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''{{smallcaps|Regency Buck}}''
* [[Actually, That's My Assistant]]: Judith chats with a pleasant gentleman at one party, telling him she's heard a lot about [ Beau Brummell], the epitome of style, but what she's seen of the man doesn't impress her. She hasn't yet been told that Brummell is quietly elegant, not flashy like the fellow she mistook for him. Luckily, he's amused rather than offended and they become good friends.
* [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]]: Judith really does not get on with Worth for about half the book.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: Worth, who is busy being an arse to Judith's face while behind her back protecting her from fortune-hunters and her brother from murderers behind her back.
* [[Meet Cute]]
* [[Reverse Psychology]]: How Worth gets Judith to take the house he wants in Brighton.
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* [[Arranged Marriage]]: Tristram and Eustacie.
* [[Clear My Name]]: Ludovic.
* [[Great Way to Go]]: Old Lord Lavenham's dying words are a "gross" insult directed at the doctor attending his deathbed. His great-nephews are highly amused to hear this, one of them saying "how right, how fitting" it was for the old man's personality.
* [[Hoist By His Own Petard|Hoist by Her Own Petard]]: Sarah, asked in front of several witnesses why she ventured outdoors in the middle of the night, tries to embarrass Tristram (as well as concealing her true reason) by hinting she went out for a flirtation with him. "Miss Thane found that she had underrated her opponent." Tristram not only immediately agrees that she came to meet him, but embarrasses '''her''' by going on to state that they're "deeply in love."
* [[Snark-to-Snark Combat]]: Tristram and Sarah needle each other a lot; it's the "slapping" part of their [[Slap Slap Kiss]]. She says that at thirty-one, he's reached middle age (she's twenty-eight); he, when she pretends to faint, says they should throw cold water on her.
''{{smallcaps|The Toll-Gate}}''