Game of Thrones/Heartwarming: Difference between revisions

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==Season 1==
* Jon giving Needle to Arya, followed by her glomping him.
* Going meta, Sophie Turner adopted the Northern Inuit Dog who played Lady.
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* A subversion: Joffrey's apology to Sansa is incredibly sweet, and would no doubt be near the top of this page if he were actually sincere.
==Season 2==
* Tyrion giving Sansa his sympathies over {{spoiler|her father Ned}}. What's amazing was the fact despite it was her mother that arrested him before, he holds no grudges against her since she's innocent. Also he believes Joffrey had no right {{spoiler|to kill Ned}}. Tyrion maybe an Imp, but he's got a heart.
* Slightly minor but anytime Tyrion dotes on his niece and nephew, Myrcella and Tommen.
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* Sansa's goofy little smile when she realizes {{spoiler|she no longer has to marry Joffrey.}} Why did Littlefinger have to come and spoil that moment for her?
[[Category:Live Action TV/Heartwarming]]
[[Category:Game of Thrones]]