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** The PSP Remake removes the Retissue tactic, but some characters still manage to be overpowered, such as Canopus, who is a winged human who has high movement, is unrestricted by height and can be turned into one of the strongest archers in the game provided you have a class mark for it...which is 300 Goth...when an average battle rewards you with several thousand. Canopus can also be kept as a Vartan, allowing him to use a bow and axe, but they both need to be one handed and they don't do as much damage...but give him an absolutely amazing movement range. Did I mention you receive Canopus on the 4th mission of the game? The first 3 missions are all automatically performed, you can't lose.
** ''Knight Of Lodis'' had that any class could equip any weapon. Simple, right? Yeah, but then you've got a ghost that teleports to the target, floats, and uses a hammer. Or you can just use two insanely powerful spears (The second-most powerful weapon (after [[Infinity+1 Sword|the four Snapdragons]]) in the game, the Spear of Longinus, is [[Captain Obvious|a spear]].) and have your spear-using characters fight each other, hitting the target in the middle twice. (Does not work on Shaher, who stays in the corner.) And then there's [[Summon Magic]]...
*** A few more for [[Ko L]]KoL: [[Infinity+1 Sword|The four Snapdragons]] are on a completely different plane of existence compared to all your other weapons. You'd be very happy with a weapon of attack 60. Snapdragons: attack 75 right off that bat, and then you can improve that AND give your character stat boosts and special abilities by 'snapping' specific classes and characters. The Ninja and Swordmaster classes are both stupidly overpowered: Ninjas move three times faster than any other character, [[Disk One Nuke|are available at the beginning of the game]] and have an insane evasion score. Swordmasters are the same as Ninjas, but trade a tiny bit of speed for the ability to equip any sword in the game, and are cast buffs or status spells. Including Time Stop ([[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Stops time for the enemy team]]) or Teleport ([[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|teleport]]), which are already [[Game Breakers]] of themselves. Then you have sword techniques that cost a tiny bit of HP to use, but easily allow you to hit the damage cap if you have a Snapdragon... by the end you can beat the last boss with your main character and another (to use the Lance of Longinus to break the last boss's invulnerability field). In three turns (one turn to get there and break the field, two turns using of the time-stop special technique combo).
* ''[[Odium]]'' has the Attracting Device. When you deploy it on the ground during battle, monsters become hypnotized and won't attack you, instead trying to reach the device as fast as possible, thus earning you several turns of blasting them to bits without fear of retaliation. Some monsters are immune, but most aren't (including, ridiculously enough, {{spoiler|human enemies}}, making several potentially tough fights a doozy.) A fun thing to try is surrounding the device with your men to keep enemies from ever reaching it...
* Milanor from [[Yggdra Union]] gets very strong by the half of the game. Enough that his attack can top any kind of enemy even though he has a disadvantage in [[Tactical Rock-Paper-Scissors|a weapon triangle rule.]] And he's one of the main characters you need to use in every battle.