Georgette Heyer: Difference between revisions

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* [[Fair Play Whodunnit]]: ''Might'' be intentional... but if not, she was probably having an off day.
* [[The Fundamentalist]]: Constable Glass, [[Up to Eleven]].
* [[Reality Ensues]]: One early chapter includes some of the suspects thinking about how to get some [[IO Us]] out of a safe. Failing completely, they immediately [[Lampshade]] the situation by pointing out how much easier it would be [[Leaning Onon the Fourth Wall|if they were all characters in a detective novel]].
* [[Why Didn't You Just Say So?]]: The main conflict in the novel stems from a married couple who'd grown apart, whose rows verge on [[Melodrama]], [[Lampshaded]] by everyone present. [[Slap Slap Kiss|They later reconcile]], spouting dialogue [[Tastes Like Diabetes|so damn soppy]] that everyone lampshades '''that'''!
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''{{smallcaps|Behold, Here's Poison}}'' (detective novel)
* [[Asshole Victim]]
* [[Be Asas Unhelpful Asas Possible]]
* [[Evil Uncle]]
* [[Kissing Cousins]]
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* [[Happily Married]]: Avon and Léonie from ''These Old Shades''.
* [[Innocent Cohabitation]]: It may not have been intended as such, but Vidal goes to great lengths to make sure everyone knows he and Mary have not had sex.
* [[It Seemed Like a Good Idea At Thethe Time]]: See [[Twin Switch]] below.
* [[Parent Ex Machina]]: {{spoiler|Avon}}.
* [[Parental Marriage Veto]]: Mary fully expects one of these from Vidal's parents, {{spoiler|so she runs away before they get there; averted because they both thoroughly approve of her}}.
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* [[Cleaning Up Romantic Loose Ends]]
* [[The Chessmaster]]: Sophy, of course.
* [[Licked Byby the Dog]]: Everyone thinks Charles is a domestic tyrant, but Sophy knows better...because every animal in the novel loves and trusts him, of course!
* [[Locked in Aa Room]]: Subverted: Eugenia and Augustus are locked in a wood, but emerge only extremely annoyed.
* [[Love At First Sight]]: Parodied with Celia and Augustus.
* [[Only a Flesh Wound]]: Sophy shoots a friend in the arm with only the noblest of intentions.
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* [[Accidental Marriage]]: In "Hazard", the hero is so drunk when he wins the card game that he and the heroine are halfway to Gretna Green when he wakes up the next morning.
* [[Arranged Marriage]]: The hero of "Hazard" is about to go through with one of these; luckily for him, he has a [[Runaway Fiance]].
* [[Lost Him in Aa Card Game]]: "Hazard".
* [[Platonic Life Partners]]: Annabella and Tom from "Full Moon", who are very fond of each other and plan to elope only because Annabella is so horrified at the idea of marrying an old man.
* [[Repetitive Name]]: Carlington Carlington in "Hazard".
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''{{smallcaps|Regency Buck}}''
* [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]]: Judith really does not get on with Worth for about half the book.
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]: Worth, who is busy being an arse to Judith's face while protecting her from fortune-hunters and her brother from murderers behind her back.
* [[Meet Cute]]
* [[Reverse Psychology]]: How Worth gets Judith to take the house he wants in Brighton.
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* [[First Girl Wins]]: Subverted.
* [[Friendless Background]]: Hester, who isn't close to anyone but Gareth, and not that close to Gareth when the book begins.
* [[I Don't Want to Ruin Our Friendship|I Don't Want To Ruin Our Friendship]]: Hester's main anxiety about rejecting Gareth's first proposal.
* [[Mistaken for Cheating]]: Hester's family are shocked that Gareth would bring his supposed mistress to their house.
* [[Nobody Thinks It Will Work]]: Gareth and Hester.
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* [[Altar the Speed]]: John and Nell are...unexpectedly...married by Sir Peter's bedside because he's decided he wants it done before he dies.
* [[Historical In-Joke]]
* [[Stranger in Aa Familiar Land]]
''{{smallcaps|These Old Shades}}''