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* [[It Seemed Like a Good Idea At the Time]]: See [[Twin Switch]] below.
* [[Parent Ex Machina]]: {{spoiler|Avon}}.
* [[Parental Marriage Veto]]: Mary fully expects one of these from Vidal's parents, {{spoiler|so she runs away before they get there;. avertedAverted because they both thoroughly approve of her}}.
* [[Poirot Speak]]: Leonie.
* [[Rescue Romance]]: Averted: Vidal is what Mary needs to be rescued ''from''. And he's determined to protect her from himself.
* [[Troubled but Cute]]: Vidal.
* [[Twin Switch]]: Sort of: Mary, although not Sophia's twin, swaps places with her in her elopement with Vidal in order to put him off.
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* [[Poirot Speak]]: Sancia.
* [[Slap Slap Kiss]]: Sophy and Charles.
** The last dialogue in the book is Charles refusing to cooperate with another of her schemes. Sophy exaggerates, saying it's proof that he doesn't love her (her phrasing makes plain that she isn't serious), and he, between kisses, agrees that he dislikes her "excessively." Followed by more kissing....
* [[Triang Relations]]: Sophy/Charles/Eugenia, Celia/Augustus/Charlbury.
* [[Wrong Guy First]]: Celia and Augustus.
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* [[Break the Haughty]]: Sylvester, though a mild example.
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: Sylvester.
* [[Evil Eyebrows]]: Sylvester's, although they only '''look''' the part.
* [[Evil Uncle]]: Subverted: Sylvester is perceived to be this by everyone, but he's actually a far better [[Parentalparental Figure]]figure than the boy's mother. Because she's [[Brainless Beauty|mind-numbingly stupid]].
* [[Like Brother and Sister]]: Phoebe and Tom.
* [[Mouthy Kid]]: Edmund.
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* [[Clear My Name]]: Ludovic.
* [[Great Way to Go]]: Old Lord Lavenham's dying words are a "gross" insult directed at the doctor attending his deathbed. His great-nephews are highly amused to hear this, one of them saying "how right, how fitting" it was for the old man's personality.
* [[Hoist By His Own Petard|Hoist by Her Own Petard]]: Sarah, asked in front of several witnesses why she ventured outdoors in the middle of the night, tries to embarrass Tristram (as well as concealing her true reason) by hinting she went out for a flirtation with him. "Miss Thane found that she had underrated her opponent." Tristram not only immediately agrees that she came to meet him, but embarrasses '''her''' by going on to state that they're "deeply in love." (Well, they '''are''', but at the moment he's saying that just for the amusement of seeing her outraged reaction. Hilariously, her brother is completely unfazed and mildly scolds, "You've been flirting again.")
* [[Snark-to-Snark Combat]]: Tristram and Sarah needle each other a lot; it's the "slapping" part of their [[Slap Slap Kiss]]. She says that at thirty-one, he's reached middle age (she's twenty-eight); he, when she pretends to faint, says they should throw cold water on her.