film stands for Aeolus. Big fun with acronyms.
** Incidentally TMA stands for Tycho Magnetic Anomaly, since the first monolith was buried in the Tycho crater on the moon and was discovered only because it produced odd readings in the moon's magnetic field. This mentioned only in the book (kinda self-explanatory, though).
** This may be countered that we have an "Over 9000" in the present, when if ''God forbid'' someone would use the number, even if he has little relation with the internet, it'd be considered that he knew and is trying to make fun of it. However, since the book is written so early in time, only a true paranoid would accuse him of this. So today's paranoia was yesterday's "keen observational skills". Compare "What if Shakespeare lived in our time" (I'm almost wishing there's no trope for this).
* The film ''[[Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla (Film)|Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla]]'' had the giant robot named M.O.G.U.E.R.A which stands for "Mobile Operation Godzilla Universal Expert Robot Aero-Type."
* In the comedy ''[[J-Men Forever]]'' (1979) the F.C.C. (Federal Culture Control), KRAP Radio, and M.U.S.A.C. (the Military Underground Sugared Airwaves Command) join forces to broadcast schmaltzy music to counter the rock & roll invasion of Earth. And there's Billy <s>Batson</s> Batchit, who becomes The Caped Madman (a [[Gag Dub|re-dubbed]] [[Captain Marvel]]) by uttering the magic word "SH-BOOM!", enabling Billy to ''"take on all the vices of a J-Man of the Secret Service: '''S''' for Sneaky, '''H''' for Hateful, '''B''' for Bigotted, '''O''' for Obnoxious, another '''O''' for Double-Obnoxious, and '''M''' for Mean!"''
* In the ''[[Watchmen (Comic Bookcomics)|Watchmen]]'' [[Watchmen (Filmfilm)|movie]], {{spoiler|Adrian Veidt/Ozymandias}} uses a device called "SQUID" to {{spoiler|destroy New York City and several other cities}}. What does "SQUID" stand for? Sub-Quantum Intrinsic Device. "The squid" is the fan name for {{spoiler|the giant tentacled alien creature that destroys NYC in the original graphic novel}}, and the name was inserted into the movie either as a [[Mythology Gag]] referencing the book's original ending or a salt-in-the-wound attack on an overprotective fanbase.
** It seems that a SQUID is a real-world device, although it really stands for "Superconducting Quantum Interference Device" Here:
* ''[[D.E.B.S.]]'', which stands for '''D'''iscipline, '''E'''nergy, '''B'''eauty, and <s>Schoolgirl fetish</s> '''S'''trength, but is actually short for 'debutantes'.
* The '''D'''eadly '''V'''iper '''A'''ssassination '''S'''quad or [[Kill Bill|D(I)VAS]] (er, [[My Friends and Zoidberg|plus Budd]]).
* The [[G.I. Joe]] movie, ''[[G.I. Joe: theThe Rise of Cobra (Film)|G.I. Joe the Rise of Cobra]]'', has a lot of changes from the source material (much to fans' displeasure), one of them being that the "Real American Heroes" are now international. "G.I. Joe" was a reference to World War II-era General Infantry units, with "Joe" a generic moniker; with the name retained for the movie despite the "American" part going out the window, the creative minds behind the movie decided to shoehorn in an appropriately awkward acronym. Feast your eyes upon the '''G'''lobal '''I'''ntegrated '''J'''oint '''O'''perating '''E'''ntity!
** Actually, GI seems to have started out as an abbreviation for 'Galvanised Iron' military equipment, then for 'General Issue' equipment and adopted in that sense by the troops for themselves, not 'General Infantry.'
* ''[[Glengarry Glen Ross]]'': '''A'''lways '''B'''e '''C'''losing; '''A'''ttention '''I'''nterest '''D'''ecision '''A'''ction
* In ''[[The Avengers (1998 (Filmfilm)|The Avengers 1998]]'', one of the [[Villain]] organizations is named the '''B'''ritish '''R'''oyal '''O'''rganization for '''L'''asting '''L'''iquid '''Y'''ears. "Brolly" is British slang for "umbrella", which is appropriate since the plot of the movie involves weather control.
