• The entire latest arc of the Gakuen Alice manga, from about chapter 90 on, made this troper bawl like a baby. First, Hotaru's older brother telling her that he really does love her, and he never forgot about her like she assumed he did. Then, the main characters go back in time to observe how Mikan's parents met. This culminates in her father's violent death, caused by a boy he essentially helped raise but orchestrated by the Big Bad. Then, flash forward nine months, to Mikan's birth, and a daydream/vision of her father's ghost holding the baby he never even knew was conceived. "Look, Yuka, it's a girl! She's so beautiful... Our Mikan..." SOB.
  • Far earlier on, there was a tearjerker that basically amounted to: "I am not crying over a penguin. I am no--- PENGUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNN!!"