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** Taken to extremes with Makoto, whose idea of foreplay is often to grab Yura and say "I'm going in!" and pouts when she turns down one of his constant pleas for sex until she relents. His saving graces are that he's a [[Nice Guy]] aside of that and he really loves Yura a lot for reasons outside of sex too.
** [[All Women Are Lustful|All the women are as well]]. Even [[Covert Pervert|Yura]] has her moments.
* [[Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other]]: Rika and Yamada have such moments from time to time, notwithstanding their hypocritical cheating on each other and their quarrelsomeness. {{spoiler|Rika ''does'' end up marrying someone else, though.}}
* [[Barbie Doll Anatomy]]: Though nudity abounds in this series, most shots have the male characters' groins either blacked out or blocked from view by a convenient body part, object, or text bubble. On the occasions when this isn't feasible for [[Raging Stiffie|male anatomy]], it's replaced with a banana. See [[Right Through His Pants]]. (It should also be noted that Yura practiced her techniques on a banana... Coincidence?)
** Interestingly, at the moment of penetration there is usually an inset box showing the genitals close-up. The catch is, it's a cross-section that looks like a clinical diagram of the organs, and so not designed for titillation.
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* [[Imagine Spot]]: Makoto, all the time. Occasionally happens to some other characters as well. This trope is also conveniently used to show Makoto having sex with other women while technically staying faithful to Yura.
* [[Innocent Innuendo]]: Though being a sexualy explicit manga series, it has its share of this. Yura thinks Makoto is cheating on her with Rika when they were making noises. Turns out, they were both playing a fighting game.
* [[ItsIt's All About Me]]: Makoto tends to focus on his own pleasure when in bed with Yura, at least partially because he doesn't actually know what else to do (justifying the existence of the work itself). Yamada, on the other hand, has no excuse for his refusal to use a condom regardless of any pregnancy potential. Rika eventually calls him on it by staging a pregnancy scare.
* [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]]: Taku Yamada is an extreme case, who will basically only be a nice person if he has no other choice.
* [[Ladykiller in Love]]: Matsuzaki.
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* [[Really Gets Around]]: Helloooo, Rika.
* [[Sickeningly Sweethearts]]: Makoto and Yura, in sharp contrast to the often-abrasive relationships around them.
* [[Spin -Off]]: ''Futari Ecchi for Ladies'' was also written.
* [[Stalker With a Crush]]: Matsuzaki has some vibes of this in his efforts to win over Kyoko. The fact that she exploits him as a chauffeur at first just makes their eventual hook-up that much creepier.
* [[Thanks for The Mammary]]: Makoto manages to get himself in this position often.
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** There are, of course, aversions as well, such as the chapter 3 claim that every female has a hymen.
* [[Tsundere]]: Makoto's cousin Kyouko. She's just as likely to [[Dope Slap]] Matsuzaki upside the head as she is to give him (perfectly genuine) passionate doe-eyes.
* [[Ugly Guy, Hot Wife]]: Makoto is portrayed as being no more than average-looking, while Yura is a hottie on all aspects, and characters constantly wonder [[What Does She See in Him?]]. Rika opines in ''For Ladies'' that his [[Gold Digger|significant paycheck]] was a major appeal. (Actual truth: they, you know, love each other and all that.)
* [[Unlucky Childhood Friend]]: {{spoiler|Miyuki}}
* [[Virginity Makes You Stupid]]: Both characters, though Yura at least has "[[My Girl Is Not a Slut]]" to justify it. (And even then, the attitudes of the characters around her suggest that, even if only among the eccentrics, it's becoming acceptable in Japan for women to be knowledgeable co-participants in bed.)