Fun with Acronyms/Literature: Difference between revisions

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(Added the examples from Fun with Acronyms/Print Media, six months after asking what the difference was between Fun with Acronyms/Print Media and Fun with Acronyms/Literature, with no reply)
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Examples of [[{{TOPLEVELPAGE}}]] in [[{{SUBPAGENAME}}]] include:
* In Larry Niven's "[[Known Space]]", '''A'''malgamation of '''R'''egional '''M'''ilitia is ARM, producing the [[bionic]]-limbed Gilbert G. Hamilton, known as "Gil the ARM".
* In Zadie Smith's comedic novel [[White Teeth]], a group of young radical second-generation British Muslims is named K.E.V.I.N.: '''K'''eepers of the '''E'''ternal and '''V'''igilant '''I'''slamic '''N'''ation. "We are aware we have an acronym problem."
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* ''[[The Wonderful Wizard of Oz]]'': Why do you think the Wizard was made the wizard of a land name Oz? His full name is '''O'''scar '''Z'''oroaster '''P'''hadrig '''I'''saac '''N'''orman '''H'''enkel '''E'''mmannuel '''A'''mbroise '''D'''iggs. He [[Embarrassing Middle Name|didn't like]] [[Overly Long Name|the other part]], though.
* The [[H.I.V.E. Series]] has the titular school, the '''H'''igher '''I'''nstitute of '''V'''illainous '''E'''ducation, as well as the '''G'''lobal '''L'''eague '''O'''f '''V'''illainous '''E'''nterprises.
* In the book ''[[Magic for Marigold]]'' by [[L.Lucy M.Maud Montgomery]], the Lesley clan gathers to come up with a name for the new child in the family. At one point, the name '''H'''arriet '''E'''llen '''L'''ouise '''L'''esley, after three women in the clan that were missionaries, is suggested. It is immediately dropped after the great-grandmother asks if they've considered what the initials spell.
* In the ''[[Gone (novel)]]'' series, everywhere under the impenetrable wall is called the FAYZ: '''F'''allout '''A'''lley '''Y'''outh '''Z'''one.
* The ''[[Dune]]'' series had a company called CHOAM (Combine Honnete Ober Advancer Mercantiles). Ellis Weiner's National Lampoon spoof novel ''Doon'' changed this to N.O.A.M.C.H.O.M.S.K.Y. In the German translation, it is called MAFEA ('''M'''erkantile '''A'''llianz für '''F'''ortschritt und '''E'''ntwicklung im '''A'''ll, literally "Mercantile Alliance for Progress and Development in Space").