Gambit Roulette: Difference between revisions

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If your first reaction to seeing the plan unfold is "There is no way that you ''planned'' that!", then it's roulette.
[[Gambit rouletteRoulette]] tries to make a character seem impressive but can break [[Willing Suspension of Disbelief]]. You ''really'' have to establish a character as [[The Chessmaster]] for them to be able to pull it off without arousing your audience's skepticism. If the character pulling the roulette is a god, a person with precognition, a hyper-advanced AI, or someone else with similar abilities interacting with mortals, it becomes ''somewhat'' more believable, but even then the [[Willing Suspension of Disbelief|suspension of disbelief]] can be tenuous at best.
If, as part of [[retcon]]ning in a new [[Big Bad]], everything up to then (including the supposed successes of the heroes against the old villains) is all part of a new scheme, its's [[Arc Welding]]. Also often the justification of the [[Omniscient Morality License]]; their control over events is supposedly total.
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* ''In [[Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality]]'', Draco remembers a tragedy play his father brought him to see (an expy of [[Death Note]]), and at the end, Lucius asked him what the meaning of the play was. Draco mistook it to be as clever as the characters. His father chastised him, saying that any plan that requires more than three steps to succeed is unlikely to the point of worthless. And because only a fool goes with a plan that is barely possible, you really should never plan more than two steps.
* Anytime anyone does anything in ''[[Light and Dark - The Adventures of Dark Yagami|Light and Dark The Adventures of Dark Yagami]]''.
* At the end of the ''[ Hero] [ High]'' [ Series]. The main villain Pharaoh Alexander Sovereign nee Tempus reveals that his entire plan that he has practically set up throughout the series, was to stop his mother's crazy plan, revealing her to be the true villain. Or at least the eviler of two evils. He was also known to being infamous for his plans within plans, as well as fully understanding what a person is likely to do in the situation he presents them.
* ''[[My Little Avengers]]'': It's eventually revealed that ''the entire plot'' was engineered by [[Big Bad|Loki]] in order to create a scenario wherein [[The Hero|Big Mac]] is forced to willingly surrender Thor's power, allowing Loki to take over Equestria. And it temporarily works, too, only being undone due to Pinkie Pie being a bigger [[Spanner in the Works]] than even [[Magnificent Bastard|Loki]] could have anticipated.
== Film ==