* ''[[Accepted]]'' dealed with the exploits of a group of would-be college freshmen, who after being rejected from all the colleges and universities to which they had applied, proceed to "create" their own "college": The '''S'''outh '''H'''armon '''I'''nstitute of '''T'''echnology (S.H.I.T).
** Undoubtedly derived from the persistent [[Urban Legends|urban legend]] that claims that a [[Everything Is Big in Texas|Texas]] college was nearly named the '''S'''am '''H'''ouston '''I'''nstitute of '''T'''echnology (or '''T'''eaching).
* In [[Peter Jackson]]'s first film ''[[Bad Taste]]'', the heroes are part of the '''A'''stro '''I'''nvasion '''D'''efense '''S'''quad.
* In the 1987 film remake of ''[[Dragnet]]'', starring Dan Aykroyd and Tom Hanks, they uncover a sinister organisation named 'P.A.G.A.N.' - '''P'''eople '''A'''gainst '''G'''oodness '''A'''nd '''N'''ormalcy.
* Parodied in [[Cloudy Withwith a Chance of Meatballs]] with the '''F'''lint '''L'''ockwood '''D'''iatonic '''S'''uper '''M'''utating '''D'''ynamic '''F'''ood '''R'''eplicator, or FLDSMDFR. Flint insists on pronouncing the acronym despite how confusing it is for other characters.
* The [[Transformers Film Series]] gives us NEST. Unfortunately, there are conflicting explanations for what the acronym stands for - it's either '''N'''etworked '''E'''lements: '''S'''upporters and '''T'''ransformers, '''N'''onbiological '''E'''xtraterrestrial '''S'''pecies '''T'''reaty, or '''N'''onbiological '''E'''xtraterrestrial '''S'''pecies '''T'''eam, depending on the source.
** Confusing, especially since there's a real-life NEST: '''N'''uclear '''E'''mergency '''S'''upport '''T'''eam.
* One that's easy to overlook but obvious in retrospect, ''[[LAL.A. Confidential]]'' has a character, '''Pi'''erce '''M'''oorehouse '''P'''atchett. Any guesses what his covert occupation was?
* [[Up to Eleven|Upped To Eleven]] as pretty much every single main character with Pixar's [[WALL-E]], '''W'''aste '''A'''llocation '''L'''oad '''L'''ifter · '''E'''arth Class, has one(i.e. '''E'''xtraterrestrial '''V'''egetation '''E'''valuator, and the '''M'''icrobe-'''O'''bliterator).
* From ''[[Blue Thunder]]'', JAFO ('''J'''ust '''A'''nother '''F'''ucking '''O'''bserver), used to refer to the chain of observers that Frank Murphy is said to go through because of his behavior. The viewer isn't made aware of the expansion until {{spoiler|after Lymangood gets killed}}.
* From ''[[Men in Black (Filmfilm)|Men in Black]]'':
{{quote| '''Jay:''' See this badge? It says N-Y-P-D, which means I will '''N'''ock...'''Y'''o...'''P'''unk-ass...'''D'''own.}}
* In the T&A comedy ''H.O.T.S.'' the name offically stands for "'''H'''elp '''O'''ut '''T'''he '''S'''eals."
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* The low budget [[Captain America]] film staring [[Reb Brown]] had the [[Super Serum]] '''F'''ull '''L'''atent '''A'''bility '''G'''ain.
* In ''Kiss Of Death'', Little Junior claims to have an acronym for himself: B.A.D. for "Balls, Attitude, Determination". He suggests Jimmy Kilmartin (who's secretly informing on him) get one too - since he's spent most of the film as the [[Butt Monkey]], Jimmy gives the snarky suggestion of "F.A.B." for "Fucked at birth". {{spoiler|What seems like just a comic moment turns out to be important later, when Jimmy finds his missing young daughter... with "BAD" written on her forehead}}.
* In the Adam West [[Batman: theThe Movie|Batman]] movie, Catwoman masqueraded as a writer from the Moscow Bugle named '''K'''itayna '''I'''reyna '''T'''atanya '''K'''erenska '''A'''lisoff...but suggested that Bruce call her KITKA for short. He even commented that it was a charming acronym.