Gamera/Fanfic Recs: Difference between revisions

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''[ Celluloid Heroes]'' by Doug Wood
* Recommended by [[Tropers/Dave The Analyzer|Dave The Analyzer]]
* ''Synopsis'': After Gamera leaves the destroyed ward of Shibuya, former Inspector Oosako struggles to survive and find purpose, rescuing other survivors as he does so.
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''[ Together]'' by Corvus no Genmu
* Recommended by [[Tropers/Dave The Analyzer|Dave The Analyzer]]
* ''Synopsis'': King and Guardian fic. They walked until the claws of their feet met the gentle caress of the ocean’s waves. They turned slowly, to look back at the one who was their enemy and yet not all the same.
* Tags: Crossover with ''[[Godzilla]]''
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[[Category:Fan Fic Recommendations]]
[[Category:Fanfic Recs]]